This archive contains the reminder program Message, including
the doc file and fully commented assembler source code.
--------------------- MESSAGE ---------------------
MESSAGE is a reminder program which repeats back to you a
message after a specified number of minutes. A typical example
would be to "Turn off the sprinkler" after 15 minutes.
This is version two of a very simple program. Version one was
written in Pascal, was WB2+ only, and was missing a function I
needed. Here is the assembly version!
It's smaller, faster and should hum along on all breeds of
MESSAGE has two windows. The first has a string gadget in which
you can type a message of up to 128 characters.
There is also a "minutes" gadget which will take an integer
value of up to 9999 minutes (about 7 days). You quit from this
"entry" window by either selecting the "OK" gadget, which
activates the timer, or by clicking the close window gadget
which halts the program.
After your designated time, the message window will pop up.
This window has your message inside. At this time, all screens
should "flash" and your machine should "beep".
You can either quit from this window by selecting "OK" or the
close gadget, both of which will halt the program, or
alternatively you may request a "REPEAT" of the message, which
will restart the timer.
I hope that you find this program useful. If not, feel free to
use it as a pot plant holder. If it stomps all over your Amiga,
I'm sorry, but you use it at your own risk!
This program is FREEWARE, as is the source code. Copy it and
enjoy it.
Anthony Peck
68 Woralul St
Waramanga ACT 2611