Advantages of this Join:
- it can be called like original Join - complete replacement
- it can take the filenames from a filelist
- it can built the filenames out of a file-splitter name description
- it supports patterns
- it can add the files to an existing source (useful when low diskspace)
- it is able to delete source-files when needed
- it has a lot of text join options (AMIGAGUIDE, HEADER, NAMEHEADER)
- it is in the Public Domain (including sources)
- it is really fast
- it also works with low memory, but is slower then
- it can be started from Workbench as well as from CLI
Join needs OS 37 (2.0) or later OS versions!
Of course this Join is reentrant (pure bit) like the original one.
There is one main difference between my and original Join: My Join brings
output. When you do not like that, use QUIET option to turn it off.
On workbench start you only need to specify normal CLI command line as
tooltype. All tooltypes of program icon (when exists) or project icons
are scanned and used. When an error occurs, the left tooltypes are not
scanned! In the Icons directory of this archive are one program and one
project icon as examples.
FILE files, which should be joined
AS=TO destination file
FILELIST takes the filenames out of a file (every line contains
a complete filename)
SPLITTED allows joining splitted files, data has to look like:
<filename>[,<first number>[,<last number>]], filename has
to hold ONE format string like %ld,%03ld,%lx,%2lx,
numbers have to be decimal
PATTERN gives a pattern the filename must match
OUTPUT specifies output path
AMIGAGUIDE at the start of every file @node "filename" and at the
end @endnode is inserted
HEADER /* ======== ... ========= */ is inserted at filestart
NAMEHEADER /* ===... filename ...=== */ is inserted at filestart
ADD adds the files to an existing destination file
DELSOURCE deletes the sourcefiles
QUIET brings no output
ALL scan into directories
NOPATTERN take names as given
There are three modes:
1) FILE - This mode joins files, which are given in command line. Standard
Join does this always. The files are joined in the way they are given.
Example: Join xaa xab xac xad xae TO Archiv.lha
2) FILELIST - Equals FILE mode, but the filenames are in a file, which
may be specified after FILELIST keyword. In the filelist the must be one
filename per line.
Example: Join FILELIST JoinList TO Archiv.lha
[Where JoinList ist a file like that:
Such filelists may for example be generated with List command:
List <pattern> >RAM:filelist NOHEAD QUICK
List <pattern> >RAM:filelist LFORMAT "%s"
Later on you may sort it with Sort RAM:filelist RAM:filelist
3) SPLITTED - This mode is used, when joining splitted files. The string
passed with SPLITTED keyword contains of 3 parts:
- file-name of splitted files including place-holders for numbers:
Archiv.%03ld describes files named Archiv.000, Archiv.001, Archiv.010
Archiv.%ld describes files named Archiv.0, Archiv.1, Archiv.2
Allowed place holders are %lx, %ld, %lu, %lc (not very useful). See
RawDoFmt or printf documentation to find out, what they and the format
flags (%03ld, %3ld, %-3ld) do.
- After the filename you may specify the number, where the splitted files
start. This is optional, the default is 0. The filename and the number
are seperated by a ','.
- The last part is the number, where the list ends. This is optional too.
At default Join finishs, when it could not load a file. When the last
number is given, missing files are skipped instead. You need to specify
first number always, when defining end number. The numbers are seperated
by ',' again.
Example: There are files f0, f1, f2, f3, f5, f9, f10
Join f%ld,1,10 TO f joins files f1 f2 f3 f5 f9, f10 to file f
(f4, f6, f7, f8 are skipped)
Join f%ld,2 TO f joins files f2 f3 to file f
(f4 is missing -> end)
Join f%ld TO f joins file f0 f1 f2 f3 to f
Additional to these three modes, there are some goodies:
- PATTERN allows to specify a special pattern, the filenames should match.
This is useful sometimes, when patterns cannot be described with normal
Example: join all text files on a device including sub directories.
Join #? ALL TO AllTexts PATTERN #?.TXT
- OUTPUT lets you specify any standard Amiga file for output (f.e. "RAM:Out"
or "CON:0/0/640/200/JoinOutput/AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE"). This is most useful for
Workbench use.
- AMIGAGUIDE allows to insert at start of every file @node "filename" and
at the end @endnode. This gives you a file, where all joined files are
Amigaguide nodes.
- HEADER inserts /* ======== ... ========= */ as seperation between the
- NAMEHEADER inserts /* ===... filename ...=== */ before every joined file.
- ADD adds the files to an existing destination file.
- DELSOURCE deletes the sourcefiles after they are joined.
- QUIET suppresses output. Join is completely silent with that keyword.
- ALL allows to scan into directories, when filenames contain patterns.
- NOPATTERN turns of pattern matching. This may be useful, when filenames
already contain patterns.
Note: Pattern matching works for all three modes!
This program is in the public domain. Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY
Please report me bugs, comments, suggestions and problems. If possible
write a little mail if you use the program sometimes. If there are some
Enforcer hits or other problems report them as good as possible.
Please contact me:
* snail-mail: * e-mail: *
* Dirk Stoecker * *
* Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 * *
* 01877 Bischofswerda * world wide web: *
* phone: * pgp key: *
* GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 * get from WWW pages or keyservers *
Following is my PGP signature for the corresponding LhA-File.
Use ' pgpv JoinReplace.readme -o JoinReplace.lha ' to check it.
Key fingerprint: B9 F2 3A 1A 29 02 75 16 6A C6 5B 7D 5E F6 16 CF.
All my releases after April 2001 have a PGP signature with this key.
Be alarmed if signature is missing or wrong.
Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: YglhZqAA19jnGStGcGjv9oURHwf85kxD