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Short:RPG game written in AmosPro
Author: fbazzo at (Fabrizio Bazzo)
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Download:game/role/Cyberdrone.lha - View contents

       HOW TO PLAY

       Cyberdrone is a RPG game with  a  sci-fi background; in this
       game you play the role of a cadaver.
       Well, to be more precise, of a clinically dead subject whose
       body has been sold to a corporation  specialized in building
       cyborgs. The good  news  is  that  your  brain  has not been
       damaged and still retains all  your  memory; the bad news is
       that nobody cares for this and what is left of you is thrown
       into the productive process as raw material.
       Fortunatly, a failure of the machinery avoids you the latest
       phase of the process, and  this  is the point where the game
       Your task is simple: find the exit and flee.
       To do such a simple  thing,  though,  you  must  explore the
       complex,  collect  the   magnetic  keys  needed  to  explore
       further, find the controller  cards  for  all the cybernetic
       devices that are now an integral  part of your body, keep up
       the energy level and feed your organic subsystem.
       The only way out is blocked by a security door, whose sensor
       will not let pass any synthetical being, so your only chance
       is to disable the sensor by  activating  the self destroying
       sequence; to sort out how is one of yours problems.
       Many others problems are scattered  around the complex; some
       of them walk, others just wait for you to step on them.
       To make the task a bit easyer  I  have enclosed a brief list
       of hints: feel free to ignore them if you are an experienced
       RPG player, but at your own peril.


Contents of game/role/Cyberdrone.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  262     628  41.7% -lh5- d7a6 Dec 15  1996
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 82bf Aug 20  1995 CyberDrone/.info
[generic]                93969  188368  49.9% -lh5- 314f Dec 15  1996 CyberDrone/Cyberdrone
[generic]                 2695    6319  42.6% -lh5- f792 Dec 15  1996 CyberDrone/Cyberdrone.doc
[generic]                  248     845  29.3% -lh5- d36d Aug 19  1995 CyberDrone/
[generic]                  296    1174  25.2% -lh5- 14f5 Dec 15  1996 CyberDrone/
[generic]                63629   96374  66.0% -lh5- eb9c Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FINAL.DAT
[generic]                 4028    5162  78.0% -lh5- c8b6 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSA.FOE
[generic]                 4187    5140  81.5% -lh5- 58f0 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSB.FOE
[generic]                 4146    5104  81.2% -lh5- 0447 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSC.FOE
[generic]                 4601    5322  86.5% -lh5- b13d Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSD.FOE
[generic]                 4835    5832  82.9% -lh5- 7551 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSE.FOE
[generic]                 4258    5156  82.6% -lh5- 3a57 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSF.FOE
[generic]                 4470    5592  79.9% -lh5- 7b7f Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSG.FOE
[generic]                 5027    5964  84.3% -lh5- edba Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSH.FOE
[generic]                 4837    5530  87.5% -lh5- c38a Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSI.FOE
[generic]                 4808    5914  81.3% -lh5- e659 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSJ.FOE
[generic]                 4384    5422  80.9% -lh5- 22a6 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSK.FOE
[generic]                 3641    4520  80.6% -lh5- 474b Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSL.FOE
[generic]                 4055    5174  78.4% -lh5- fa2a Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSM.FOE
[generic]                 2026    3264  62.1% -lh5- 698f Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/FRMSN.FOE
[generic]                 4484    8720  51.4% -lh5- d579 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/INFO1.PIC
[generic]                 5831   13106  44.5% -lh5- 013c Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/INFO2.PIC
[generic]                38107   62278  61.2% -lh5- 4732 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/INTRO.DAT
[generic]                65505  102874  63.7% -lh5- 9653 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/KERNEL
[generic]                 2490    5422  45.9% -lh5- 46f9 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR00.ENV
[generic]                 2611    5186  50.3% -lh5- f735 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR01.ENV
[generic]                 3379    5674  59.6% -lh5- e9ff Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR10.ENV
[generic]                 4873    6938  70.2% -lh5- 1130 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR11.ENV
[generic]                 3746    5134  73.0% -lh5- 1bf1 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR20.ENV
[generic]                 6633    9248  71.7% -lh5- 3c7b Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR21.ENV
[generic]                 5066    7382  68.6% -lh5- 03e5 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR30.ENV
[generic]                 8804   11292  78.0% -lh5- cbd7 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR31.ENV
[generic]                 3800    5446  69.8% -lh5- 57c0 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR40.ENV
[generic]                 5555    8180  67.9% -lh5- 8f62 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Data/TWR41.ENV
[generic]                  228     388  58.8% -lh5- 6b8e Aug 19  1995 CyberDrone/
[generic]                   40     524   7.6% -lh5- 2bda Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Fonts/Cyb.font
[generic]                  378     600  63.0% -lh5- cc5c Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Fonts/Cyb/6
[generic]                  676    1044  64.8% -lh5- a061 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Fonts/Cyb/8
[generic]                 6319   26000  24.3% -lh5- d166 Jan 24  1995 CyberDrone/Saved_games/Default.SAV
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        40 files  388969  652282  59.6%            Dec 20  1996
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