List extention type files in AmigaGuide format. Uses a Dos script and
AskEnv for the GUI ;)
Very configerable!
E.G.- #?.doc, #?.Lha, #?.guide, #?.readme, #?.iff, #?.jpeg, #?.gif ..etc.
FreeWare or EmailWare (Drop me a line)
- Workbench 2.1 and up.
- Each file found is listed in the AmigaGuide as a button to click on. This
will automatically load it into the default tool or batch file you have
- Each type of extention file can have its own default tool which the
file can be loaded into to: view, edit, play, extract...etc.
You can also use Dos batch files as the default tool. Some are supplied
to view and extract .lha and .lzx files. Also to delete, move and copy
the listed extention files.
A special script called ExtDMCR lets you have a floating tool bar that
changes the function of the Extention file buttons in the Guide on the fly
as you you look through it. Does Delete, Move, Copy and Rename at present
and has destinations for Copy and Move. It can also do a one line Dos
command that you type once, and apply as many times as you like in the
file lists, simply by clicking on the file buttons in the Guide as per
normal. The files are given as an argument in the command you supply.
- Generated AmigaGuides have built in search function that searches itself.
Generates a new AmigaGuide document with just the search results; it is
fully functional just like the main guide.
- An Automatic self contained script is created for each AmigaGuide made,
to update just that Guide. This is for if you add or delete extention
files on your hard drive and you want the guide to be updated to reflect
the changes. Just double click or run this Autoscript and your guide will
be automatically updated. Saves manually creating the guide all over!!
- Main index to lists and extention types. Index of categories say: Documents,
Pictures etc. Or Hard drive partitions... Work:, WorkBench:, etc.
- Optional extra button in lists to do different function to extention file.
E.G. Read a document with Muchmore as the main button, and edit it with
CygnusED set as the default tool for the extra button.
- Extra sorted lists of all extention files found. By directory choice,
extention type or everything in the whole guide in one big sorted list.
If you do not know the extention type or full name, these optional lists
make it easier to find.
Aminet CD ExtentionLister program.
Special Aminet script to make AmigaGuide Aminet CD listings. E.G.
List all your Utils directories across your whole Aminet CD collection
in one guide; do some or all directories on just one CD, or mix and mash.
- They have search functions, index file lists, and unpack or copy to
destination of your choice buttons for each LHA file found.
- Unpack button will view or un-DMS etc.. files that are not .LHA's
Currently handles- .anim, .jpg, .dms, .txt, .gif, .run, .exe and .mpg files
and of course .lha, .lzh, as well as .lzx just in case!
These guides can be quite large, but compress by up to 90%. Lha them and
use something like ArcHandler to look at them.
Better than the older Aminet CD search guides that came with the CD's.
NOTE: Cannot do extention files or default tools that have spaces in the
file name or in the path to the file or default tool. Sorry that is a
problem with Amiga Guides, not my script!
NOTE: This program is a Dos script!! Uses AskEnv for GUI. Over 2000 lines
all up. It may be a Dos program, but it works well ;) It also allows
people who know Dos well to customise the scripts to their needs.
Any one that wants to convert them from Dos is welcome!