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Short:IRC client (Internet Relay Chat)
Author:James Carroll
Uploader:James Carroll <james carroll xnet co nz>
Download:comm/irc/WookieChat2.11_OS3.lha - View contents

The previous release used an icon that was not compatible with OS3 without
the PowerIcons patch. So when you attempted to run Wookie, it would not set
the stack size correctly, and it would crash fast. This is the only change
I've made in this archive.

- AmigaOS3.x/4.0, AROS, or MorphOS. WookieChat itself requires about
1.7mb of free RAM to launch.

- MUI 3.8+, or Zune. MUI 3.8 for AmigaOS3.x is not included with this
archive, but can be found on aminet. AmigaOS4 and MorphOS already have MUI
installed as standard. Also, AROS has its MUI replacement "Zune" installed
as standard too.

- MUI Custom Classes: NList.mcc, NListtree.mcc, BetterString.mcc. Native
versions of these classes are provided for OS3.x, OS4 and MorphOS.
AROS should have these classes as standard.

What does this program do?
It allows you to connect to Internet Relay Chat networks (IRC!) and chat
with other users in a text medium in real-time. Some of the server groups
are preconfigured to join an Amiga chat channel upon sucessful connection.
There is some documentation now to help explain WookieChat commands,
and hopefully make the program easier to understand for people new to IRC.

Some WookieChat features include..
- Multiple server support
- "Perform on connect" scripts and channel auto-joins
- Automatic Nickserv login
- Tabs for channels and private conversations
- Incoming and Outgoing DCC SEND file transfers
- Colours for different events
- Logging and automatic reloading of logs
- mIRC colour code filters
- Configurable timestamps
- GUI for changing channel modes easily
- Configurable highlight keywords
- URL Grabber window
- Optional outgoing swear word filter
- Event sounds for tabs opening, highlighted words, and private messages
- DCC CHAT support
- Doubleclickable URL's
- Support for multiple languages using LOCALE
- Clone detection
- Auto reconnection to Servers upon disconnection
- Command aliases
- Chat display can be toggled between AmIRC and mIRC style
- Counter for Unread messages
- Graphical nicklist and graphical smileys with a popup chooser
- User selectable charsets using codesets.library

Beta's are frequently made available to the public at:

If you want to be alerted whenever a new beta is uploaded, you can email
me at and ask to be added to my "Wookie Betas"

Release Notes
Graphical smileys have a transparent background under MorphOS and OS4,
but not under OS3. For this reason, I have included two additional smiley
sets with black backgrounds, and white backgrounds.

The ARexx port is very buggy. If you want to play with it, read the docs
on how to enable it. But its turned off by default due to being quite
crap. I might work on it in the future though.

When using listview-style tabs some users report crashes when enough tabs
fill the display to cause a vertical scrollbar to be created. Please change
your NList vertical scrollbar setting to "Auto" or "Always", as it seems to
crash with "Full auto".

Zune is still a bit weird with WookieChat, i.e. when configuring colours,
and when remembering window size and positions.

Some users have reported random disconnection. Turning off event sounds
can fix this. It seems the datatype system waits if it cant play audio
straight away, such as when the MAME arcade emulator is running. In this
situation, when the IRC wants a response from your machine, it doesnt get

Thanks to
Thanks (which are long overdue) go to: the people on the MUI mailing list,
robinc, itix, nicomen, xeron, uncharted, orgin, ook, and whoever else I've
missed!! for advice and programming help.. And thanks to bobson for the logo
on my website, klesterjr for the icons, and to ajk for the original program
Also, thanks to the good people at freenode #morphos and #aros for helping
me port WookieChat to those operating systems!
And also, to the people on and my betatesters that test
what I'm unable to! i.e. charsets, MUI debug info, and other OS's.


Changes 2.11
- Part messages werent working on Undernet at times because the channel
  had an extra character at the start.. i.e. instead of #newzealanders it
  was :#newzealanders. therefore Wookie couldnt find the right tab to put
  the part message in.
- DCC has had a few bugfixes. There was a problem with not "long word
  aligning" files when working with DCC. The problem only existed under
  OS3 though, PPC was unaffected.
- Norwegian language catalog updated
- Added auto un-away when you type a new message while /away.
- When you're kicked from a channel that has a keyword set, WookieChat
  will resend the keyword to successfully rejoin the channel

Changes 2.10
- Serious bugfix: Fixed an error followed by a crash when manually opening
  private tabs to another user
- When a netsplit is repaired, mode changes by the server are now accepted
  by WookieChat.
- The toggled menu items have a tick now, instead of a radio button.

