Short:        Walker 2 Animation (2Meg)
Author:       Imaginetics
Uploader:     icwhitti glamorgan ac uk (Ian Whiting)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

This is the Walker 2 Animation. A Classic.

Disk 2 of 2

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  162864   90188 44.6% 13-Jun-95 20:33:48 +4.1.anim
   25082   17149 31.6% 13-Jun-95 20:33:50 +4.4.anim
   68538   46062 32.7% 13-Jun-95 20:33:38 +4.5.anim
   74378   44746 39.8% 13-Jun-95 20:33:32 +4.6.anim
  134018   81200 39.4% 13-Jun-95 20:33:26 +4.7.anim
  187820  106415 43.3% 13-Jun-95 20:33:18 +4.8.anim
    5268    3027 42.5% 13-Jun-95 20:33:50 +wbmove
   16554    9641 41.7% 13-Jun-95 20:34:02 +4.1.pic
   15582    8131 47.8% 13-Jun-95 20:34:00 +4.2.pic
     221     125 43.4% 13-Jun-95 20:33:52
   16334   11268 31.0% 13-Jun-95 20:33:58 +4.3.pic
   15040   11018 26.7% 13-Jun-95 20:33:58 +4.4.pic
   17312    9453 45.3% 13-Jun-95 20:33:56 +4.5.pic
   16924    9499 43.8% 13-Jun-95 20:33:56 +4.6.pic
   15572    9196 40.9% 13-Jun-95 20:33:54 +4.7.pic
   12662    9121 27.9% 13-Jun-95 20:33:52 +4.8.pic
    3112    1319 57.6% 13-Jun-95 20:34:00 +5.1.pic
     101      77 23.7% 13-Jun-95 20:34:02 +startup-sequence
     232     135 41.8% 13-Jun-95 20:34:02  system-configuration
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  787614  467770 40.6% 13-Jun-95 20:36:12   19 files