There are many legitimate reasons for wishing to make a file copy of a ROM
image. I don't condone using this program for any illegal uses however. You
should be aware of the laws in your region with regard to fair use of
software, including software contained in ROMS.
GrabKick can be started from WorkBench or from Shell. It will generate a
SKick-like kickstart file named kick..... in the current drawer.
The points contain the version and revision number. With OS V37 the file
is named kick37175 or like this. (This only works if version is less than
100 and revision less than 1000, but I think it's a long time from now 40
to 100).
If you enter in Shell something as argument, this will be taken as a
filename instead of the internal name.
On Workbench start you will get an asl-requester asking you for a filename.
See GrabKick.a for an english revision history!
To use the kickstart use Skick, MKick or an other ROM kicker. Skick and
MKick can be found in util/boot.
Why use GrabKick and no other ROM grabber?
- it is short, only 488/544 bytes (assembler)
- it works on all OS versions from V33 (1.2) on
- it only produces complete files (deletion of partial file at to less
- startable from Shell and Workbench
- uses asl.library requesters for file selection (only OS2.0 and up)
(suggested by Ralf Gruner)
- calculates size of ROM (works with 256K, 512K, ...)
- it is Public Domain (including sources)
- it is better than all (most ?) other equal utils
Note: Some computer may have problems copying directly from ROM to a SCSI
device. In these cases copy the ROM image to ram first and transfer it
manually to disk or use the supplied GrabKickRAM utility.
Report suggestions and bugs to:
* snail-mail: * e-mail: *
* Dirk Stoecker * *
* Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 * *
* 01877 Bischofswerda * world wide web: *
* phone: * pgp key: *
* GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 * get with finger or from WWW pages *