Changes 2.9
- When pasting more than 2 lines of text into the display now, Wookie
  will pause 1 second in between sending each line, to prevent
  flooding yourself off the server (flooding yourself off means
  temporarily causing loss of connection, from sending multiple lines
  too fast)
- The paste delay can be configured. Save your settings in WookieChat,
  then edit your settings.txt. The top two lines can be edited and is
  read on startup. The default paste rate is one line per second.
- Tried to eliminate the display from being refreshed multiple times when
  you switch between or close tabs. This produced a flickery effect on
  faster machines, but was quite slow on slower machines.
- All tabs are now sorted when they open. So channels are grouped
  together, and private tabs are grouped together.
- The tabs are sorted alphabetically by default when they open, but if
  you want to disable this functionality, you can add this line to your
  settings.txt file:
  I've made this able to be turned on/off because a user reported that
  he liked having his dev channels grouped together.
- Closing a tab doesnt cause wookie to swap to a seemingly random tab
  anymore. It's logical now, it switches to the previous tab in the
  display. (Added a "previous" node to my linked lists to help with
  going backwards through my tab structures).
- DCC Recieve now has a "Rename" function if the file already exists.
  If your settings are set to start transferring automatically when
  someone offers a file, and the "Action to take if file exists" == Rename,
  the file will be renamed automatically with a number appended to the end
  of the filename. If you start the transfer manually, or "Action to take
  if file exists" == Ask, then a file requester will appear for you to
  choose your save details if you choose to Rename.
- Charsets: wookiechat doesnt need the incoming charset to be configured
  exactly anymore. When someone types weird characters, wookie will scan
  it for utf8 characters.. if it has those, then it'll convert it to
  ascii as best an Amiga can using codesets.library. if theres none, then
  it'll just use codesets.library Codesets_FindBest() function.
- Bugfix: Double clicking on a URL was writing the URL "work string" to
  nothing, and probably trashing memory somewhere.
- Added new sound option for highlight notifications (play sample only
  when highlight is in an inactive tab)
- Fixed a crash under /list when copying text to clipboard using the
  multicolumn clipboard marking hook.
- Fixed the problem with status columns in the nicklist becoming skinny
  when using graphical nicklists, and then saving/using your prefs in the
  Main Settings window.
- Added a "mute all sound" menu item in the Settings pull down menu, for
  when you want to IRC quietly. It's also useful for when playing XMAME
  games, because it seems like it ties up the audio and causes Wookie's
  sound datatype triggers to pause until the audio is free (which will
  disconnect you until you close XMAME).
- "Download path" information is displayed in the Incoming File Transfers
  window again, and is also displayed when you finish recieving a file. e.g:
  [DCC] Finished recieving DH2:Coding/WookieChat/Andrew_doing_push_ups.MOV [16495986 bytes] from jahctest. Transfer time: 00:00:03. Average speed: 5297.2kB/s
- When you remove DCC entrys from the Incoming and Outgoing windows,
  Wookie now removes those structures from memory too, instead of waiting
  until exit before doing the structure cleanup.
- If a DCC entry in the file transfer windows had text that was too wide
  for one of its columns, it was word wrapping and causing the entry to
  span two lines. This caused errors and weirdness with the way I handle my
  file transfers. I had forgotten to use NOWRAP in all of my "Replace Entry"
  methods. It should now work nicely.
- The maxlength of the string gadget has been raised from 3,000 to 10,000
- The chat buffer size is no longer limited to a configurable amount. This
  was causing instability. For example, if you had a buffer limited to
  800 lines, line 1 would be removed when line 801 was added, to keep
  a maximum of 800 lines in the buffer at once. But the RemoveEntry
  method was causing instability and I dont know why. For now, it has
  been removed. Use the "Clear" or "Clear all" options from the pull
  down menu for now.
- Fixed incorrect MUI object cleanup in the close tabs function. It
  was slightly unstable under MorphOS. Thank you Geit for that wonderful
  MUI v4 debug output!
- The "Connected/Disconnected |from Server" messages no longer cause the
  unread messages counter to go up or turn the "activity" level to red
- Main Settings window looks a lot better now
- Added a fallback option for the codesets.library support, so it
  should work better now since I started using Codesets_FindBest()
- The "Download Path:" prefs have been moved from the "Incoming File
  Transfers" window to the DCC group in the Main Settings window.
- Added a default "Upload path" to the DCC settings
- Adding/Editing entries to the Ignore List was broken for non-english
  language users. Thank you for reporting this error, Torn!
- Fixed minor bug with mode gadget notifies. Clicking on the same
  channel twice was killing the mode gadget notifications temporarily,
  until you changed to a different channel and back to the original
  one again.
- When you have one channel left open and you try to close it, it
  currently parts the channel but leaves the tab open with the text
  (none) in the button. If you had server tabs disabled, joining another
  channel would put its contents in that existing tab. With server
  tabs enabled, joining a new tab would open a second tab instead of
  joining the channel in the first empty (none) tab. I've now fixed
- When double clicking on an entry in the nicklist or selecting a
  nicklist popup menu item, it will now cause the selected nicklist
  entries to become deselected after it performs the command.
- Added: Just after midnight, WookieChat will now display the current
  date and time in the display and logfiles. Very useful for when
  reading through long logfiles, and also for those of us who leave IRC
  unattended for days.
- Crashes would occur when pasting 20/30 lines of channel buffer into the
  chat string gadget, then pressing cursor up to save the current text
  into the history buffer. I now use strncpy() here to limit the copy to
  the history buffer's maximum size, 800 characters
- If you accidentally type <part of a nick><space><tab key> it used to
  display the first nick in the nicklist after the space. Now it will
  do nothing. It wasnt really a problem I ever thought about until a
  friend started experiencing this issue on a regular basis. Thank you
  RBrown! :)
- Serious bugfix: it was possible before to write text outside of the
  buffer when there was a lot of traffic coming in fast.

