SerPrefs is a 100% replacement for the old Serial prefs util,
It has a modern GUI with hotkeys, and extend far beyond
the original's limitations.
SerPrefs extends several settings/options of the original,
to do this effectivly a new serial.prefs format have been created.
Currently SerPrefs only support the use of a serial device name,
and Sharedmode. Other extensions will be added later.
The new serial.prefs can use prefs by old programs
like the ORIGINAL "Sys:Prefs/Serial" found on the Workbench disks,
and to convert from old to new simply load the old prefs into SerPrefs,
then save it. And that's all you need to do! :-)
Old serial.prefs software will still be able to read the new prefs,
but unable to use the extra information stored.
SerPrefs even show the version of your serial.device,
and have all of the standard prefsmenu items the WB prefs utils have.
Everything is in a single GUI with shortcuts, and is very easy to use.
And you can choose the serial device to use, along with unit number etc.
All normal (plus some extra) baud rates are supported,
along with a buffer range that is more than enough.
It also have separate output/input settings,
for future support or special software.
Use the included Installer script, everything is automatic
you only need to chose where to put the documentation.
Even running SerPrefs with the SAVE option is done for you,
so you don't have to start SerPrefs and resave the prefs :-)
o All normal baud rates (75-921600 Baud, and then some)
o Input and Output Buffer (range 64 bytes - 64 MB)
o Input and Output Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS
o Sharedmode, selectable device and unit
o Parity Even/Odd/Mark/Space, 5-32 data bits, 0-2 stop bits
o Makes use of custom prefs/serialprefs icons if found.
o All the functions of the original Serial (and then some ;-)
o Locale support and Installer script!
What's changed?
v42.1 - (30.12.1998) New Year Release ;-) This is the final release.
Due to few registrations and piracy,
further development of SerPrefs is dropped.
New releases will only appear if bugs need to be fixed,
or other performance related things must be done.
Nothing new will be added as of this version.
This is a major/minor release, SerPrefs is now FreeWare.
Ripped out keyfile system, no longer needed.
Install script will remove obsolete keyfile if found.
The way serial.prefs is handled have changed,
Type1 is no longer used to id the SerPrefs prefs files,
but the files still remain compatible and usable.
iffparse.library is now used for reading/saving of prefs.
Updated the catalogs a bit (removed type and reg text).
General polishing of SerPrefs.
Added a patch util, this util will (although very hackish)
allow (forcibly) support of ENV:sys/serial.prefs
from ANY program that try to open serial.device unit 0.
This means that it is now also possible to use different
devices in addition to the normal speed settings.
This is a hack and should only be used if really needed.
Updated dev docs, sending this as a final submission to AInc.
SerPrefs is now almost 2 years old, <sniff> ;-)
v42.2 - (3.12.1999) Typical isn't it? A bug!
Seems like the executable in the distribution archive
was my last test version (behavior test on lib not found etc)
and obviously God knows why (or simply one of Murphy's laws)
THAT version was archived, this is the proper version,
the only change is that it does not try to open
a not yet exsisting version of iffparse.library, sorry for this.
seems things went a bit weird this New Year :-)
And for some crazy reason the guide insists it's version 42.14 (?)
Hopefully all should be okay again now, phew!
I can hardly wait for what else might go wrong this year. <G>
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