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tCPU - Amiga Bench Mark CPU tester
By Gareth Murfin
tCPU is a simple program which you place in your C: directory and then in shell
type 'tCPU'. It will calculate the speed of your CPU by doing a few different
tests and averaging the results. It is measured in 'Murfins' which is similar
to MIPs or Mhz, although obviously they are on a completely different scale.
Here is a graph so that you can rate the performance of your CPU, although
you should be aware that sometimes a CPU seems far too fast or slow. This is
quite rare, but Ive had reports about it. I suppose you could call these
types of results anomalies, which need to be sorted out. tCPU averages out
all the results so 95% of the time you can be sure you're getting a correct
the thing to remember with tCPU is that the LOWER the Murfins the faster
your CPU is, my 060 scored 93.3 Murfins although Ive had reports of some
040's scoring exceptionally well presumable because of some command which the
060 hasnt got :)
CPU speed - Line graph to show the RAW speeds
(Murfins) of the Amiga 68k CPU in Murfins
| as measured using tCPU.
| ____/·
120-| /
| ·
110-| ______/ * Please don't assume this graph
| /· is 100% accurate, also some CPU's
100-| ______.-----/ unexplainably perform better/worse
| / than this graph predicts.
90-| ·
060 040 030 020 000
CPU (68k)
To improve the accuracy of tCPU please send me your Amiga spec and CPU speed
in 'Murfins' to gazy@globalnet.co.uk. An ideal way is to do :
tCPU >ram:temp
and send me the file ram:temp. As it contains all the information I need ;-)
Also Check Out :-
Also look out for these programs which were all done by the author. They are
available from http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~gazy/
AmiClock - Nice Wb Clock
AmiGreet - Greets you on bootup
Carnlevels - New levels for carnage
Dwarfdemo - Small aga demo about DWaRFx
|DWaRFx - Ultimate IRC scripts!
JoyMouse - Use CD³² pad as a mouse
Theme040 - 040 upgrade for Themepark aga
ZombieFest - Small zombie film demo
Zippyxdemo - Aga MegaDemo
Hoppyxdemo - Aga MegaDemo
Skoolz Out - Skool Daze clone
DMscript - Upgrade to DiskMaster
Dotd Rpg - Dawn of the dead text RPG
SetPatch97 - Unofficial GateWay 2000 SetPatch
LunaIRC - NEW Amiga IRC Client!
VikRad S.E - 4 Player War game.
Gloom3 - Commercial DOOM game
GloomRejects - Gloom 3 Rejected files
GloomLoading - Bug Fixes for Gloom3
WbLogo - Wb backdrop animator
AmiTip - Brings up a tip on bootup
Rejects - 3 minute Cartoon with sound
Gaz - gazy@globalnet.co.uk
- GalaxyNet #AmIRC (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org)
- http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~gazy/
AmiGreet® is Copyright © Gareth Murfin
C< Alpha Software.
Contents of util/moni/tCPU.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 267 628 42.5% -lh5- 7ad5 Jan 24 1998 tCPU.info
[generic] 15408 52160 29.5% -lh5- 76f1 Jan 24 1998 tCPU/tCPU
[generic] 256 383 66.8% -lh5- d5e8 Jan 24 1998 tCPU/tCPU.info
[generic] 1627 3606 45.1% -lh5- bc32 Jan 24 1998 tCPU/tCPU.txt
[generic] 535 837 63.9% -lh5- 161f Jan 24 1998 tCPU/tCPU.txt.info
[generic] 49 49 100.0% -lh0- e832 Jan 24 1998 tCPU/Test.tCPU
[generic] 595 893 66.6% -lh5- 67a6 Jan 24 1998 tCPU/Test.tCPU.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 18737 58556 32.0% Jan 25 1998
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