84790 packages online
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Short: | ARexx script to create HTML archives of your images |
Author: | chenille iae.nl (Manon Metten) |
Uploader: | chenille iae nl (Manon Metten) |
Type: | util/rexx |
Version: | 1.00 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2004-04-13 |
Requires: | fxPaint, rexxreqtools.library, IBrowse or alike |
Replaces: | - |
Distribution: | Aminet, Public Domain Disks/CD's, Coverdisk Magazines |
Download: | util/rexx/Archive.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/rexx/Archive.readme |
Downloads: | 5759 |
Archive.rx is a powerful and highly configurable ARexx script to create HTML archives of your images.
Archive.rx makes fxPaint create thumbnails of your images and automatically places an optional date and/or
comment beneath every thumbnail. With one mouse-click on the thumbnail, you can view the original image
than. The output is written in html format, so it can be viewed with any web browser. The order of the output
depends on the order they appear in the directory. It was initially written to create html archives of your
scanned documents of an entire year, but after a lot of modifications, it's ready to archive anything.
Some of the options are:
· Very flexible date format.
· Easy to use and flexible comment setting.
· Separate configuration file for each archive.
· Cut source file to user definable dimensions.
· Flexible thumbnail creation.
· User definable html output.
· And many more...
=================== Archive contents ===================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
166 123 25.9% 30-Mar-04 12:39:00 .ReadMe
697 366 47.4% 14-Mar-04 01:31:44 Arc.cfg
17365 5077 70.7% 06-Apr-04 01:41:20 Archive.rx
5 5 0.0% 13-Mar-04 21:06:36 ENVARC/ArcPath
5074 4950 2.4% 23-Feb-04 03:59:12 img/01.png
17094 17094 0.0% 23-Feb-04 03:52:54 img/02.png
9504 9462 0.4% 23-Feb-04 04:37:28 img/03.png
9732 9674 0.5% 23-Feb-04 05:16:52 img/04.png
9592 9592 0.0% 24-Feb-04 07:29:10 img/05.png
5549 5549 0.0% 24-Feb-04 07:39:06 img/06.png
4786 4786 0.0% 24-Feb-04 08:46:56 img/07.png
7699 7699 0.0% 25-Feb-04 05:21:10 img/08.png
2853 2853 0.0% 24-Feb-04 07:57:30 img/09.png
24228 24228 0.0% 25-Feb-04 05:24:42 img/10.png
3299 3299 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:10:24 img/11.jpg
3298 3298 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:50:28 img/11.png
3299 3299 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:10:24 img/12.jpg
3310 3310 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:10:14 img/13.jpg
3064 3064 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:10:04 img/14.jpg
3132 3132 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:09:36 img/15.jpg
3374 3374 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:09:26 img/16.jpg
3226 3226 0.0% 26-Feb-04 02:09:16 img/17.jpg
9357 9357 0.0% 13-Mar-04 07:03:40 img/18.png
24281 24130 0.6% 14-Mar-04 00:13:58 img/19.png
11664 6534 43.9% 10-Jan-04 04:30:54 libs/rexxreqtools.library
131 102 22.1% 30-Mar-04 12:33:34 Locale/.ReadMe
84 71 15.4% 26-Feb-04 05:31:14 Locale/Months.cat.DE
90 72 20.0% 27-Feb-04 05:43:58 Locale/Months.cat.ES
