Release date: 19-May-1999
1. What is Headbanger?
This program is an XPK based adaptive file compressor utility, with only a
command line interface. (It is not an archiver, but a one-file only
2. How does it work?
Everybody knows that the files are usually not a homogene byte-stream
inside, a file almost always can be separated into some different types of
data. (Think of a song module - it consists of a header, the song data, and
the samples.) All kind of data can be compressed efficiently with a different
kind of method.
Fortunately Amiga has a great possibility of using different methods for
different kind of files trough the great XPK package. If you have ever tried
to compress eg. a module-file, you have probably realized that SQSH often
achieves better ratio than even the famous LZX. (Which is known unbeatable in
everyday archiving.)
Well, I tought we have a lot of nice compressors at hand, but they are
working only on one whole file only.
How Headbanger works then (in short):
- first it splits the file into small pieces,
- it tries to apply all of the given XPK compressing methods (selecting from a
list) on each pieces,
- chooses the most efficient, and uses its data in the output.
It gained more than 50% from large data files, unlike any other packers,
archivers or compressors... (Even against RAR...)
A testfile (it shows almost nothing about the efficiency but...):
ChiMai.S3M music module (Scream Tracker 3 format, woth 16 bit wide samples)
Original: 696964 bytes
xpk gzip.100: 394040 bytes (43.5% won)
lzx (strongest method, switch -9): 391920 bytes (43.7% won)
lha 390779 bytes (43.9% won)
xpk sqsh.100: 385092 bytes (44.7% won)
xpk shri.100: 377584 bytes (45.8% won)
headbanger, nibble:32Kb 351800 bytes (49.5% won)
headbanger, nibble:16Kb 348312 bytes (50.0% won)
headbanger, nibble:8Kb 344980 bytes (50.5% won)
3. How to use it?
At first you need XPK package.
Then a list of the methods to be used in ENV:, called "headbanger.methods".
(Simply text file, I included one into this archive.) Why it is needed? Of
course not all of the methods worth a try, and there are also methods (eg.
IDEA), which are not compressors, but protectors. You can filter out these
methods. (More methods, less speed...) This list-file is not really needed,
but then only SHRI, SQSH and GZIP methods will be used.
The format of this file is: one line is a method to be used, if it starts
with * (asterisk), then before compressing the nibble a delta will be
generated. (Useful for sample files and some others, this is how SQSH works,
but it worth not using it on these kind of compressing methods: SQSH, SLZX,
An example:
The point, and the number represents the efficiency. (100 recommended of
Empty lines can be added (real empty lines only), and remarks beginning with
the colon (;). Remarks and empty lines will be ignored. (See example file in
this archive!)
Then, all you have to know is command-line, parameters are:
COMMAND/A: required, can be: c - compress,
d - decompress a file
l - list the required methods for
decompressing a compressed file,
FILEIN/A: required, the name of the file to be processed (compress,
decompress, or list)
FILEOUT: not required, the name of the output file, if it is not given,
then at compressing Headbanger adds a .hdbg suffix, at
decompressing it tries to chop .hdbg suffix, or it adds .1 to
the filename.
THRESHOLD=THRE/K/N: not required, the minimum differences between the result
of two methods, in case of changing method.
Sometimes it worth keep the method of the previous nibble.
That is because every new method requires a header in the
packed file, thus increment output size. This number gives
the size of minimum acceptable difference in number of bytes,
when comparing the two output of the methods. If not given,
it will be 20 bytes. This feature can be turned off by the
amount of 0, but can not be negative of course. If you see
alternating between two methods, you possibly have to raise
this amount.
Not advisable a much larger amount of 1% of the nibble size.
NIBBLE/K/N: not required, the size of a nibble in bytes. If not given it
will be 32768 bytes. Cannot be less than 256 bytes, and more
than 65536 bytes.
Usually 32 Kb or 16 Kb is the right amount, but can be
different for each file.
MAXNIBBLE=MAX/K/N: not required, determines the maximum size of a nibble,
when Headbanger uses joined repacking. (See threshold.)
Useful for lower memory machines.
Be careful! If you have lot of memory, and you can use any
size, on an other system depacking can fail because of low
If not given, then no limit used, else should be at least 2
times larger than nibblesize.
4. Worth it use?
Well... The disadvantages of this tool are:
- It is slooow... Depends on the methods you are using, but far slower than
a usual archiver or compressor.
- It is not fully automatic. You can play with the parameters, and cannot be
sure that this is the optimal configuration.
- It is rather an experiment, I see no reality of a Headbanger based
archiver for example. (I included a batch anyway, called Archbanger, it
uses LHA for compacting files, then uses Headbanger on it. Requires lot of
space on the disk.)
- It is not advised spread the compressed files, it is really annoying, when
you are not able to decompress a file, because of a missing method...
- It is a really beta release, not tested too deeply.
- LZX sometimes gives a better ratio, I was not able to clue out the exact
explanation of this. (Even when ELZX method is used...) Should be
something with the headers or at the buffering.
- There is no possibility of using compressed files in any other platform
than Amiga. (No XPK ports.)
- There is no check for corrupted files. (Some kind of CRC for example.)
- You can achieve a really fine compression ratio, especially for music
modules and bitmap-type picture files.
- When you get a new XPK method, you can immediately use it.
- Decompression can be even faster than other compressors
5. Future plans
I am planning now an XPK method based on the knowledge of designing
Headbanger. Unfortunately I have some unanswered question yet, so it is not
as simple as it seemed at first.
6. Legal
This program is Freeware, except the sources. (Not included, I hate include
my sources, I feel something like standing in the X-Ray...)
Made with AmigaE v3.3a.
Can be used in any non-commercial way you want, but please credit me!
This package can be redistributed in any form, but the archive should be
kept together, there is nothing to remove or add.
If you have any question/remark/advice/request/bugreport, e-mail me:
Rajnai Álmos
(Álmos Rajnai is the english form of my name...)
also known Rachy of BiøHazard
I am on #amigahu channel on IRCNet almost every weekdays.
Sorry for my poor english, I will never learn it...
7. Thanks to
Németh Zoltán (alias NemecheK), for correcting my bad english, and
Garami Ferenc, Bebe/AmigaRulez, qxy for beta-testing
8. History
V0.11, 18-May-1999
*Fix: added XPK_CHUNKSIZE to the recompress of joined nibbles, it gives a
bit more efficiency
V0.1, 12-May-1999
First Aminet release
*Fixes: bad english in docs (well...)
better format support for methods file (empty lines and remarks)
*Added: MAXNIBBLE parameter
V0.1ß, 18-Apr-1999
First beta release