Changes 2.8
- Fixed an error with disposing of a datatype sound object. It caused
  crashing under MorphOS if this sound was played repeatedly and quickly.
  The object is now disposed of then allocated again when prefs are
  retrieved, rather when Wookie needs to play the sound.

Contents of comm/irc/WookieChat2.11_OS3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6104    6148  99.3% -lh5- 3863 Apr 12  2008
[generic]                 6105    6148  99.3% -lh5- 8d7f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  658    1549  42.5% -lh5- 4ef7 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ARexx_scripts/all_functions_test.rexx
[generic]                  184     221  83.3% -lh5- 733c Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ARexx_scripts/colours_test.rexx
[generic]                10529   12402  84.9% -lh5- 7ead Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                56702   73174  77.5% -lh5- 8d5f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 5263    6206  84.8% -lh5- 6f13 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                72666   77906  93.3% -lh5- 6631 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/MasonIcons/
[generic]                 6318    7064  89.4% -lh5- c1af Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/MasonIcons/
[generic]                 9576   11247  85.1% -lh5- 0464 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/MasonIcons/
[generic]                10104   11745  86.0% -lh5- 626e Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/MasonIcons/
[generic]                 1988    2143  92.8% -lh5- 11a7 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 9098    9946  91.5% -lh5- 04fb Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 6839    9441  72.4% -lh5- 43e1 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 8859    8904  99.5% -lh5- aa71 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 7101    8915  79.7% -lh5- 8cae Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                 8157    8204  99.4% -lh5- 1b6a Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Bonus/
[generic]                10530   12402  84.9% -lh5- 8de7 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                 6660   15272  43.6% -lh5- d499 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/deutsch/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                16973   47601  35.7% -lh5- 746b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/deutsch/wookiechat.cs
[generic]                 4629    4723  98.0% -lh5- c477 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/deutsch/
[generic]                 6282   19405  32.4% -lh5- 439e Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/deutsch/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 4629    4723  98.0% -lh5- c477 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/deutsch/
[generic]                 6171   14166  43.6% -lh5- 71c3 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/english/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                 9217   30953  29.8% -lh5- 09b1 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/english/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 5912   13574  43.6% -lh5- 5401 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/español/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                12893   32736  39.4% -lh5- 1cee Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/español/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6695   16456  40.7% -lh5- e3f3 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/français/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                16207   47704  34.0% -lh5- f139 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/français/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 7065   15958  44.3% -lh5- 89b7 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/greek/wookiechat.catalog
[generic]                10761   25136  42.8% -lh5- 76af Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/greek/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6566   15200  43.2% -lh5- 5db6 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/italiano/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                12435   31877  39.0% -lh5- d75d Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/italiano/Wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6067   13486  45.0% -lh5- d095 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/magyar/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                 9455   28673  33.0% -lh5- 6da4 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/magyar/
[generic]                11766   28084  41.9% -lh5- bef9 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/magyar/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6316   14612  43.2% -lh5- bfd7 Oct 13 00:31 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/norsk/wookiechat.catalog
[generic]                12457   31613  39.4% -lh5- 819a Oct 13 00:31 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/norsk/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6821   15758  43.3% -lh5- 2a15 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/polski/wookiechat.catalog
[generic]                13387   32825  40.8% -lh5- 45d5 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/polski/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                 6087   13924  43.7% -lh5- d4ca Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/svenska/WookieChat.catalog
[generic]                13395   36369  36.8% -lh5- 82a0 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/svenska/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                  714    1544  46.2% -lh5- a865 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/translators.txt
[generic]                12071   37086  32.5% -lh5- 8be2 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/
[generic]                 7513   20819  36.1% -lh5- 5823 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Catalogs/wookiechat.ct
