Fantasia-Aiheisten Good Nimien Oiva Tuottaja
A Genuine Plörö Production by K.Veijalainen <veijalai@cc.lut.fi>
This util creates unlimited amount of names for RPG characters. It reads
syllables from stdin and then creates the names and prints them immediately
(not much memory should be used).
There is no checking for multiple entries of same name... redirect the
output to some util created for that purpose, if you want to.
cat syllables | fagot 100 | sort | kill2x >outputfile
...or something like that.
Format of syllablefile:
1st syllables
2nd syllables
3rd syllables
The '-'-character marks that next list of syllables starts from next line.
Names consist of 2 or 3 syllables each.
Only source included (I don't have a C compiler for Amiga).