This is a HD-Installer for the Find-tool and Find-data from the
Aminet CDs 3-10. I made it for me, because I did not want to
change always all the CDs when I was looking for a file.
Of course you could use the AminetFind-tool which comes with most
Aminet CDs, but it only tells you the location of files on the
Aminet CD-Sets :-(
This installer can be very usefull for all people like me, who do
not own the Aminet CD-Sets but only the single CDs.
1.0 (8.4.96) - first release
This is EMAILWARE and comes with no warranty at all.
Please send me a small email if you like and use this program.
Distribution on Aminet and AminetCDs is allowed.
Distribution by Fred Fish is allowed.
Distribution on MeetingPearlsCDs is allowed.
Other distribution without written permission of the author is
strictly forbidden (contact me via email).
Install-Script & AminetHDFind Copyright ©1996 Thomas Kessler
All rights reserved.
Aminet® CD Compilation Copyright ©1994-96 Urban Dominik Müller
All rights reserved.
The 'Installer' is not included. You can find it on your workbench
'Install'-disk, on aminet in 'util/misc/Installer*' or on various CDs.