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I did this animation december 1995 using Real 3D. Each frame took 21
minutes to render. I used one of my anims, DENS, as the screen picture.
Both of these Anims on Aminet are scaled to 1/4 of their real size ( I
don't think many people could watch them or would like to download
6.4 mb of stuff ) If somebody wants the big version, tell me...
The sample included is an extract from a song called 'RealDeep', from my
( and my brother´s ) CD called 'Drone 5'. If you are interested in it,
contact us. It has been sequenced using my Amiga 1200 and Bars & Pipes,
and run from a YAMAHA SY85 synthesiser. The samples in the song were
taken using Clarity 16 bit sampler.
The animation and the sample are only for yourself and can be distributed
through Aminet only. If you want to use it any other way, you will have
to contact me first.
The Scala script included is for watching the animation while you listen
to the music. You need an ASSIGN called 'Dens:', where the animation and
the sample are supposed to be. I don´t know there requirements for
watching this properly ( ram, cpu speed, scala version, ... )
I use an A1200, 030/50, 10 mb ram, Scala MM400.
I tried to synchronice the music to the anim, but I wasn´t able to get it
Enjoy it !
Abe -> Graphics
Ham -> Sound
Hamoid -> On the Net
Abraham -> Me.
Contents of pix/anim/Rhythm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 137990 171492 80.5% -lh5- e172 Aug 11 1996 RealDeep.iff
[generic] 1493282 1628092 91.7% -lh5- ff55 Aug 11 1996 Rhythm.anim
[generic] 826 1449 57.0% -lh5- eccb Nov 8 1996 Rhythm.readme
[generic] 126 153 82.4% -lh5- 3675 Nov 8 1996 Rhythm.script
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 1632224 1801186 90.6% Nov 18 1996
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