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Short:Powerful Aminet index handler
Author: aniere at
Uploader:Franck ANIERE (aniere univ-mlv fr)
Download:util/misc/AmiSearchII.1.lha - View contents

AmiSearch II is a powerful Aminet index handler. It can help
you a lot with Internet files or Aminet CD ROM.

Version 2.1 changes :

At first the manual has been improved. Now let's see
what have changed...

    1) New features

        - Added an output window for initialization error messages
         (they could not been seen if lauched from WB).

        - Now when you click on 'Search' button it closes all popup and message

        - A new script named AS2Audio is included : it can copy/unpack modules/module archives
          and automatically create a program for Deli Tracker.

        - Now you can decide if windows should be closed during database operations
          or just disabled.

        - Improved installation scripts : the keyword DEFER allows you to store
          AmiSearch II on a removable media (ex : a floptical) and the '"' have
          been added to handle correctly directories with spaces.

        - Full icon tooltypes handling.

        - New index format : Aminet weekly file (slightly different from
          RECENT files).

        - FTP and AmFTP outputs now allow to download .readme files.

        - New security test for database creation/update : it is now impossible
          to entrer the same disk number twice (useful when you forget to change
          the disk number).

        - When you double click on a found entry the choosen command is automatically

        - New security test for result window : when there are too many entries (so
          the window cannot be opened) the list is automatically erased and the user
          is warned.

        - The manual can be called from AmiSearch II with 'Help' key.

        - Improved installation script, allowing easy II -> II.1 updates

    2) Bug fixes

        - Fixed message windows bug (text in the wrong place).

        - Now the name for Aminet sets is correct.

        - Stupid bug removed for empty patterns recognition.

        - The filename pattern had a tendancy to be re-activated when it should
          not, now it is fixed.

        - Message windows could not be closed with close gadget.

        - Empty files were not handled correctly, now they can be read without
          generating an infinite loop (totally useless but safer).

        - There was a problem with pattern option ('at least one'/all patterns'), now
          it works normally. I should stop coding in the middle of the night...

        - Small error in database creation error message fixed.

Contents of util/misc/AmiSearchII.1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                53170  134364  39.6% -lh5- 7838 Nov  1  1997 AmiSearchII/AmiSearchII
[generic]                 1168    2088  55.9% -lh5- 1cd0 Oct  8  1997 AmiSearchII/
[generic]                  688    1532  44.9% -lh5- 4c93 Nov  2  1997 AmiSearchII/ArchiveScripts/AS2Audio
[generic]                  826    2297  36.0% -lh5- 2e82 Sep 29  1997 AmiSearchII/ArchiveScripts/AS2H
[generic]                  177     704  25.1% -lh5- b8fe Sep 12  1997 AmiSearchII/BaseScripts/Script_CD_1-20
[generic]                  181     700  25.9% -lh5- 8154 Nov  5  1997 AmiSearchII/BaseScripts/Script_CD_1-20_Set1
[generic]                  597    1233  48.4% -lh5- ff9b Oct  8  1997 AmiSearchII/
[generic]                15991   44534  35.9% -lh5- 2180 Nov  5  1997 AmiSearchII/Docs/
[generic]                 1338    1857  72.1% -lh5- b806 Jul  5  1996 AmiSearchII/Docs/
[generic]                18279   51724  35.3% -lh5- 1769 Nov  5  1997 AmiSearchII/Docs/Manuel_Franç
[generic]                 1336    1857  71.9% -lh5- 462e Jul  5  1996 AmiSearchII/Docs/Manuel_Franç
[generic]                  485     970  50.0% -lh5- cfad Jul  5  1996 AmiSearchII/Docs/ReadMe.mui
[generic]                  528    1415  37.3% -lh5- be9e Jul  5  1996 AmiSearchII/Docs/
[generic]                 2350    3306  71.1% -lh5- b9ba Aug 22  1997 AmiSearchII/Gfx/AS2Logo.iff
[generic]                27384   27384 100.0% -lh0- 5075 Sep  1  1997 AmiSearchII/Gfx/Result.jpg
[generic]                 1067    3531  30.2% -lh5- a455 Nov  5  1997 AmiSearchII/Installation-English
[generic]                 1025    4704  21.8% -lh5- 2dcc Nov  4  1997 AmiSearchII/
[generic]                 1147    3754  30.6% -lh5- 726c Nov  5  1997 AmiSearchII/Installation-Français
[generic]                 1025    4705  21.8% -lh5- a9ef Nov  4  1997 AmiSearchII/Installation-Franç
[generic]                 6036   24366  24.8% -lh5- 9bed Nov  1  1997 AmiSearchII/Locale/
[generic]                 5426   16430  33.0% -lh5- 7f5c Nov  1  1997 AmiSearchII/Locale/Catalogs/Français/AmiSearch2.catalog
[generic]                  254     357  71.1% -lh5- 2e1a Sep 29  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/AmFTP-Grolier.prolog
[generic]                  257     361  71.2% -lh5- 3ffe Sep 29  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/AmFTP-Wustl.prolog
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 651a Oct  7  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/FTP-Grolier.prolog
[generic]                   47      47 100.0% -lh0- 4f71 Oct  7  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/FTP-Wustl.prolog
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- e0d0 Oct  7  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/NCFTP-Grolier.prolog
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- 0d13 Oct  7  1997 AmiSearchII/Prologs/NCFTP-Wustl.prolog
[generic]                  590    1233  47.9% -lh5- 7219 Oct  8  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        28 files  141479  335560  42.2%            Nov 10  1997
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