The archive contains:
ReqAttack 1.96 main binary ©2001-2002 Jaca/D-CAPS
ReqAttack040 1.96 compiled for 040/060 cpu's
RAPrefsMUI 1.95 main binary ©2001-2002 Jaca/D-CAPS
Please download ReqAttack.lha if you don't have RA1.90 package installed
and install this package after full 1.90 installation.
ReqAttack gives your system requesters a great new look. You can
add anims and sounds with stereo fx (!). The configuration program
gives you the possibility to define different look for every requester
that ever appeared on your Amiga!
Update ReqAttack and RAPrefsMUI files, copy reqattack.library to LIBS:
copy the new files to your RAPImages dir (images by Martin Merz)
ReqAttack040 is a compilation for 040/060 cpu's. Rename it to ReqAttack
and use this executable if you have at least 040 cpu.
PatchControl includes CyReq patch now. If you want to use PatchControl,
use the CyReq program included in v1.90 distribution. In other case,
update c:PatchControl and REMOVE CyReq from your startup-sequence!
o Code optimized a bit (exec 7kb shorter), some small changes
o Added PatchControl v2.5 © by AlienDesign which does the job of CyReq!
o Added images for NListtree in RAPrefsMUI, some small bugs in Edit
requester fixed
o Keyboard shortcuts work again (thx to Todd A. Oberly for bug reports)
o Removed some more hits (thx to Michael Malyshev for reports)
o Found and removed some silly enforcer hits
o Added a Tooltype/Cli arg "NOCGX". Try to turn this on when you're
using RTG (CGX/Picasso) and when RA crashes on startup (?). Also switch
this on when the gfx in requesters will be all black - this means
your cybergraphics.library is too old (it has to be 41.19+ !)
o External ReqAttack.library used to display rquesters with extended
control of their look (if ReqAttack1.93+ not present it calls
intuition functions)
o New ReqAttackDev archive! (util/libs/ReqAttack.lha)
o Problems with 8svx sounds fixed (RAAHISound played noise with dt's
from OS3.9 - blame authors of those datatypes for inconsequences)
o All changes made to AHI settings are saved just after modification,
ReqAttack updates them immediately
o ReqAttack creates a reqattack.library to let programs that open
requesters control their look (logo, appicon, highlighted button)
- CyberGraphics support
- animations, logos, button logos and sounds on every requester
- plays sound using AHI (AHI ©2001 by Martin Blom)
- possibility to switch off/replace requesters with ReqOFF
- ReqTools requesters emulation (optional)
- ATO translations in separate archives
- works OK under MorphOS :)
- and many more...