fortunes.lha |
util/misc |
817 |
5.2M |
1997-12-07 |
98506 cookies! - (readme) |
four_utils.lha |
util/misc |
792 |
2K |
1995-01-28 |
MMB-,hot-key utls,hardreset,script cmd - (readme) |
FreedomGer.lha |
1.10 |
util/misc |
706 |
8K |
1998-07-17 |
German Catalog set for Freedom1.10 - (readme) |
freeme2.lha |
0.4 |
util/misc |
914 |
393K |
2009-02-15 |
Removes drm from wmv/asf/wma files - (readme) |
FrenchCats.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
765 |
4K |
1996-05-29 |
French Catalogs of FTPMount 1.0 & DTpref 3.0 - (readme) |
freqmet.lha |
util/misc |
702 |
27K |
1998-04-12 |
Frequency meter for AURA equipped amigas - (readme) |
FRequest.lha |
util/misc |
748 |
15K |
1993-03-09 |
File requests args and executes a CLI cmd - (readme) |
Frogger-GUI.lha |
1.7 |
util/misc |
1650 |
25K |
2003-04-27 |
Reaction GUI for FroggerNG - (readme) |
FroggerNG_GUI.lha |
0.6 |
util/misc |
1381 |
34K |
2003-04-27 |
Control Panel for FroggerNG - (readme) |
froggui.lha |
0.3 |
util/misc |
1867 |
164K |
2006-08-16 |
GUI for FroggerNG - (readme) |
frog_scripts.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
911 |
26K |
2003-05-30 |
ToolBar Scripts and Buttons for FroggerNG - (readme) |
FrontPub.lha |
1.3 |
util/misc |
920 |
9K |
1998-04-28 |
Frontmost screen becomes default public screen - (readme) |
FTPMount-PL.lha |
util/misc |
829 |
2K |
2003-04-03 |
Polish locale for FTPMount 1.0 - (readme) |
FTransD_2.1a.lha |
util/misc |
755 |
287K |
1995-10-11 |
Translates texts and single words - (readme) |
ftype.lha |
util/misc |
712 |
33K |
1996-01-05 |
V1.0, Neural network learns about files - (readme) |
Fudgit233.lha |
util/misc |
696 |
698K |
1993-12-18 |
scientific curve fitting and data processing - (readme) |
FullReset.lha |
util/misc |
892 |
13K |
1989-11-27 |
Force reset to get rid of viruses. - (readme) |
fulltimedemo.lha |
util/misc |
682 |
90K |
1998-10-20 |
Amiga football prediction s/w v1.21 - (readme) |
fv-220.lha |
2.20 |
util/misc |
698 |
126K |
1998-01-23 |
Binary file editor with vi keystrokes - (readme) |
GadMget2.05.lha |
2.05 |
util/misc |
767 |
93K |
1995-08-06 |
Aminet RECENT browser V2.05 - (readme) |
Gamebench.lha |
v0.5 |
util/misc |
474 |
52K |
2023-05-03 |
WB 1.3 Front End for WHDLoad and JST - (readme) |
gammameter.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
1227 |
44K |
2008-07-13 |
Monitor gamma measurement tool. - (readme) |
GBar.lha |
util/misc |
878 |
74K |
1998-08-26 |
Very Nice Titlebar for Executive 2.1 - (readme) |
GBrun.lha |
util/misc |
788 |
7K |
1995-03-16 |
Degrader for gfx-boards (w/ 1 monitor) - (readme) |
GCatalogsITA.lha |
util/misc |
828 |
10K |
1995-12-17 |
Italian catalogs for PowerSnap, AlertPatch and SwazInfo. - (readme) |
gdiff.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
889 |
46K |
2002-01-08 |
Graphical frontend for diff,diff3 V1.0 - (readme) |
Geld_Pruef.lha |
util/misc |
656 |
9K |
1997-09-06 |
V1.2a: Check numbers of german money - (readme) |
GenRand_SE.lha |
1.0 - 13 Febbraio 1999. |
util/misc |
696 |
52K |
1999-02-15 |
Prog. SuperEnalotto (italiano) - (readme) |
GerCatBMM.lha |
1.7 |
util/misc |
770 |
19K |
1997-09-06 |
German Catalog for BackmanMui - (readme) |
getkick30_usr.lha |
util/misc |
1556 |
4K |
1996-11-21 |
Save Kickstart to a file - (readme) |
GetLastAlert.lha |
util/misc |
807 |
13K |
1996-03-21 |
1.1 Patch a CD32 bug: show the last Guru - (readme) |
getmodeinfo20u.lha |
util/misc |
778 |
4K |
1996-10-10 |
Get info about given screen mode - (readme) |
GetVer400.lha |
4.00 |
util/misc |
690 |
88K |
1996-05-03 |
Comfortable detection of files\' versions - (readme) |
GEV_SetUp.lha |
3.0 |
util/misc |
765 |
25K |
2001-07-09 |
Make `SetUp\' Global Enviroment Variables - (readme) |
GFLogger.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
717 |
13K |
1996-05-02 |
Logwindow program with ARexx port. v1.0. - (readme) |
GFXPatch1_1.lha |
util/misc |
797 |
5K |
1998-07-15 |
Patches gfx.lib to v40 on CyberGraphX systems - (readme) |
gfxroute.lha |
0.2 |
util/misc |
1773 |
10K |
2008-07-13 |
Control fscreen and CGFX mem allocs - (readme) |
Ghost.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
827 |
4K |
1997-08-15 |
Kill`s this stupid P-DMA Window! - (readme) |
GH_Browser.lha |
0.1 |
util/misc |
777 |
14K |
2000-01-01 |
A simple Browser for the GuruHistory from MCP - (readme) |
GifcomposerGer.lha |
2.1 |
util/misc |
722 |
7K |
1997-09-28 |
German Catalog for Gifcomposer - (readme) |
GlowAttack.lha |
First upload. |
util/misc |
1082 |
193K |
2001-07-29 |
\"Glow\" anims for ReqAttack v1.80+ - (readme) |
GlowAttackFix.lha |
First upload. |
util/misc |
790 |
5K |
2001-06-26 |
A Guide for GlowAttack (That works) - (readme) |
gmi22_usr.lha |
util/misc |
779 |
4K |
1996-11-13 |
Get info about given screen mode - (readme) |
goados.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
744 |
4K |
1997-11-18 |
Short A-DOS script to reset into a custom Shell - (readme) |
gpatch.lha |
3.0 |
util/misc |
4002 |
214K |
2002-09-22 |
Patch system for software updates - (readme) |
gpatch_os4.lha |
3.1 |
util/misc |
988 |
66K |
2011-11-30 |
Patch system for software updates - (readme) |
GPJS.lha |
util/misc |
795 |
21K |
1997-08-23 |
The new version of utility for join/split files(ITALIAN) - (readme) |
GPSTool.lha |
1.0 |
util/misc |
915 |
1.9M |
2018-11-02 |
Tool for GPS devices - (readme) |
GrabKick.lha |
1.21 |
util/misc |
11313 |
6K |
1998-04-12 |
V1.21 copy KICKSTART-ROM to a file - (readme) |
GrabKickDisk.lha |
1.1 |
util/misc |
3674 |
44K |
2017-09-10 |
Disk for grabbing & saving Kickstart ROM - (readme) |