86 71 17.4% 27-Feb-04 05:39:52 Locale/Months.cat.FR
96 76 20.8% 27-Feb-04 05:35:28 Locale/Months.cat.IT
89 70 21.3% 26-Feb-04 05:07:20 Locale/Months.cat.NL
87 73 16.0% 26-Feb-04 05:15:08 Locale/Months.cat.UK
586 352 39.9% 18-Mar-04 08:24:46 Locale/Strings.cat.NL
688 423 38.5% 18-Mar-04 08:24:48 Locale/Strings.cat.UK
26036 7696 70.4% 30-Mar-04 02:08:24 Manual.html
27176 7021 74.1% 06-Apr-04 01:41:20 src/Archive.long
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
240797 183508 23.7% 06-Apr-04 01:46:38 36 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/rexx/Archive.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 123 166 74.1% -lh5- 5246 Mar 30 2004 .ReadMe
[generic] 366 697 52.5% -lh5- 3ae3 Mar 14 2004 Arc.cfg
[generic] 5077 17365 29.2% -lh5- 5f95 Apr 6 2004 Archive.rx
[generic] 5 5 100.0% -lh0- 26f4 Mar 13 2004 ENVARC/ArcPath
[generic] 4950 5074 97.6% -lh5- a28e Feb 23 2004 img/01.png
[generic] 17094 17094 100.0% -lh0- abe5 Feb 23 2004 img/02.png
[generic] 9462 9504 99.6% -lh5- bbcc Feb 23 2004 img/03.png
[generic] 9674 9732 99.4% -lh5- 3dba Feb 23 2004 img/04.png
[generic] 9592 9592 100.0% -lh0- 78b4 Feb 24 2004 img/05.png
[generic] 5549 5549 100.0% -lh0- 842a Feb 24 2004 img/06.png
[generic] 4786 4786 100.0% -lh0- c903 Feb 24 2004 img/07.png
[generic] 7699 7699 100.0% -lh0- 0e22 Feb 25 2004 img/08.png
[generic] 2853 2853 100.0% -lh0- d24a Feb 24 2004 img/09.png
[generic] 24228 24228 100.0% -lh0- e847 Feb 25 2004 img/10.png
[generic] 3299 3299 100.0% -lh0- 3fcf Feb 26 2004 img/11.jpg
[generic] 3298 3298 100.0% -lh0- 4167 Feb 26 2004 img/11.png
[generic] 3299 3299 100.0% -lh0- 3fcf Feb 26 2004 img/12.jpg
[generic] 3310 3310 100.0% -lh0- f947 Feb 26 2004 img/13.jpg
[generic] 3064 3064 100.0% -lh0- 9844 Feb 26 2004 img/14.jpg
[generic] 3132 3132 100.0% -lh0- 8e71 Feb 26 2004 img/15.jpg
[generic] 3374 3374 100.0% -lh0- c94c Feb 26 2004 img/16.jpg
[generic] 3226 3226 100.0% -lh0- 5a8f Feb 26 2004 img/17.jpg
[generic] 9357 9357 100.0% -lh0- 608c Mar 13 2004 img/18.png
[generic] 24130 24281 99.4% -lh5- 6688 Mar 14 2004 img/19.png
[generic] 6534 11664 56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Jan 10 2004 libs/rexxreqtools.library
[generic] 102 131 77.9% -lh5- 914c Mar 30 2004 Locale/.ReadMe
[generic] 71 84 84.5% -lh5- b2f1 Feb 26 2004 Locale/Months.cat.DE
[generic] 72 90 80.0% -lh5- 34fa Feb 27 2004 Locale/Months.cat.ES
[generic] 71 86 82.6% -lh5- 0511 Feb 27 2004 Locale/Months.cat.FR
[generic] 76 96 79.2% -lh5- a2ab Feb 27 2004 Locale/Months.cat.IT
[generic] 70 89 78.7% -lh5- 9e38 Feb 26 2004 Locale/Months.cat.NL
[generic] 73 87 83.9% -lh5- 039d Feb 26 2004 Locale/Months.cat.UK
[generic] 352 586 60.1% -lh5- d009 Mar 18 2004 Locale/Strings.cat.NL
[generic] 423 688 61.5% -lh5- 8269 Mar 18 2004 Locale/Strings.cat.UK
[generic] 7696 26036 29.6% -lh5- 603d Mar 30 2004 Manual.html
[generic] 7021 27176 25.8% -lh5- c6bd Apr 6 2004 src/Archive.long
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 36 files 183508 240797 76.2% Apr 12 2004
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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