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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
Xtender197.lha 1.97 comm/irc 543 8K 1996-05-21 generic icon Xtender AREXX Script for AmIRC - (readme)
XdccGet.lha 3.55 comm/irc 583 67K 1999-01-30 m68k-amigaos icon The fastest GUI for XDCC Requesting - (readme)
xchat2mirc_1.0_mos.lha 1.0 comm/irc 826 12K 2006-12-25 ppc-morphos icon xchat2mirc - (readme)
wordalert.lha comm/irc 525 9K 1999-10-27 generic icon Notifications for certain keywords - (readme)
wookieclassy.lha 1.0 comm/irc 1067 1K 2008-02-15 generic icon A classy colour theme for WookieChat - (readme)
WookieChat_CAT.lha comm/irc 1049 4K 2008-09-15 generic icon Catalan catalog for Wookichat - (readme)
WookieChat2.11_OS4.lha 2.11 comm/irc 1492 1.7M 2009-01-31 ppc-amigaos icon IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) - (readme)
WookieChat2.11_OS3.lha 2.11 comm/irc 2931 1.1M 2009-01-31 m68k-amigaos icon IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) - (readme)
WookieChat2.11_MOS.lha 2.11 comm/irc 2204 1.4M 2009-01-31 ppc-morphos icon IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) - (readme)
WookieChat2.11_AROS.lha 2.11 comm/irc 1330 1.0M 2009-01-31 i386-aros icon IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) - (readme)
Wallchop_src.lha comm/irc 536 32K 2003-11-09 generic icon Wallchop plugin for AmIRC 2+, sources - (readme)
Wallchop.lha 3.2 comm/irc 635 20K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon Wallchop plugin for AmIRC 2+ - (readme)
Wallchop-AmIPlug.lha 3.3 comm/irc 1096 14K 2009-05-12 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Wallchop-Plugin - (readme)
uptimeamirx.lha 1.0 comm/irc 913 1K 2006-02-02 generic icon trigger script for an uptime contest - (readme)
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha 3.1.6-Noon comm/irc 1494 824K 2007-08-18 m68k-amigaos icon UnrealIRCd 3.1.6-Noon (Non-SSL & SSL) - (readme)
Unreal32B12.lha 3.2-Selene[beta12] comm/irc 615 704K 2002-11-06 m68k-amigaos icon Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Dreamforge - (readme)
UltimateIRCd-b.lha 2.8.0-ArcticTiger comm/irc 652 376K 2000-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon Adv. IRCd Hybrid based on DreamForge IRCd - (readme)
Typo_src.lha comm/irc 586 38K 2003-11-09 generic icon Typo fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+, sources - (readme)
Typo.lha 2.5 comm/irc 634 29K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon Typo fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+ - (readme)
Typo-AmIPlug.lha 3.2 comm/irc 1720 18K 2009-08-04 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Typo fixer plugin - (readme)
Trivia.lha 1.0 comm/irc 615 3K 1997-03-03 generic icon Trivia game for AmIRC! - (readme)
Trigger.lha 1.25 comm/irc 705 32K 2002-11-06 m68k-amigaos icon Trigger plugin for AmIRC 3+ - (readme)
translate1.3.lha comm/irc 594 7K 1998-01-05 generic icon Multi-language IRC translator script - (readme)
TrackChanged.lha comm/irc 614 5K 2002-02-08 m68k-amigaos icon Display AAMP track and artist in AMIRC - (readme)
topic.lha comm/irc 623 4K 1997-02-02 generic icon Random Topic provider for AmIRC - (readme)
TicTacToe.lha 1.0 comm/irc 659 3K 1996-11-19 generic icon TicTacToe game for AmIRC! - (readme)
Text_src.lha comm/irc 631 35K 2003-11-09 generic icon Text effects plugin for AmIRC 3+, sources - (readme)
Text.lha 3.6 comm/irc 700 30K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon Text effects plugin for AmIRC 3+ - (readme)
Text-AmIPlug.lha 3.6 comm/irc 1137 16K 2009-05-11 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Text effects plugin - (readme)
Tellme_src.lha comm/irc 637 32K 2003-11-09 generic icon Tellme plugin for AmIRC 2+, sources - (readme)
Tellme.lha 1.0 comm/irc 699 19K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon Tellme plugin for AmIRC 2+ - (readme)
Tellme-AmIPlug.lha 1.2 comm/irc 1092 6K 2009-05-09 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Tellme-Plugin - (readme)
TeaBot.lha 0.98.2 comm/irc 631 39K 1999-08-11 m68k-amigaos icon Feature packed IRC BOT addon for AmIRC - (readme)
TalkTo.lha comm/irc 703 1K 1997-02-17 generic icon ARexx script for AmIRC & AmTALK - (readme)
Tabs_src.lha comm/irc 644 31K 2003-11-09 generic icon Tabs fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+, sources - (readme)
Tabs.lha 1.1 comm/irc 717 18K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon Tabs fixer plugin for AmIRC 3+ - (readme)
Tabs-AmIPlug.lha 1.2 comm/irc 1175 6K 2009-05-08 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Tabulator fixer plugin - (readme)
Sysinfo_Amiplug.lha 1.3 comm/irc 1170 7K 2005-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Plugin for AmIRC to show system specs. - (readme)
SPA-AmIRC.lha 1.2 comm/irc 635 16K 2004-01-03 generic icon Update Spanish catalog for AmIRC 3.5.x - (readme)
Sircle.lha 1.0 beta comm/irc 701 14K 1997-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon Serlog IRC Log Extractor v1.0 beta - (readme)
sillytext.lha comm/irc 693 1K 2000-01-28 generic icon Amirc script to make silly text - (readme)
Shanghai-AmIPlug.lha 1.3 comm/irc 1940 5K 2010-11-26 ppc-morphos icon AmIRC Filter-Plugin - (readme)
SetTIADCC.lha 1.0 comm/irc 709 1K 2002-11-17 generic icon Set env-variable for DCC behind gateway - (readme)
RexxServ.lha 8.09 comm/irc 992 433K 2005-05-05 generic icon A feature packed IRC Services written in AREXX. - (readme)
RexxFake_src.lha comm/irc 679 31K 2003-11-09 generic icon RexxFake plugin for AmIRC 3+, sources - (readme)
RexxFake.lha 1.1 comm/irc 715 16K 2003-11-09 m68k-amigaos icon RexxFake plugin for AmIRC 3+ - (readme)
remotecli.lha 1.00 comm/irc 25930 35K 1997-02-07 m68k-amigaos icon Remotecli server script for use AmIrc - (readme)
popupmagic.lha .5 Beta Release comm/irc 638 318K 1999-10-27 generic icon pOpuP System with 500+ popups for AmIRC - (readme)
piglatin.lha comm/irc 732 1K 2000-02-05 generic icon A pig latin converter for AmIRC - (readme)
OrionIRC07.lha 0.07 comm/irc 794 114K 1998-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon An IRC Client Pre-Release - (readme)
Found 207 matching packages
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