84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
WF7_MVS-Cube3.mpg pix/anim 176 506K 1999-04-30 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Cube 3 Anim - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Cube2.mpg pix/anim 338 506K 1999-04-30 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Cube 2 Anim - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Cube1.mpg pix/anim 181 506K 1999-04-30 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Cube 1 Anim - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Blur2.mpg pix/anim 384 506K 1999-05-17 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Blur 2 Anim - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Blur1.mpg pix/anim 227 506K 1999-05-17 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Blur 1 Anim - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Block2.mpg pix/anim 274 506K 1999-04-26 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Shadow Block - (readme)
WF7_MVS-Block1.mpg pix/anim 203 506K 1999-04-26 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Block - (readme)
WF7_MVS-4Wat.mpg pix/anim 217 504K 1999-05-10 generic icon Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - 4xWater Anim - (readme)
wf7_fold_anim.lha pix/anim 240 356K 1999-01-07 generic icon Wildfire7\\PPC - Folding 1+2 MPEG Anims - (readme)
WellDipper.lha pix/anim 214 551K 1997-02-14 generic icon No, not a water well... - (readme)
wedding.lha pix/anim 264 286K 1996-07-17 generic icon Animation of the Hindu Wedding Ceremony. - (readme)
Weather_ANIM_2.lha pix/anim 255 2.6M 1996-12-18 generic icon Satellite Anim of weather. Smaller. - (readme)
Weather_ANIM.lha pix/anim 284 4.6M 1996-11-22 generic icon Spectacular Satellite Anim of weather. - (readme)
WDR_CC_Nacht.lha pix/anim 272 3.5M 1998-12-10 generic icon Interview of Petro T. at the CC_Night - (readme)
wavingrose.lha pix/anim 502 1.4M 1999-04-19 generic icon Waving rose animation created by WildFire 7.0 - (readme)
waves_retina_1.lha pix/anim 242 624K 1994-01-20 generic icon Retina Anim of Soothing Twilight Waves - (readme)
waves_HAM_1.lha pix/anim 237 1.4M 1994-01-20 generic icon HAM Anim of Soothing Twilight Waves - (readme)
WaveSIRDham.lha pix/anim 244 1.4M 1993-02-26 generic icon Single image random dot animation that shows a sinewave generator in a plane - (readme)
WarpAnim.lha pix/anim 238 453K 1995-06-02 generic icon Warper anim <with Photogenics1.2> - (readme)
Warp.lha pix/anim 473 670K 1996-10-31 generic icon Anim spacefighter going into warp - (readme)
Walter.lha pix/anim 245 20K 1996-05-01 generic icon Cartoon anim 320x256x4x173 - (readme)
Walker_B.lha pix/anim 241 600K 1995-06-17 generic icon Walker Animation (2Meg) - (readme)
Walker_A.lha pix/anim 255 507K 1995-06-17 generic icon Walker Animation (2Meg) - (readme)
Walker2_B.lha pix/anim 260 458K 1995-06-17 generic icon Walker 2 Animation (2Meg) - (readme)
Walker2_A.lha pix/anim 245 435K 1995-06-17 generic icon Walker 2 Animation (2Meg) - (readme)
W-Spin.mpg pix/anim 213 356K 1996-07-26 generic icon MPEG of the Zapruder Film, done with A1200 - (readme)
VTree.lha pix/anim 254 1.5M 1994-02-02 generic icon anim of tree from Vertex modeler - (readme)
VSentidos.lha pix/anim 229 448K 1996-07-07 generic icon Anim by FReDiuS DaRDe - (readme)
Voyager.lha pix/anim 333 5.2M 1999-02-27 generic icon SoundANIM scene from the Voyager Intro - (readme)
Voiddroid.lha pix/anim 233 39K 1996-05-01 generic icon 2D robot anim 320x256x6x34 - (readme)
VirtualWorld.lha pix/anim 238 430K 1995-10-27 generic icon Animation by Thomas Landspurg - (readme)
Viperanim.lha 1.0 pix/anim 265 700K 1997-08-30 generic icon Mainactor anim - (readme)
VigoAMIGA.lha pix/anim 255 2.8M 1996-08-09 generic icon Anim released during the \"VigoAMIGA.1\" meeting - (readme)
Viereck.mpg pix/anim 296 15M 2000-11-27 generic icon Animation made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/FunDesign - (readme)
vfxanim.lha pix/anim 540 1.4M 1997-06-27 generic icon 320X200 HAM anim made with VisualFX for ImageFX - (readme)
Vespa.lha pix/anim 214 149K 1999-02-19 generic icon Imagine anim of Vespa scooter. - (readme)
Ventana.lha pix/anim 235 119K 1996-07-07 generic icon Anim by FReDiuS DaRDe - (readme)
Vaxons.lha pix/anim 300 438K 1996-05-01 generic icon 2D CDTV promotion 320x256x5x748 - (readme)
VaseDCTV.lha pix/anim 243 358K 1992-08-03 generic icon Blue vase rotating, for DCTV - (readme)
vangogh.lha pix/anim 220 133K 1994-06-03 generic icon TheTrueStoryOfVanGogh\'sEar - (readme)
valkyrie_trans.lha pix/anim 217 606K 1993-09-11 generic icon Plane that morphs into a robot - (readme)
valkyrie.lha pix/anim 225 606K 1993-09-12 generic icon Transformer anim in anim7 format - (readme)
VakumTryne.lha pix/anim 269 812K 2003-02-09 generic icon Short funny animation by RHz - (readme)
Uwianims.lha pix/anim 238 76K 1996-02-03 generic icon 3 very strange anim-storys - (readme)
USFlag.lha pix/anim 238 997K 1994-06-05 generic icon 50 frame anim of US Flag - (readme)
upgrade.lha pix/anim 784 3.4M 1992-03-20 generic icon Excellent animation, requires 5M RAM - (readme) pix/anim 304 48M 2006-09-04 generic icon UP ROUGH 'Mekka Symposium 2001 report' - (readme)
unforgot.lha pix/anim 225 980K 1994-06-08 generic icon Cowboy animation w/svx-1.5 chip 2 fast. - (readme)
under.lha pix/anim 249 122K 1996-08-15 generic icon 1000 frame trance Anim. By Abe. - (readme)
Umwelt.lha pix/anim 234 1.8M 1996-03-07 generic icon Animation with environmental theme - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
1 2 >3< 4 5 ... 16 17 18 19 20
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