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device oder media for example harddisc, cd-r or audio-cd.
Take a look on audio-cds with cd-text, ISRC and so on.
Get details about the manufactorer of your cd-r or dvd-rw.
helps to analyze your amiga-devices.
Shows many information about the USB devices.
please read the manual before using DevInfos!
A big "thank you" to:
- some guys from the support forum "OS4Welt.de" for there ideas.
- "mason" for the fine artwork of the usb-picture.
- a. iliakis for the greek translations
- u. ahlin for the swedish translations and bug reports
- m. zamora for the spanish translations.
- Elwood for the french catalog and many suggestions.
- Corrects two error, which will maybe call the grim.
- Add the new filesystem NGFileSytem
- DevInfos now recognize SMART-Status and let it in the state where it found it. (thanks to zzd10h)
- supports exFAT Filesystem
- supports Kickstart Filesystem
- automatic rescan the devicelist if a change is notified (feature request from Elwood)
- french catalog. (thanks to Elwood)
- if you choose a usb-host, the first device is now shown directly. (feature request from Christian)
- now supports floppy's i hope.
- the size of a device with less then 1gb is shown in mb.
- Tooltype Speedtest to switch off the test-tab.
- Tooltype Device. if it is set, this is the only device which is shown.
- Readme now shows the correct filename for Speedtest. (thanks to Elwood)
- Devicelist now only refreshed, when it is needed.
- Some correction in filesystems names.
- Correct some wrong catalog texts. (thanks to Elwood)
- Correct some bugs by generating the version string.
- Now Devinfos resets his GUI, when removing or installing a new device.
- Remove a bug, which is maybe generating reaction problems.
- Change some API-Calls to the new SDK functionnames.
- now also shows ntfs correctly
- Corrects a bug in Speedtest which comes with 17.10
- DevInfos Manual now also in swedish.
- the device-chooser shows now also the volume-name
- code optimation on getting the drive-data
- correction of some filesystem-names
- now also the full name and the version information of filesystem are shown
- drive information now avail for optival-drives (CDx:)
- A manual directory with a little manual in differend languages.
- new usb.ids file
- translation via catalog-system (nice idea from joeled, so i remember correctly)
- Fuelgauge in the Speedtest-Tab to see the progress of the test
- it is now possible to choose "all block sizes" in Speedtest. (nice idea from ZeroG, StangInator)
- Show all Speedtest results also in the GUI via Chooser-Gadget in results-section (idea from ZeroG)
- all exports are now in csv-format, unless you can configure the export.
- all temp files in T: will be deleted after leaving DevInfos
- all export-files now create in ram: and not in T:
- clean intern structures
- shows a little symbolpicture for the usb-devicetypes (configurable) (nice idea from HelmutH, graphics created from mason).
- smash a bug which appears when choosing the prt:, ser: or aux: device
- some new layouts in the tab to make it work fine with translations.
- smash a bug in the usb-code, now shows the correct protocol of the devices.
- New ToolType Protocol, which controls the new protocol option.
- Writes a protocol-file with all displayed informations, when Tooltype is "On". (nice idea from StangInator)
- SpeedDev RAD: for max. Speedtest. (Modified RAD: with 300MB)
- implementing a simple speedtest for r/w devices. (nice idea from joeled)
- Correction of a minor error in S.M.A.R.T. data. (hint from joeled)
- extended some information about ata/atapi versions.
- Correct a bug in DiscGeometrie Tab
- new routine for the extraction of idetool-data from idetool output.
- some minor updates for Device Data informations.
- Uses c:idetool to show transfermodes of a device.
- dynamic control of the window height is reimplemented.
- new about-tab
- minor bug correction in s.m.a.r.t. tab.
- Compacts the Gui from Devinfos.
- corrects some problems with the gui and brings some minor new infos.
- some test-function are removed from the code
- about text changes to "Needs smartctl in c:".
