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Short:EXternal Format Rippers master library
Author: silva at (Andreas 'da Silva' Szabo)
Uploader:silva psi5 com
Version:2.1, 4/2003
Requires:any amiga or amiga emulator
Download:util/misc/xfrmaster2.lha - View contents


There have been many rippers on amiga with various functions. If you
wanted to write your own ripper because of implementing a function that
the others had not, you needed to rewrite all those formats out there.
Now is the times when ultimate redemption has come to you programmers
of the rippers. XFR is a standard amiga library that supports external
clients similar to eagleplayer rippers, and, XFR can be utilised from
any program easily through a standard interface. Some details:

	- 100% written in 68000 assembler
	- object based interface
	- external clients use taglists
	- check or scan files
	- scan memory
	- read tracks from a disk
	- special deep scan mode
	- scan hook function
	- abort and continue
	- extract samples from modules
	- convert format to more common
	- fix/patch embedded replayers
	- developer material and guide


	xfrmaster.library		the library itself
	xfr/				clients
	xfrlibinfo			shell and wb tools,
	xfrlist				see usage below
	xfrscan				 .. ..
	xfremove			 .. ..
	xfr-usage.txt			quick start info
	X-Systems.TXT			about similar libs
	XFRGenie			Delitracker XFR Genie
	EagleXFR			XFR Eagleplayer Engine		developer autodoc
	#?.asm				example sources*
	xfr.i				assembler include file
	xfr_lib.i			.. (lvo offsets)
	xfrmaster_pragmas_#?.h		for different compilers
	xfrmaster_stubs.a		what are these for?
	xfrmaster_lib.fd		fd file

	* may undergo changes from rel to rel, i do try to
	  release some good sources without further notice


There are no known bugs. Details on missing features are documented
in the guide or commented in the includes. The c header files are
experimental and incomplete. I do not understand c and you may help me.

You may check for updates at A
list of clients is also maintained there and with some may be links
to recent client updates or to their authors webpages.

The supplied tools do support some of the features of


I take no response for anything concerning XFR. You may not distribute
it or the archive nor partial but may spread the word and hand out the
homepage address. You may use and modify the supplied sourcecodes for
your own purposes without remaking and redistributing annother version
or clone of XFR or one of the supplied clients or tools under my name. 


1. You copy the contents of libs/ from this archive to libs:.
2. You copy the xfr tools where you want them. I recommend C: but
   you may use some of them via icon also, so maybe sys:tools/
   or else place in a WB-drawer is the place.
3. put the genie or engine in the appropriate directory,
   DeliGenies for Delitracker or Engines for Eagleplayer, both
   just one dir under the main dir where the player main program is
D. You copy the developer files where you want them.


A help text for the Delitracker XFR Genie can be found when selecting
the Genie from the Delitracker Genie list, pressing config and then
in its menu the help key while the menu is open (menuhelp). Closing
the progress window does stop the scan and then the genie does show
what XFR has been found until that.

The tools are very self explaining and can be started from shell or
workbench. You can also select their icons together with other
files or directorys to process. In the shell the "?" argument prints
out some info for xfrlibinfo, -scan and -list. At xfrlibinfo you do
not need to use -> " <-. The xfremove does not have any parameters.
It frees the library and all clients from memory when idle (so you
do not need to reboot after changing the client files, just type
xfremove and load again whichever XFR-prog youd like).

The scanning, listing and libinfo text output can be canceled with

There is a general XFR difference in scanning and listing file and
data recognition, so some data can be ripped out of files, but not
properly listed as a stand alone files. Hope for future improvements
or re/write a client yourself. And last but not least XFR is rather
a ripper than a file/ or datatype recognition tool.

Advanced options for xfrscan are (see "xfrscan ?" for beginner):

TO <directory>			save files, default is verbose only
EXCLUDE <filenamepattern>	do not scan these files, e.g. #?.info
DISK <drivenumber>		select floppy drive 0 to 3 to read a
				whole disk for input to scan it; please
				do not use this (use xad) to load disk
				that are amiga dos formated or do contain
				an os filesystem directory. such may
				produce very false results, though for
				bootgirl bootblock pictures its ok--)
CHIP				scan the entire local chipmem area 
FAST				scan the fastmem area(s)
RAM or MEMORY			scan all chip and fast ram area(s)
				(you may also use CHIP and FAST combined)
DEEP				scan in deep mode
HYBRID				scan in normal and deep mode combined
ODD				scan odd addresses, e.g. you have
				cut a decrunched demo in a texteditor
				at a byte offset (needs 68020+ CPU or
				emulation of such)
PCSTYLENAMES			per default names are f.e. mod.amegas,
				with this opt. the will be amegas.mod
COMPACT				no blank lines in text output
OVERWRITE			default is adding numbers to filenames
				that exist when saving

Please write me if you found the overwrite option usefull. I doubt.
Write to silva at


You may use the supplied example sources, change them or make your
own to write a program that utilises xfr. If you make a client (much
more simple than a program, you do not need to worry about allmost
anything), consider the very informative guidelines that are written
and illustrated on the homepage. A client should match them to be
included into the xfr distribution.

Send it to me along with its sources. We can decide and you can get a
link on the homepage to support it yourself, offer updates, etc.

My eMail adress is


I learned by trying object based developement and then through xfd and
xad by Dirk Stöcker, Georg Hörmann, but rather by analysing dozens of
formats and replays. In the beginning, that has been annother dozen of
years beyond, through heavy and dirty ripping. Later through many years
of allmost useless developement and planning. Armin Sander was the guy
at the M&T support hotline and he encouraged me to take over his job
there. After (or before) this he has given me and my schoolfriend some
improved assembler and reassembler to work with. So the work continued
in a new environment.

