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Short:V2.9.2 - Extended Serial Preferences for Wb.
Author:Lorenzo Succi
Uploader:lsucci iper net
Download:util/sys/SerialPrefs292.lha - View contents

V2.9.2 (14/02/98), replace older Wb serial preferences.


o Data length setup 5/6/7/8/16/32 bit (instead of 7/8 bit).
o Baud speed max 115200 (instead of 31250 baud).
o The Ram buffer can be setted from 512 bytes to 512 Kb.
o Reset function, standard configuration.
o Balance function of control data and space buffers of Input and Output.
o Automatic balance function for all parameters of Input/Output.
o Function of optimization of I/O buffer size and baud speed.
o Window informative of transmission type setted and evaluation.

See the documentation for more infos.
This software is Freeware (EMails are well accepted).


V2.9.2 (14/02/1998)
* Adjusted a little oversight in the previous rewrited routine of the
  menu` function "Open".
* Added the function of optimization of the I/O buffers size and baud
* Rewrited the part of code of the check window which now is more
  detailed and supply a little evaluation of the settings.

V2.9.1 (11/02/1998)
* The program can now recognize files of preferences out of standard and
  incompatible, that can cause the crash of SerialPrefs and of system.

V2.9.0 (10/02/1998)
* Modifyed some command keys in the menus.
* Modifyed the gadget relative at the serial number unit.
* Added a option "Restore".
* Added a option "Last saved".
* The option "Reset To Defaults", set the program as  the original program
* Reduced the flicker of the Gui interface and now is more fast.

V2.8.1 (29/01/1998)
* Added 'Equalize' function. All parameters of Input/Output is equalized in
  real time.
* Added a information of transmission type in the window check.
* Optimized some internal variables.

V2.8   (09/06/1997)
* The baud rate can be setted as do you want (10-115200 bauds), manually or
  via slider.
* Is now possible the setup of the space buffers I/O (0.5-512 Kb), manually
  or via sliders.
* Added the balance function of Input/Output of the data control and space
* Reorganized some routines.

V2.7.1 (04/05/1997)
 * The length of data transmitted can be setted as well at 16 bit or 32 bit.
 * Added the baud speeds of 16800/28800/48000/91200/103200 baud rate.
 * Modifyed the sintax of tooltypes. The PERCBAR tooltype is removed.
 * The "Load as" function search now the preference file in the envarc:sys/
 * Solved the problem of loading the program from CLI.

V2.6 (16/03/1997)
 * Added a iconify function on menu.
 * Output  buffer  (Kb)  and  output handshake (Control mode) are as Input
 * Changed the range of baud speed; now is from 110 to 115200.
 * Optimized the code.
 * Rewrited the documentation in AmigaGuideĀ® format.
 * Added a installer programs.

V2.5.2 (08/03/1997)
 * Optimized the routine of control of baud rate and memory buffer.
 * Added  a  tooltype:  PERCBAR=ON/OFF.  ON=display the percentages of the
   use of baud rate and memory buffer.
 * The number of the unit can be setted from 0 to 255.

V2.5.1 (26/02/1997)
 * Fixed  a  stupid small bug in the v2.5 relative at the initial check of
   the program.

V2.5 (24/02/1997)
 * Upgraded the interface control.
 * Display the percentage of use of buffer and baud rate.
 * Reduced of 15% the height of the window.
 * Modified the baud range (110-65535).

V2.4 (25/11/1996)
 * Added  a  icon-tooltype:   SENSITIVE=ON/OFF.  ON= the interface use the
   system font, OFF= the interface use the topaz 8 font.

V2.3 (21/11/1996)
 * Fixed  a  bug  relative at the close-gadget (this little bug causes the
   crash in some machines).
 * Added a commands keys in the menu.
 * Added a keyboard commands (return=Use, Esc=quit).
 * Optimized some routines.

V2.2 (07/11/1996)
 * Added the speeds 110/300/1200 baud.
 * Fixed definitively the precedent patch up "Load as..." function.
 * Enhanced the serial unit number (0-10).
 * Optimized some routines.

V2.1 (13/10/1996)
 * Fixed  a  stupid  bug in the v2.0 (if you load, for error, a not-config
   file, the program crashes.)
 * Added a control up the serial preferences file.
 * Added a control up the presence of serial.device.

V2.0 (11/10/1996)
 * Interface redesigned.
 * Maked  a  check-point  (click  up  the  logo  to activate), where comes
   displayed  the  serial  speed  in  baud,  buffer  memory  in  bytes and
   serial.device version.

V1.0 (23/09/1996)
 * The first public version.

Contents of util/sys/SerialPrefs292.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                22668   44516  50.9% -lh5- e3ab Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/bin/SerialPrefs
[generic]                 1160    1832  63.3% -lh5- 0ef9 Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
[generic]                 1329    1741  76.3% -lh5- 3727 Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/icons/MWB
[generic]                  948    1376  68.9% -lh5- 8d7c Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/icons/NI
[generic]                  322     534  60.3% -lh5- 7497 Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/icons/NN
[generic]                28916   46948  61.6% -lh5- 06d7 Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/libs/Gui.Library
[generic]                  728    2136  34.1% -lh5- e97d Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/Install_Eng
[generic]                  459    1262  36.4% -lh5- 3896 Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
[generic]                  750    2148  34.9% -lh5- 4ecf Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/Install_Ita
[generic]                  459    1262  36.4% -lh5- 988c Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
[generic]                 1162    1832  63.4% -lh5- 603c Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
[generic]                  863    1636  52.8% -lh5- cba0 Feb 14  1998
[generic]                  402     772  52.1% -lh5- c46e Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/changes.readme
[generic]                 2837    7288  38.9% -lh5- fa3a Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
[generic]                 3308    8635  38.3% -lh5- 81db Feb 15  1998 serialprefs_2.9.2/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        15 files   66311  123918  53.5%            Feb 15  1998
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