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Readme file for Exorcist
Exorcist is an application that will show you all the windows
on the public screen (usually Workbench) and allow you to kill
one of the windows by selecting one. Also it will show you any
other screens and allow you to close them. It is intended to be
used on windows or screens that are of crashed programs and it
does not close the windows or screens in a particularly 'friendly'
The idea was taken from the little application KillWin created
by Dave McKinstry. I found this application so useful that I
decided to write a (slightly) more friendly version. The biggest
advantage of this app is that it allows you to identify the
window or screen that you are going to close (even if it has no
DISCLAIMER: This is meant as a development tool for killing (my
own) apps that have crashed and have left a window or screen behind.
Obviously, this is not a very elegant thing to have to do and
ideally it should be handled by AmigaOS (sigh, maybe one day).
The author accepts no responsibility or damage to anything
caused directly or indirectly from the use of this application.
I just thought it might be useful for some other people so have
decided to upload it. In fact many people have now said so -
I am grateful for the feedback.
Hope you find it useful.
Kyle Miller
Dragons Fire Software
This application is Freeware, do with it what you will.
Email suggestions and comments to: exorcist()Dragons-fire.co.uk
If the window or screen you are trying to close is really screwed,
Exorcist will also crash. I may fix this in the future. (Of
course if it crashes, you can use Exorcist to kill the window
:-) ).
Renamed to Exorcist !! :-)
because added experimental(!) support for closing screens as
well as windows
Should now at least have a decent attempt at closing Shell
Added app icon in archive. Icon kindly created by Björn
Added position and size of window display as requested.
Initial Release.
Contents of util/misc/exorcist.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1306 1655 78.9% -lh5- 17ad Mar 30 23:45 Exorcist.info
[generic] 49628 134375 36.9% -lh5- 3ca3 Mar 30 23:45 Exorcist/Exorcist
[generic] 7313 8401 87.0% -lh5- a457 Mar 30 23:45 Exorcist/Exorcist.info
[generic] 1040 2021 51.5% -lh5- 89df Mar 30 23:45 Exorcist/readme.txt
[generic] 1975 2431 81.2% -lh5- abc7 Mar 30 23:45 Exorcist/readme.txt.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 61262 148883 41.1% Mar 31 22:55
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