The eXternal Format Rippers are mainly made from my earlier projects
Universal Ripper and Amiga Filterium.

For most of the eXternal Formats that are supported now by XFR I
referred to other ripper sources. Certain authors and providers of
informations are listed on the homepage and can be retrieved with the
supplied xfrlibinfo program from the clients directly. Sometimes the
shell command "version" can do this also.

If you want to make a good program consider to implement xad, xfd and
xvs from They do you all a great work as e.g. unpacking
allmost all homecomputer and pc archives, decrunching amiga intros and
checking amiga software for viruses.

eXternal Format Rippers

pps: Zak McKracken for President

Contents of util/misc/xfrmaster2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                10832   27850  38.9% -lh5- c7c0 Jan  4  2003 xfr.i
[generic]                  527    1119  47.1% -lh5- 271f Jan  4  2003 xfr_lib.i
[generic]                 1165    2152  54.1% -lh5- a3c9 Dec 21  2002 xfr-usage.txt
[generic]                  654    1361  48.1% -lh5- 6c77 Jan  3  2003 xfrmaster_lib.fd
[generic]                  396    1059  37.4% -lh5- 1c04 Jan  2  2003 xfrmaster_pragmas_sas.h
[generic]                  457    1226  37.3% -lh5- bc73 Jan  2  2003 xfrmaster_pragmas_storm.h
[generic]                  795    3635  21.9% -lh5- 0acf Jan  9  2003 xfrmaster_stubs.a
[generic]                15167   43408  34.9% -lh5- f30b Jan 11  2003
[generic]                 1427    4007  35.6% -lh5- a5d0 Dec 30  2002 XFRC_Hippel.asm
[generic]                 3282    8735  37.6% -lh5- 31f8 Apr  6  2003 XFRC_Tracker.asm
[generic]                 2019    4337  46.6% -lh5- 632e Apr  6  2003 XFRC_SoundFX.asm
[generic]                 1008    2311  43.6% -lh5- 8ff3 Dec 30  2002 XFRC_FutureComposer.asm
[generic]                 1817    5005  36.3% -lh5- 4dc8 Jan  4  2003 xfrtools_startup.asm
[generic]                 2522    6737  37.4% -lh5- 9d49 Dec 19  2002 xfrlist.asm
[generic]                  760    1024  74.2% -lh5- a3f7 Apr  7  2003 c/xfremove
[generic]                 1823    2664  68.4% -lh5- 4afb Apr  7  2003 c/xfrlibinfo
[generic]                 1369    1848  74.1% -lh5- f33a Apr  7  2003 c/xfrlist
[generic]                 4559    6488  70.3% -lh5- c403 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfrmaster.library
[generic]                  333     448  74.3% -lh5- 4c3c Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Actionamics
[generic]                  351     468  75.0% -lh5- c350 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/ahx
[generic]                  386     508  76.0% -lh5- b320 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/aon
[generic]                  310     404  76.7% -lh5- deb3 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/AProSys
[generic]                  393     532  73.9% -lh5- f184 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Delta2
[generic]                  354     468  75.6% -lh5- 7083 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Detrack
[generic]                  453     628  72.1% -lh5- 1e97 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Digibooster
[generic]                  437     620  70.5% -lh5- 4deb Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/EarAche
[generic]                  680     864  78.7% -lh5- 50f3 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/FredMon
[generic]                  498     760  65.5% -lh5- 2659 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/FutureComposer
[generic]                  673     948  71.0% -lh5- 9505 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Gremlin
[generic]                  637    1008  63.2% -lh5- 1b77 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Hippel
[generic]                  380     496  76.6% -lh5- 287f Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/JamCracker
[generic]                  890    1288  69.1% -lh5- 8a59 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/klaren
[generic]                  389     480  81.0% -lh5- aa01 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/lme
[generic]                  350     464  75.4% -lh5- df4b Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/ma
[generic]                  387     496  78.0% -lh5- 28c9 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/MajorTom
[generic]                  425     552  77.0% -lh5- 5f8b Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Mugician
[generic]                  400     512  78.1% -lh5- 242e Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Oktalyzer
[generic]                  295     388  76.0% -lh5- 9eee Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/psa
[generic]                  549     700  78.4% -lh5- ba71 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Puma
[generic]                  499     700  71.3% -lh5- 9ca0 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/SidMon
[generic]                  458     624  73.4% -lh5- 143c Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/SidMonII
[generic]                  388     544  71.3% -lh5- 48f5 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Synthesis
[generic]                 1244    2040  61.0% -lh5- 2e8a Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Tracker
[generic]                  799    1092  73.2% -lh5- 00b8 Apr  7  2003 libs/xfr/Whittacker
[generic]                 1407    2260  62.3% -lh5- c59a Apr  7  2003 eagleplayer/engines/EagleXFR
[generic]                 3628    7477  48.5% -lh5- 0c48 Apr  7  2003 xfrmaster.readme
[generic]                 2927    7081  41.3% -lh5- 1779 Apr  7  2003 X-Systems.TXT
[generic]                  392     500  78.4% -lh5- 30f4 Apr  8  2003 libs/xfr/SoundMon
[generic]                  681     896  76.0% -lh5- a478 Apr  8  2003 libs/xfr/SoundFX
[generic]                 3759    6644  56.6% -lh5- 7fb9 Apr  8  2003 delitracker_ii/deligenies/XFRGenie
[generic]                 2551    3676  69.4% -lh5- 04e0 Apr  7  2003 c/xfrscan
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        51 files   78882  171532  46.0%            Apr 13  2003
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