Just a little gui using Muirexx3.0+. Put the whole drawer someplace nice and double
click icon. Can copy icon from FROM to TO or load another to TO. Can copy all
tooltypes from FROM to TO or add or delete tooltypes on TO icon only. Icon types are
changed via menu. Your FROM icon and TO icon will not be changed. SAVE will allow
the changes to be permanent to an icon and location you choose. Listviews require a double click to select.
OR just load an icon in TO and put in the tooltypes or change the icon type and SAVE.
Play with it alittle you can't hurt any of your icons by mistake. Have fun.
I collect quite a few cli programs and over the years I don't know if they are PD or
even distributable. Sorry if anything contained here is not distributable. IF this
is the case then find them on AMINET and douwnload them yourself and replace with
original. :-)