codePW_2.1.lha |
util/boot |
581 |
10K |
1998-04-06 |
Passwordfile, bug fixed! - (readme) |
codepw.lha |
util/boot |
556 |
6K |
1997-08-09 |
Passwordfile, very short! - (readme) |
CodeLocker.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
538 |
56K |
2000-08-12 |
Code-Locker (Pass-code protection program) - (readme) |
CMQ060.lha |
util/boot |
1124 |
12K |
1999-07-15 |
Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68060(040) v1.4 - (readme) |
CMQ030.lha |
util/boot |
1761 |
3K |
1999-05-15 |
Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68030 v1.1 - (readme) |
CloneCmdKeys.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
631 |
8K |
1992-02-21 |
Maps OS2.04 CUT & PASTE commands to keys. V1.0 - (readme) |
ClockChk13.lha |
util/boot |
574 |
9K |
1997-08-18 |
Keeps track of clock changes, V1.3 - (readme) |
ClockCheck1_14.lha |
1.14 |
util/boot |
572 |
5K |
1995-11-11 |
Checks that clock goes right.For startup-sequences etc. - (readme) |
ClipFile_v1.02.lha |
util/boot |
597 |
19K |
1993-02-24 |
Notification over 2.0 clipboards & more - (readme) |
CLImax.lha |
util/boot |
787 |
23K |
1991-01-10 |
Create borderless CLI/Shell window - (readme) |
ClickForMenu.lha |
util/boot |
844 |
6K |
1996-03-15 |
Click right btn for intuition menu V1.10 - (readme) |
ChgPri.lha |
util/boot |
595 |
1K |
1996-08-28 |
Swap the first 2 memory nodes - (readme) |
CheckPrinter.lha |
util/boot |
579 |
6K |
1993-11-19 |
Puts out the printer status on screen (either SHELL/ALERT REQUESTER) - (readme) |
checkkey10.lha |
util/boot |
763 |
85K |
1998-03-15 |
Boot-selector-program V1.0 (GER) - (readme) |
checkfast.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
626 |
1K |
1997-05-29 |
Resets Ami if no fastmem-Good for A620 - (readme) |
checkdrive.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
611 |
3K |
1997-03-14 |
Reboots if HD not found.. - (readme) |
CheckAMiGA_1_14.lha |
1.14 |
util/boot |
1109 |
24K |
2012-12-21 |
Check your AMiGA (+ AmigaE Source) - (readme) |
ChangeMode.lha |
util/boot |
650 |
11K |
1993-11-19 |
Change screen mode per app. V1.0 - (readme) |
cg_menu.lha |
1.1 |
util/boot |
598 |
7K |
1999-12-09 |
Cg_Menu (to run softs) - (readme) |
CGXrndLIB.lha |
2.0b |
util/boot |
675 |
1.6M |
2001-03-25 |
Random Bootpic.library Selector - (readme) |
CenterTitles.lha |
40.15 |
util/boot |
783 |
6K |
1996-03-07 |
Center window titles in titlebar, V40.15 - (readme) |
CenterScreen12.lha |
util/boot |
812 |
4K |
1992-12-10 |
Patch that lets all screens open centered horizontally, useful with overscan - (readme) |
CD32BootSelector.lha |
1 |
util/boot |
880 |
127K |
2020-05-03 |
CD32 Boot Selector - (readme) |
CardReset.lha |
util/boot |
13326 |
3K |
2002-08-17 |
Forces reset signal on PCMCIA slot V3.0 - (readme) |
CardPatch.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
11261 |
3K |
2003-07-14 |
Patches bugs in PCMCIA system V1.2 - (readme) |
CardMemLast.lha |
util/boot |
964 |
5K |
1993-04-12 |
Move PCMCIA memory to last in exec MemList (mostly A1200) - (readme) |
cachefont11.lha |
util/boot |
928 |
8K |
1994-09-29 |
Vastly increase speed of font requsters - (readme) |
CaBoomSrc.lha |
1.5 |
util/boot |
735 |
9K |
1996-12-21 |
Source for CaBoom - (readme) |
CaBoom.lha |
1.5 |
util/boot |
1794 |
12K |
1996-12-21 |
Windows explode on opening/closing - (readme) |
c2f08.lha |
util/boot |
564 |
7K |
1993-07-10 |
pops up a window with a cyclegadget - (readme) |
BStartup1.4.lha |
util/boot |
759 |
39K |
1996-12-04 |
Booting utility (boot menu + some patches) - (readme) |
BSprite.lha |
util/boot |
719 |
14K |
1995-08-21 |
Kickstart 3.0 only BorderSprite enabler - (readme) |
bs140.lha |
util/boot |
734 |
53K |
1996-04-01 |
No BootScreens, but Startup-Select, update - (readme) |
BReq-1.17.lha |
util/boot |
603 |
14K |
1996-03-11 |
Gadgets for OS selection during startup - (readme) |
BPPCFixFix.lha |
1.0.0 |
util/boot |
1196 |
5K |
2000-09-04 |
BlizzPPC 0x0 & ppc library disk loadable V1.0.0 - (readme) |
BorderOff05.lha |
util/boot |
877 |
4K |
1992-08-15 |
OS2.0 utility to blank the border. - (readme) |
BorderBlank.lha |
util/boot |
2203 |
4K |
1993-02-28 |
Sets screen border to black - (readme) |
bordblnk.lha |
util/boot |
1083 |
1K |
1996-04-23 |
Blank the border - (readme) |
boot_star.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
773 |
4K |
2016-08-06 |
Automatic Boot-File Loader - (readme) |
BootSys20.lha |
util/boot |
1054 |
297K |
1997-04-02 |
A Booting System showing a picture with progress bar. - (readme) |
bootspeak.lha |
util/boot |
716 |
10K |
2000-08-24 |
BootSpeak 1.0 - random greetings on startup. - (readme) |
Bootsound.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
739 |
41K |
1998-12-05 |
Boot sound player, sound and mpeg files - (readme) |
BootShow.lha |
1.0 (26.03.95) |
util/boot |
865 |
24K |
1995-03-27 |
A Bootpic viewer that does everything it SHOULD! - (readme) |
BootScreen22.lha |
util/boot |
881 |
75K |
1994-03-08 |
BootScreen V2.2 *ALL USERS PLS DOWNLOAD* - (readme) |
bootprogress_src.lha |
1.01 |
util/boot |
1314 |
4K |
2017-07-11 |
BootProgress source code - (readme) |
BootProgress.lha |
util/boot |
890 |
5K |
1998-04-12 |
Progress bar while booting w/ picture - (readme) | |
2.60 |
util/boot |
388 |
5K |
2019-08-14 |
Configure DOS windowd from BootBlock - (readme) |
BootPictureSrc.lha |
1.50 |
util/boot |
631 |
608K |
1996-05-19 |
Complete source code to BootPicture v1.50 - (readme) |
BootPicture.lha |
2.4 |
util/boot |
3911 |
87K |
2024-08-24 |
Shows pictures, plays sound during boot - (readme) |
bootpicname.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
545 |
6K |
1999-06-19 |
Creates month-dependent filename for bootpics - (readme) |