SZENARION V2.05 (german), each new 2.0X means about 100h of work!!!
(have a look on whats new !!)
This mighty tool was designed to help the dungeon-master handling his/her
party during hand to hand combats. You will never again have the need for
additional arms, eyes and brains when leading your party into an encounter!
Use the SZENARION, lean back, relax and give smart hints to your players.
This time they will be really in trouble if they act foolish again! This
time your carefully designed nonplayer-characters will do their best to
turn the heat on!
You have earned this break, use it!
It isn't! This program transforms, illuminates and dithers 3600 triangles
and objects in only 42 seconds (on 68030 MMU 25MHZ, 4 planes NOT CHUNKY).
I think this is more than acceptable, keeping in mind that this program
isn't even written in C or fully ASSEMBLER (till now).
- AMIGA :)
- OS2++
- 68020++ (MMU)
- flickerfixer (NTSCHIGHRESLACED) or AGA-chipset (EURO72)
- harddisk (5MB)
- 3MB++ ram
If I sum up the time I've spend on this project, the shareware-fee (15DM)
seems like a bad joke. After nearly four years (begining under OS1.3) of
constant development I could also name it GIFTWARE. I don't think that any
commercial software-developer will ever start such a project. I would'nt
have done it, too, if it would'nt have been for myself and my own
RPG-party. Some people even offered me the possibility to distribute it...
If f.e. D&D® would bring out such a tool, perhaps with nice
animation-sequences on the right places, the kids would storm the stores
and spend even more than 100DM. But I think, only a real rolegame-player
with years of rolegame-experience is able to create such an usable tool.
Thanks to all honest people who registered, reported bugs or made
This question is easy to answer: The keyfile for all versions 2.0x will
stay the same --- so you can always use the newest version of the Szenarion
for more than a year!
Sorry, at this time there is no english version, but a readme.txt is
included, so you can test it and contact me, if it fits your needs. Main
features so far (after 3.8 years of hard work):
- 3-D/2-D look
- Create a battlefield up to 100x100 squares (200x200 meters)
- use up to 60 diffrent iff-graphics to stock your dungeon/battlefield
- replace/add own graphics
- Set up to 50 player/non-player characters, refered in character files,
you can transfer from many rolgame-systems
- wired-frame-mode for better access to edges
- new method for setting flags of the PlantFlagSet
- ascii-map-creation
- creates an icon for each saved allfile. You can fill in all
allfile-details by double-clicking it (if you have SYS:Tools/MEmacs as
ascii-editor. Otherwise change the editor-path in the icon(s)).
- save-bug removed
- much faster coloring of single fields implemented
- 3-D look
- 1-4 player characters work at the same time, everyone gets own
informations (corresponding to character-values and surrounding)
- 19 diffrent acting-guidelines for movement, conversation, fighting,
- documentation for each simulation possible (none/ASCII/TeX)
- test-simulation without players
- Master is able to interfer in each simulation-round
- unlimeted number of spells possible, conversion can be done for most
spells of your rolegame system
- trinagle-Scene
- flat-shading
- dithering
- de-Casteljau (Bezier) curves
- new menu-points (riding, using items...)
- EURO72 screens for A1200/A4000
- improved documantation as ascii or TeX-output
- placing of groups on empty fields possible
- badly wounded NPC will desert, try to escape or hide, if possible
- hiding is more effective
- slow moving characters (annähern/schleichen) are able to fire
their bows(..) in the next round
- riding works correct now!
- crashing in enemy lines with speed takes special harm (kinetic energie)
- four ambiente-settings for full-version-owners (different light settings)
- additional distance-information in attack-menus
- "hero of the Szenarion"-skull-statistic: All player-characters of the
actual encounter are displayed at the end of a battle with a (critical)
hitpoint-statistic. The bravest of ALL (still living) characters (even
NPC's) is displayed above them.
- a little bit faster :)
- now players can choose between light/medium/full attacks. Light and medium
attacks transfer unsused offensive-points to their defense-value.
- improved statistics
- minor changes in setting groups (easier->faster) - more contrast in
master-menu for all 14'users (..)
- minor allocation-bug removed.
- about 9% faster rendering.
RKSprint (V2.02)
Tool for directing fight-documentation to your printer
Charakterblatt (V2.03)
Makes a TeX-document from any character of your characters/ drawer.
Now spell:-)bugfixed and with icon-creation(V2.05).
NeuerCharakter (V2.04)
Makes character-creation and handling easier (see below). Now everyone can
create/transfer new characters without hours of reading. All library-
entries are made automaticly!
Intelligent icon-creation (V2.04)
If working with >NeuerCharakter<, your characters will be represented by
individual icons, refered by their entry "Bild" from their .char-file. You
can also edit your characters from now on.
++Zauber (V2.05)
This tool helps you editing spells for your spell-casters. An icon will be
created for each new saved spell.
To install V2.05, you only have to extract the SzenarionV2.lha-file to a
directory and use the HDinstall-icon.
If you want to install from a disk-drive, extract files to desired disk(s).
If you can't extract them to one single disk (in case of a DD-disk-drive),
copy the file szen_2.lha to a second, szen_3.lha to a third disk and use
the HDinstall-icon also. The install-script is able to handle it.
Originaly this package was developed for the MERS® system (engl. MERP®),
but an experienced role-game-master should be able to convert his
characters from any other system as D&D®, AD&D®, DSA® etc. Refer the
Szenarion.dvi-file for special guidelines.
OK, OK.. here is the (in german). It covers all topics
the .dvi-file does, too.
I've planned to intigrate some film-sequences and (mod-)musics. If you like
to improve this tool with your artwork, contact me. I also seek for talented
role-game-folk, to start new projects...
V1.03 Aminet-CD-8
V2.02 Aminet-CD-11
V2.03 Aminet-CD-12
V2.04 Amiga-Cover-CD-ROM/APC&TCP-CLUB-CD-ROM but still missing the freeCD!
V2.045 B*E*R*L*I*N PD Spielekiste
-There were some problems to work with the editor-screen on the A1200. I
made some changes, but I could'nt test them till now. Report Bugs to me!
-When removing a player character during simulation by master-menu,
sometimes the menu points to NULL. Till now I could'nt reproduce the bug
and localize the error.
-Stacksize might be to big for simple Amigas with 3MB ram. Shrink the
stack size to 300000 Byte:) in icons RKSim and Field-Editor. In that case
and don't use ''big'' scenarios with more than 30 characters
(f.e. killingFields).