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util/misc/frog_scripts.lha |
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The software may be freely distributed as long as the
archive remains intact, and is accompanied by this document.
What is Frog_Scripts? A collection of four shell scripts
and four images for use with toolbars. The idea is to be
able to play your movies, mpegs, and VideoCD's with as
little hassle as possible. This is not a full GUI, but a
simple short-cut for using FroggerNG.
Copy the shell_scripts directory into your
FroggerNG drawer.
If you do not use MorphOS or PPC, edit all four
scripts STACK line, to be appropriate for 68k
If you do not use MorphOS with your CDRom as the
Master on the second IDE channel, edit the two
VCD scripts to use your CDDevice and CDUNIT.
Otherwise, the scripts should be fine as is.
RexxMast must be running for the movie to play
From the "Settings" menu, select "NetConnect."
[NetConnectPrefs Window]
Select "New" from the list on the left. Give the
new toolbar a meaningful Name, and create a hotkey
(I use: alt f).
Create four buttons, giving each of them a
meaningful name (like the name of the script).
[Button Edit Window]
In the "Type" rotary gadget, select "DOS Script"
Program: Path:to/FroggerNG/shell_scripts/chosen-script
Image: Path:to/FroggerNG/shell_scripts/Images/#?.iff
Still in "Edit Icon" window, select the "Advanced Settings"
tab. Select the directory the script is in as the
Current Dir:. (Ex. Current Dir: Work:Frog/shell_scripts/)*
*note: some toolbars may not require this.
Move all buttons to the new bank, in whatever order
you choose.
Set the number of Rows, and other preferences to your
Legal: Use the included scripts and images at your own risk.
The author assumes no responsability about the usefulness
of the software for a given task, or for any damage caused
by using the software.
(c)2003 Dave Crawford.
Contents of util/misc/frog_scripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1274 2650 48.1% -lh4- fbc1 May 25 2003 frog_scripts.readme
[generic] 2193 2963 74.0% -lh4- 26d0 May 25 2003 frog_scripts.readme.info
[generic] 4017 4017 100.0% -lh0- 155b May 25 2003 preview.png
[generic] 2191 2963 73.9% -lh4- 2bff May 25 2003 preview.png.info
[generic] 1362 1694 80.4% -lh4- c1d3 May 25 2003 shell_scripts.info
[generic] 342 659 51.9% -lh4- 38d9 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/frogscreen
[generic] 682 1880 36.3% -lh4- c000 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/NG.iff
[generic] 2064 2247 91.9% -lh4- 183c May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/NG.iff.info
[generic] 1278 2488 51.4% -lh4- 3204 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/NGfs.iff
[generic] 2063 2247 91.8% -lh4- 57d0 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/NGfs.iff.info
[generic] 1367 2426 56.3% -lh4- 68a3 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/vcdNG.iff
[generic] 2064 2247 91.9% -lh4- 183c May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/vcdNG.iff.info
[generic] 1713 2722 62.9% -lh4- 1ff1 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/vcdNGfs.iff
[generic] 2064 2247 91.9% -lh4- 183c May 25 2003 shell_scripts/images/vcdNGfs.iff.info
[generic] 319 622 51.3% -lh4- b94b May 25 2003 shell_scripts/startfrog
[generic] 424 774 54.8% -lh4- bd0f May 25 2003 shell_scripts/StartVCD
[generic] 384 674 57.0% -lh4- c650 May 25 2003 shell_scripts/VCD_Screen
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 25801 35520 72.6% May 30 2003
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