84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
HandlingWithCa.mpg pix/anim 241 1.1M 1996-03-11 generic icon A Spaceship being terrorized by a Hammer. - (readme)
HAMmmm.lha pix/anim 294 17K 1987-12-03 generic icon A demo from Badge Killer Demo contest. - (readme)
Halley.lha pix/anim 262 794K 1995-10-31 generic icon Animation by Esa Kuru - (readme)
hale_bopp.lha pix/anim 260 975K 1996-10-12 generic icon Animation of forthcoming comet Hale-Bopp - (readme)
HaleBopp.mpg pix/anim 415 50M 2000-08-31 generic icon Wild demo from The Gathering 1997 - (readme)
HagenDemos.lha pix/anim 315 243K 1987-11-15 generic icon Entry from Badge Killer Demo contest. - (readme)
GyroMania.lha pix/anim 253 968K 1995-03-21 generic icon Mpeg created with LightWave and ImageFX 2.0 - (readme)
GutsOfWar.lha pix/anim 248 164K 1998-02-10 generic icon Short,stupid,sick little anim... - (readme)
GStarted.lha pix/anim 259 447K 1996-10-21 generic icon Get Started preview animation - (readme)
Grumman-4x4.lha pix/anim 331 3.3M 1996-06-11 generic icon Three 160x120 Ham8 anims of Grumman-4x4 U-must-c !!! - (readme)
gressklipperma.lha pix/anim 492 83K 1999-12-13 generic icon Funny animation with sound - (readme)
great2.lha pix/anim 283 1.4M 1994-08-10 generic icon Fractal animation made by fractint2.5 aga needed (256 color). - (readme)
great.lha pix/anim 299 1.2M 1994-07-13 generic icon fractal animation made by fractint2.4 aga needed (256 color). - (readme)
grand.mpg pix/anim 248 289K 1993-08-06 generic icon MPEG Animation of the Grand Canyon - (readme)
GPaintAnim.lha pix/anim 267 55K 1997-05-17 generic icon Funny, little anim. showed on JFF 96 - (readme)
GordonsWB.lha pix/anim 316 509K 1997-11-16 generic icon Animation Intro to WB by GWright - (readme)
GolfWithNukes.lha pix/anim 252 524K 1994-11-16 generic icon Awesome Animation by Pete W Storonskij!! - (readme)
GolfersGuide.lha pix/anim 269 373K 1995-06-14 generic icon Funny Golfers Guide - (readme)
GoldSpin.lha pix/anim 335 2.9M 1998-12-09 generic icon Golden goblet spinning loop anim - (readme)
GoldFist.lha pix/anim 251 214K 1994-05-21 generic icon Golden Fist bones anim. Imagine 3.0. - (readme)
GoldenCup.lha pix/anim 255 1.1M 1996-08-02 generic icon Raytraced animation of a golden goblet - (readme)
Goldanim.lha pix/anim 287 950K 1993-01-27 generic icon HAM GoldenDragon Animation *AHD* - (readme)
GOL1_CDX.lha pix/anim 446 6.9M 1997-08-30 generic icon (ALN) Golgatha CDXL-Animation - (readme)
goblin.mpg pix/anim 241 239K 1996-12-30 generic icon A 150 frame anim created with Imagine4.0 - (readme)
globuroll.lha pix/anim 261 1.2M 1994-07-06 generic icon AnotherWeirdGalleryGlob - (readme)
GlobeAnim.lha pix/anim 264 204K 1993-06-03 generic icon Smoothly rotating earth. - (readme)
GLOBALAnim.lha pix/anim 359 1.1M 1996-07-07 generic icon Beautiful Animation rendered with Cinema4D - (readme)
Glass.lha pix/anim 252 33K 1996-05-01 generic icon Abstract 2D anim 320x200x8x18 - (readme)
GirlToDog.lha pix/anim 269 1.1M 1995-10-27 generic icon Morphing animation - (readme)
Girl2Dog.lha pix/anim 279 1.1M 1993-01-20 generic icon Demo anim for MorphPlus - (readme)
GigaAnims.lha pix/anim 327 6.9M 1998-07-18 generic icon Anims loading/playing directly from disk - (readme)
GIFanim4HTML01.lha pix/anim 300 844K 2000-02-28 generic icon GIF Anims for creation on HTML-Pages. - (readme)
GetFrogged.lha pix/anim 692 601K 1995-10-27 generic icon Older animation - (readme)
Generations.lha pix/anim 290 739K 1997-08-15 generic icon A animation of StarTrekNG. By D.Bigazzi. - (readme)
Gear.mpg pix/anim 248 89K 1996-03-15 generic icon Im4.0, shows landing gear moving up/down - (readme)
gBa-HpMn.lha pix/anim 257 74K 1997-08-09 generic icon FLying HempMan - done by gABBa - (readme)
Gates_DOOM.lha pix/anim 288 1.0M 1999-01-17 generic icon \"DOOM and Bill\" animation - (readme)
Gardener.lha pix/anim 298 660K 1998-02-06 generic icon Gardener, DPaintV - AnimatED anim - (readme)
Gangster.lha pix/anim 305 958K 1995-05-11 generic icon Mpeg version of Imagine anim. - (readme)
galleryq.lha pix/anim 264 1.4M 1994-04-26 generic icon Ray-traced gallery. Droid runs-morphs-to-walk past animations. - (readme)
Galaxy3D-6.lha pix/anim 280 698K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 6 - (readme)
Galaxy3D-5.lha pix/anim 270 606K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 5 - (readme)
Galaxy3D-4.lha pix/anim 262 334K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 4 - (readme)
Galaxy3D-3.lha pix/anim 270 440K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 3 - (readme)
Galaxy3D-2.lha pix/anim 266 401K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 2 - (readme)
Galaxy3D-1.lha pix/anim 288 395K 1996-02-29 generic icon Red and Blue 3D Galaxy animation 1 - (readme)
GalantineCheck.lha pix/anim 267 284K 1997-11-21 generic icon Galantine animation - (readme)
Gaim.lha pix/anim 285 17K 1996-03-20 generic icon A little gag-anim - (readme)
Gaddar.lha pix/anim 264 96K 1997-12-21 generic icon -GADDAR- A Cinema4D Render Animation - (readme)
Fys.lha pix/anim 266 891K 1998-08-18 generic icon Sound-Anim for AnimFX - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 12 >13< 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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