- Some additional values in S.M.A.R.T Tab. ("replaced sectors" and "Spinup Time")
Contents of util/misc/DevInfos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 19900 23580 84.4% -lh5- e3be Mar 18 16:11 DevInfos.info
[unknown] 2140 4532 47.2% -lh5- 10f7 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Catalogs/french/devinfos.catalog
[unknown] 1956 3958 49.4% -lh5- 23a7 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Catalogs/german/devinfos.catalog
[unknown] 2274 4540 50.1% -lh5- 012e Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Catalogs/greek/DevInfos.catalog
[unknown] 2165 4642 46.6% -lh5- 95b1 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Catalogs/spanish/devinfos.catalog
[unknown] 2024 4010 50.5% -lh5- 0158 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Catalogs/swedish/devinfos.catalog
[unknown] 71459 197648 36.2% -lh5- 1408 Mar 18 16:13 DevInfos/DevInfos
[unknown] 20677 23866 86.6% -lh5- d2c7 Aug 11 2015 DevInfos/DevInfos.info
[unknown] 2155 4684 46.0% -lh5- 581e Mar 18 16:16 DevInfos/DevInfos.readme
[unknown] 3159 5120 61.7% -lh5- aa4a Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/DevInfos.readme.info
[unknown] 5842 5907 98.9% -lh5- 1e19 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c00.png
[unknown] 13646 13696 99.6% -lh5- 714b Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c01.png
[unknown] 15179 15179 100.0% -lh0- b90e Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c02.png
[unknown] 7548 7590 99.4% -lh5- 22b7 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c030001.png
[unknown] 7124 7159 99.5% -lh5- 3aa5 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c030002.png
[unknown] 5842 5907 98.9% -lh5- 1e19 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c030100.png
[unknown] 11613 11651 99.7% -lh5- 61c0 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c030101.png
[unknown] 11108 11158 99.6% -lh5- 72ff Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c030102.png
[unknown] 8635 8656 99.8% -lh5- 9f88 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c05.png
[unknown] 9486 9602 98.8% -lh5- 7f32 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c06.png
[unknown] 10784 10814 99.7% -lh5- 1927 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c07.png
[unknown] 4467 4543 98.3% -lh5- 6d0c Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0801.png
[unknown] 13275 13295 99.8% -lh5- 2d6b Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0802.png
[unknown] 11034 11123 99.2% -lh5- 6c01 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0803.png
[unknown] 6625 6666 99.4% -lh5- c4d7 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0804.png
[unknown] 8674 8749 99.1% -lh5- 0c4e Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0805.png
[unknown] 8681 8731 99.4% -lh5- 54f3 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0806.png
[unknown] 5407 5507 98.2% -lh5- 88f6 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c09.png
[unknown] 7293 7395 98.6% -lh5- da8f Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0a.png
[unknown] 4063 4199 96.8% -lh5- 523e Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0b.png
[unknown] 12518 12563 99.6% -lh5- aa77 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0d.png
[unknown] 10736 10792 99.5% -lh5- 78cb Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c0e.png
[unknown] 10413 10508 99.1% -lh5- 0657 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/c58.png
[unknown] 7391 7410 99.7% -lh5- 444c Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cdc.png
[unknown] 7060 7108 99.3% -lh5- 1a21 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/ce001.png
[unknown] 6582 6639 99.1% -lh5- f842 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/ce00101.png
[unknown] 4993 5051 98.9% -lh5- eb42 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cef.png
[unknown] 9656 9661 99.9% -lh5- e274 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cfe01.png
[unknown] 5858 5929 98.8% -lh5- e006 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cfe02.png
[unknown] 9991 10033 99.6% -lh5- e22a Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cfe03.png
[unknown] 3363 3418 98.4% -lh5- 3f25 Apr 6 2013 DevInfos/Images/cff.png
[unknown] 9574 11420 83.8% -lh5- d100 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Manuals.info
[unknown] 2194 4754 46.2% -lh5- 5cf8 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/Manuals/Deutsch
[unknown] 3155 5120 61.6% -lh5- 10b6 Nov 22 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/Deutsch.info
[unknown] 1902 4233 44.9% -lh5- d9d6 Aug 5 2015 DevInfos/Manuals/English
[unknown] 3759 11236 33.5% -lh5- 458b Nov 22 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/English.info
[unknown] 2200 4784 46.0% -lh5- f40c May 31 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/EspaÐl
[unknown] 3157 5120 61.7% -lh5- 0e6c Nov 22 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/EspaÐl.info
[unknown] 2331 4873 47.8% -lh5- 8ae3 Apr 25 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/Greek
[unknown] 3130 5092 61.5% -lh5- 83d8 Nov 22 2013 DevInfos/Manuals/Greek.info
[unknown] 2125 4422 48.1% -lh5- 0ea4 Aug 20 2015 DevInfos/Manuals/Swedish
[unknown] 3155 5120 61.6% -lh5- 944e Dec 31 2015 DevInfos/Manuals/Swedish.info
[unknown] 466 1027 45.4% -lh5- 78e8 Dec 28 2010 DevInfos/Manufacturer.txt
[unknown] 9573 11420 83.8% -lh5- ef48 Aug 9 2015 DevInfos/SpeedDev.info
[unknown] 487 1057 46.1% -lh5- ba35 Sep 20 2009 DevInfos/SpeedDev/RAD-300MB
[unknown] 8211 14524 56.5% -lh5- a410 May 2 2013 DevInfos/SpeedDev/RAD-300MB.info
[unknown] 102 126 81.0% -lh5- 3ef5 May 17 2013 DevInfos/SpeedDev/Readme.RAD-300MB
[unknown] 3156 5120 61.6% -lh5- 23f2 May 2 2013 DevInfos/SpeedDev/Readme.RAD-300MB.info
[unknown] 208861 577007 36.2% -lh5- 7706 Jan 16 17:37 DevInfos/usb.ids
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 59 files 660334 1219674 54.1% Mar 19 18:41
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