[generic]                10529   12402  84.9% -lh5- 8209 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  209     616  33.9% -lh5- cb2a Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Colours/default.txt
[generic]                  215     616  34.9% -lh5- 3d9d Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Colours/
[generic]                  179     616  29.1% -lh5- cf2d Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Colours/default.txt.mirc
[generic]                  106     616  17.2% -lh5- 3bba Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Colours/default.txt.plain
[generic]                  233     672  34.7% -lh5- 22bd Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Colours/SpotUP colours
[generic]                10537   12402  85.0% -lh5- 0395 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                   17      17 100.0% -lh0- 323d Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/AfterX
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 08a1 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/AmigaworldNET
[generic]                   18      18 100.0% -lh0- 25a1 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/DarkMyst
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- dfef Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/Efnet
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- 158f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/Galaxynet
[generic]                   18      18 100.0% -lh0- dc1b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/HatNet
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- 0780 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/Undernet
[generic]                   18      18 100.0% -lh0- 4204 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ConnectScripts/ZiRC
[generic]                10536   12402  85.0% -lh5- bf13 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                19512   49266  39.6% -lh5- 16df Jan 24 12:50 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/changelog.txt
[generic]                10401   12230  85.0% -lh5- c0a0 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                  800    1531  52.3% -lh5- 6bdd Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/how_to_enable_arexx.txt
[generic]                 6418    6439  99.7% -lh5- 1931 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 2820    6633  42.5% -lh5- 6be9 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/power_users.txt
[generic]                10400   12230  85.0% -lh5- cf55 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 2149    4279  50.2% -lh5- 60d8 Oct 16 15:22 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/readme.txt
[generic]                10353   12246  84.5% -lh5- 586f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                  474     761  62.3% -lh5- 829c Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/translators_contact.txt
[generic]                10399   12230  85.0% -lh5- 69e0 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                  570    1191  47.9% -lh5- e65f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/WookieChat-de.txt
[generic]                10399   12230  85.0% -lh5- 51bd Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 4930   14378  34.3% -lh5- e7da Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 8874   10268  86.4% -lh5- ac54 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 4444   11634  38.2% -lh5- 7876 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/wookiechat_docs-e.txt
[generic]                10394   12230  85.0% -lh5- fb5b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 5211   13871  37.6% -lh5- f6e3 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/wookiechat_docs-f.txt
[generic]                10400   12230  85.0% -lh5- 945b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 5283   25854  20.4% -lh5- 2a7a Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                 8875   10268  86.4% -lh5- 2fcb Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Docs/
[generic]                21098   21129  99.9% -lh5- 94d5 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/guru_logo2.png
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/ignorelist.txt
[generic]                 3770   13679  27.6% -lh5- 043c Jul 23  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Install
[generic]                 1903    2937  64.8% -lh5- f404 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                28508  104860  27.2% -lh5- b7ec Jul  6  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/libs/codesets.library
[generic]                10537   12402  85.0% -lh5- ee13 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                24527   44900  54.6% -lh5- d351 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/BetterString.mcc
[generic]                 5659   12448  45.5% -lh5- e3db Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/BetterString.mcp
[generic]                 3343    5980  55.9% -lh5- 4fe6 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/HotkeyString.mcc
[generic]                 5163    9120  56.6% -lh5- e181 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NBalance.mcc
[generic]                 8072   14676  55.0% -lh5- 2553 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NBitmap.mcc
[generic]                 2579    4552  56.7% -lh5- db48 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]                78562  157412  49.9% -lh5- a906 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NList.mcc
[generic]                35949   76308  47.1% -lh5- 8493 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NListtree.mcc
[generic]                16098   36092  44.6% -lh5- afa5 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NListtree.mcp
[generic]                 3873    7336  52.8% -lh5- 4883 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NListview.mcc
