84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
SatansPark.lha pix/anim 262 330K 1992-06-09 generic icon Unusual anim by Joseph Norman - (readme)
Santa.lha pix/anim 236 257K 1997-02-25 generic icon Christmas time anim - (readme)
SanSalvador.lha pix/anim 229 1.2M 2000-02-28 generic icon IFF-Animation to a short-story - (readme)
saku2001cam.mpg pix/anim 654 4.7M 2001-09-20 generic icon MPEG video collage of Saku 2001 webcams - (readme)
SadCircus.tar.gz 1.o pix/anim 364 83K 2007-07-01 generic icon Sadistic Circus anim - (readme)
runner.lha pix/anim 234 31K 1994-01-03 generic icon R3D v2.4 example anim of running legs - (readme)
RunMech.lha pix/anim 244 464K 1996-01-15 generic icon Running BattleMech Flic 24-bit full-screen animation made with Imagine4 & states. - (readme)
RRR-MC3.lha pix/anim 245 368K 1994-09-06 generic icon Malevolent Creations III - MultiMedia - (readme)
rot_goldami.lha pix/anim 233 1.3M 1999-05-17 generic icon Nice raytrace anim - (readme)
rotoscopes1.lha pix/anim 246 100K 1995-02-06 generic icon Two short hand-rotoscoped anims, girl and helicopter, great for genlock - (readme)
RotateAt2.lha pix/anim 221 147K 1996-05-14 generic icon A new rotating @ made of silver,raytraced. - (readme)
RotateAt.lha pix/anim 231 98K 1996-02-08 generic icon Raytraced anim 256 cols of a golden @ - (readme)
Rotable.mpg pix/anim 223 229K 1996-03-27 generic icon MPEG video stream created on an Amiga 1200 - (readme)
Roller.lha pix/anim 242 979K 1997-02-24 generic icon 3 lights 60 triangles - (readme)
RocketExhaust.lha pix/anim 255 243K 1996-03-08 generic icon Rocket Exhaust anim using Imagine 4.0 textures. - (readme)
RobShotw.lha pix/anim 231 614K 1997-11-17 generic icon RobotShot a Cinema 4D animation with sound - (readme)
Roadhog.lha pix/anim 239 676K 1996-02-02 generic icon Roadhog Animation 1/1 *ECS* - (readme)
Ripples.lha pix/anim 283 393K 1988-01-01 generic icon Animation from Badge Killer Demo Contest - (readme)
rings19.lha pix/anim 217 91K 1994-03-17 generic icon 3d ray-traced 24-bit frame from anim for Picasso - (readme)
rings.lha pix/anim 268 4.3M 1994-03-17 generic icon 3d ray-traced 24-bit anim for Picasso, w/player - (readme)
RingAnim.lha pix/anim 231 499K 1992-04-06 generic icon Two rings spinning on a platform. - (readme)
Rhythm.lha pix/anim 283 1.6M 1996-11-19 generic icon 3D Anim w/music by Abe. Name:RYTHM Soft:Real3d - (readme)
Revenge.lha pix/anim 254 805K 1995-06-16 generic icon Hedgehogs Revenge on the Car - (readme)
Remix.lha pix/anim 236 205K 1996-05-01 generic icon 2D logo anim 320x256x5x190 - (readme)
Reliant2.lha pix/anim 227 138K 1995-10-27 generic icon Tobias Richter animation - (readme)
Reliant1.lha pix/anim 215 73K 1995-10-27 generic icon Tobias Richter animation - (readme)
ReleaseMe.lha pix/anim 257 405K 1995-06-16 generic icon Good Comedy Animation - (readme)
Rejects.lha pix/anim 369 1.7M 1997-11-17 generic icon 3 minute Cartoon with sound! - (readme)
redbaron.lha pix/anim 236 646K 1995-05-06 generic icon Four .anims created with the PD morpher Phantasmos. - (readme)
real3d2anims.lha pix/anim 241 773K 1993-04-14 generic icon Example animations done with Real3d 2 - (readme)
Rats.lha pix/anim 209 287K 1995-06-21 generic icon A Brief Animation involving two Rats - (readme)
RainbowWorld.lha pix/anim 254 1.4M 1997-02-08 generic icon 2D 256 color AGA Anim5 - (readme)
raider_moa.mpg pix/anim 203 209K 1999-10-28 generic icon MPG-Animation with Babylon5 Raider Objects - (readme)
RAC-cartoons-1.lha pix/anim 238 333K 1995-10-27 generic icon Several cartoon animations - (readme)
RabidRabbit.lha pix/anim 228 778K 1997-05-05 generic icon Rabid Rabbit Animation - 2 MEGS NEEDED - (readme)
r-attmpeg.mpg pix/anim 178 880K 1997-07-15 generic icon Raider Attack MPEG Version - (readme)
R-att2_w_cdxl.lha pix/anim 456 7.0M 1997-12-15 generic icon Raider2 CDXL animation with soundtrack - (readme)
R-Att2_w.mpg pix/anim 181 745K 1997-12-24 generic icon Raider attack 2 in mpeg format - (readme)
r-att.lha pix/anim 486 7.3M 1997-03-07 generic icon CDXL Animation with sound - (readme)
QuantumMan.lha pix/anim 214 1.3M 1996-08-06 generic icon 3dAnimation of a man running atop a maze - (readme)
Pult.lha pix/anim 219 22K 1996-01-28 m68k-amigaos icon 250 frame D-Paint animation - (readme)
PSI-Division.lha pix/anim 234 36K 2000-07-05 generic icon Splitting Greek - (readme)
pppclub.lha pix/anim 214 140K 1997-09-23 generic icon The Pish-Posh Pony Club anim. - (readme)
Power2Move.lha pix/anim 213 24K 1997-09-23 generic icon Cheeky Miggy\'s at it again. - (readme)
povo.lha 6.9 pix/anim 218 143K 1999-10-31 generic icon Very elite anim i made... bla gamm - (readme)
potdemo.lha pix/anim 233 1.5M 1995-10-27 generic icon Older animation - (readme)
Portada2_92.lha pix/anim 211 365K 1992-11-04 generic icon Imagine 2.0 anim by Alejandro Garza - (readme)
Porsche.lha pix/anim 232 1.4M 1996-10-10 generic icon An anim with a Porsche...Download now :-) - (readme)
Polyeder.mpg pix/anim 174 446K 1998-01-26 generic icon MPEG anim of two polyhedrons - (readme)
PobreJoaquim.lha pix/anim 241 991K 2000-10-04 generic icon The famous Joaquim anim. Now with sound! - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 6 >7< 8 9 ... 16 17 18 19 20
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