CDs C:Tools Version 1.0 (20.10.93)
© 1993 by Christof Damian (damian@myplanet.tue.sub.org)
This is the first version of my collection of small utilities, which I found
quite useful sometimes (rather than doing it by hand).
They are all compiled with the DICE (DCC 2.07.56R (11.6.93)) compiler of Matt
Dillon (a very good one by the way). I used the XDME 1.82.10 editor and the
includes & amiga.lib from C=. They all need Amiga OS 2.04. All files are pure
and can be made resident.
The programs are freely distributable,as long as you make NO (0, Zero,
NULL, ...) money with it and it is distributed in the original archive.
Source is included, not very good documented (speak: no comments) and maybe
full of bugs (they are free, its your risk). If you find a bug, mail to one of
the e-mail addresses below. Remember: it is version 1.0.
Included are:
Deletes all files, which match the PATTERN(s) and are older than DAYS
(default is 7 days). With QUIET set it says nothing. With ALL set it
deletes all old files in subdirectories (but not the dirs).
Prints the date which is DAYS away (default 0). DAYS can be positive or
negative. With SUBST set days like today/yesterday are displayed as word.
With this program and Pipe and List you can easy replace the DelOld
Pipe List {PATTERN} UPTO `offdate -7` LFORMAT "delete %s%s" FILES |
Execute IN:
Replaces every occurence of the FIND-string in stdin with the
REPLACE-string and prints it to stdout. This is a easy filter, which I use
mainly to convert different Cookie-Formats to the AFortune format. (Any
good cookies out there ?)
Shows all strings (text with characters between 32 and 126) that are
longer then LENGTH (default 10) in all files that are matching the
PATTERN(s). With OFFS set the offset of each string in the file is shown.
With ALL set every file in every matchin dir is searched too.
PS: If you like Rave,Techno,Trance or House music, take a look at the german
derave.txt made by me new every week with all the german clubs & raves. Mail
me to damian@myplanet.tue.sub.org
\ Christof Damian, Sand 11/Drosselweg 12, 72076 Tuebingen,Germany IRC: MrSmith
\ uni: damian@peanuts.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de ("The Cyberhippy")
/ adsp: damian@myplanet.adsp.sub.org uucp: damian@myplanet.tue.sub.org
/_ "On my planet living is so easy, there is love, peace and there is ecstasy"