[generic]                15923   39404  40.4% -lh5- 8720 Jun 24  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/MUI/OS3/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                  101     122  82.8% -lh5- 0b2a Jan 24 12:49 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/nick_settings.txt
[generic]                10334   12230  84.5% -lh5- 86d0 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  459    3536  13.0% -lh5- 822f Aug 23 20:28 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/servers.txt
[generic]                10288   12230  84.1% -lh5- 3f2f Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  477     900  53.0% -lh5- 0d57 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/settings.txt
[generic]                10328   12230  84.4% -lh5- 5b85 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                 6104    6148  99.3% -lh5- ae79 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  365     752  48.5% -lh5- e6f7 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackground.theme
[generic]                  788     788 100.0% -lh0- 59de Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/angry
[generic]                  765     765 100.0% -lh0- f494 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/big_smile
[generic]                  834     834 100.0% -lh0- 7ce2 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/diagonal
[generic]                  834     834 100.0% -lh0- d3b0 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/smile
[generic]                  855     855 100.0% -lh0- 801c Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/surprised
[generic]                  828     828 100.0% -lh0- f0ee Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/tongue_poking_out
[generic]                  835     835 100.0% -lh0- 8364 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/unhappy
[generic]                  841     841 100.0% -lh0- 8460 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/blackbackgrounds/winky
[generic]                  244    1060  23.0% -lh5- eba2 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/nicklist/half_ops
[generic]                  240    1060  22.6% -lh5- 88c1 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/nicklist/ops
[generic]                  229    1060  21.6% -lh5- 427c Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/nicklist/voice
[generic]                  365     787  46.4% -lh5- c3f4 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparent.theme
[generic]                  955     955 100.0% -lh0- 7ad3 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/angry
[generic]                  924     924 100.0% -lh0- f708 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/big_smile
[generic]                 1001    1001 100.0% -lh0- 8d0b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/diagonal
[generic]                  997     997 100.0% -lh0- b23b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/smile
[generic]                 1024    1024 100.0% -lh0- b20d Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/surprised
[generic]                  997     997 100.0% -lh0- df2e Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/tongue_poking_out
[generic]                 1000    1000 100.0% -lh0- 8678 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/unhappy
[generic]                  999     999 100.0% -lh0- d324 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/transparentbackgrounds/winky
[generic]                  365     752  48.5% -lh5- 3770 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds.theme
[generic]                  805     805 100.0% -lh0- 83eb Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/angry
[generic]                  783     783 100.0% -lh0- f75c Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/big_smile
[generic]                  858     858 100.0% -lh0- 68c4 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/diagonal
[generic]                  857     857 100.0% -lh0- f874 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/smile
[generic]                  870     870 100.0% -lh0- 974b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/surprised
[generic]                  865     865 100.0% -lh0- 7dba Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/tongue_poking_out
[generic]                  863     863 100.0% -lh0- 4857 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/unhappy
[generic]                  865     865 100.0% -lh0- 3482 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/Smilies/whitebackgrounds/winky
[generic]                10536   12402  85.0% -lh5- ad2a Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
[generic]                  944    1094  86.3% -lh5- b254 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/beep
[generic]                 2396    2484  96.5% -lh5- c474 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/ClassicBeep.snd
[generic]                 3249    4394  73.9% -lh5- a6f5 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/eagh
[generic]                 4626    4930  93.8% -lh5- f916 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/explall.iff
[generic]                 2248    2274  98.9% -lh5- bbed Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/ShortBeep.snd
[generic]                 5429    7944  68.3% -lh5- 673b Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/sounds/Xylophone.snd
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- 970e Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/urls.txt
[generic]                 2807    2807 100.0% -lh0- 0ce3 Apr 12  2008 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/wookiechat_logo.gif
[generic]               172011 1214288  14.2% -lh5- ed52 Jan 26 13:33 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/WookieChat_OS3
[generic]                 1859    2100  88.5% -lh5- f826 Oct 16 15:23 WookieChat2.11_OS3_Installer/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       146 files 1184579 3058638  38.7%            Jan 31 06:03
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