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util/misc/PoseidonScripts.lha |
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--+ Introduction +--
This distribution includes three scripts that allows for some alternative ways
of starting and stopping the Poseidon USB stack. The scripts are the following:
- PoseidonManX -
This script is meant to be used with a standard Poseidon install, where the
stack already has been properly configured. It opens a simple requester which
gives you the possibility to either start or stop the stack. Stopping Poseidon
may sometimes be required since it conflicts with certain types of software,
and the PoseidonManX script makes this a bit easier, since it's quicker than
doing it via Trident. Just double-click it's icon to launch the script.
- PoseidonMan -
This one is meant for using a minimalistic version of Poseidon, that doesn't
use Trident, which in turn also means that MUI (Magic User Interface) is not
required. Upon running the script, a requester will open, which allows you to
either start or stop the Poseidon stack. This will then be done by using the
AddUSBHardware and AddUSBClasses commands directly. You can start PoseidonMan
by simply double-clicking it's icon.
- StartPoseidon -
It is possible to make a bootable floppy disk that contains a minimal version
of Poseidon. In order to make the stack start automatically upon booting, the
StartPoseidon script can be run from the Startup-Sequence of the boot disk.
This can be done by simply adding a "Execute >NIL: S:StartPoseidon" line some-
where in the Startup-Sequence file. Just have in mind that both the script and
Poseidon itself requires that T: has been assigned first.
Take a look at the included documentation for more information about using a
minimal version of the Poseidon USB stack.
--+ Requirements +--
Amiga with Kickstart 3.0 and 68020 CPU as minimum.
The Poseidon USB stack. Various links to it can be found here:
--+ Installation +--
This is really simple! Just copy the script(s) to wherever you like. A proper
location for PoseidonMan or PoseidonManX might be the System drawer on your
Workbench partition.
--+ Background info +--
The Poseidon scripts is something that originally was created for my Amiga911
Maker project, but I decided to release them as a seperate distribution as
well. This in case somebody will find them useful. The included versions of
the scripts has been slightly modified in order to make them somewhat more
More info about the Amiga911 Maker project, and the various boot disks + packs
that can be created with it can be found at: www.amiga911maker.site11.com
In addition, there is also my other site at: www.rhz1.com
Contents of util/misc/PoseidonScripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 1071 2061 52.0% -lh5- 809c Feb 1 01:03 PoseidonScripts.info
[generic] 1074 2061 52.1% -lh5- 81a8 Feb 1 01:02 PoseidonScripts/Icons.info
[generic] 242 383 63.2% -lh5- cc0f Jan 12 06:54 PoseidonScripts/Icons/PoseidonMan1.info
[generic] 303 647 46.8% -lh5- c0ca Feb 1 00:01 PoseidonScripts/Icons/PoseidonMan2.info
[generic] 354 652 54.3% -lh5- 8749 Jan 12 07:39 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonMan
[generic] 2406 5109 47.1% -lh5- 00ff Feb 1 01:00 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonMan.info
[generic] 237 361 65.7% -lh5- 6357 Jan 12 07:41 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonManX
[generic] 2407 5109 47.1% -lh5- 6c4c Feb 1 00:59 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonManX.info
[generic] 3046 7580 40.2% -lh5- be0a Jan 30 17:50 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonScripts.doc
[generic] 902 1526 59.1% -lh5- 21d8 Feb 1 01:02 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonScripts.doc.info
[generic] 1340 2872 46.7% -lh5- 805a Feb 1 02:42 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonScripts.readme
[generic] 902 1526 59.1% -lh5- af11 Feb 1 01:02 PoseidonScripts/PoseidonScripts.readme.info
[generic] 215 384 56.0% -lh5- d148 Nov 6 2014 PoseidonScripts/StartPoseidon
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 13 files 14499 30271 47.9% Feb 1 21:33
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