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Short:Check Kickstart images under Windows
Author:Roman Brenski
Uploader:romanworkshop gmail com
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AmiKick 1.14 (19.01.2024) by Roman Brenski (RomanWorkshop) |

Description |
This program is checking Kickstart (ROM) images under Windows operating system.
It allows to easily detect any possible errors in Kickstart image, yet before
writing it to memory chip (EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH) and installing in Amiga.
Program supports 69 generic versions of Kickstart (support for new versions can
be easily added) and custom 1MB Kickstarts made by Remus suite. It was written
in C language with use of free "Open Watcom 1.9" programming environment. It
works under Windows 95 or newer operating system (requires 386 CPU or better).

After opening supported and correct Kickstart image using "Open..." button or
drag&drop mechanism, informations about recognized Kickstart version and Amiga's
checkmark icon, will be displayed in the "Informations" group. These informa-
tions are: version (e.g. "Kickstart 2.05"), sub-version (e.g. "(37.299)"), Amiga
model (e.g. "for Amiga 600"), size (e.g. "512 kB"), production year (eg. "1991")
and checksum (e.g. "OK (2623680F)") of opened Kickstart. Also "Save report..."
button will be unlocked, which allows to save detailed informations about opened
Kickstart (including resident modules list) in text file (TXT).
Simultaneously the names of all resident modules found in opened Kickstart, will
be displayed on the "Resident modules" list. Selecting any name from this list,
will cause displaying detailed informations about that resident module in the
"Selected module" group. These informations are: version (e.g. "exec 37.151
(1.11.91)"), tag address (e.g. "F800B6"), type (e.g. "Library") and initializa-
tion priority (e.g. "105") of resident module. Also "Extract..." button will be
unlocked, which allows to save selected resident module in binary file (BIN).
This extracted module can't be used to build custom Kickstart with Remus.
Pressing the "Close" button will close opened Kickstart image and free reserved
memory, to which it was loaded. Then it will be possible to open next Kickstart
image. If you drag&drop multiple selected files into main program's window, then
only first of them (e.g. file on which the mouse pointer was) will be opened.

ASCIIZ text strings with name and version of each resident module can't be empty
(byte $00) or shorter than 4 chars. Maximal proper length of name string is 32
chars and 69 chars for version string. Maximal proper number of resident modules
in standard Kickstart is 45 and 70 for AROS ROM/EXT and custom 1MB (this limit
can be enlarged). In original Kickstarts there are no longer text strings or
bigger number of resident modules.

When opened file isn't supported Kickstart image or image isn't correct, info-
rmations about detected error and Windows error icon, will be displayed in the
"Informations" group. There is so many possible reasons of errors, that I don't
want to enumerate and describe all of them here. Usually error is indicating
that something is wrong with Kickstart image, but not always because some errors
are caused by other reasons (e.g. problems with open/read file or memory allo-

The given Kickstart production year is creation year of its newest resident mod-
ule. After production year, additional information may be displayed in parent-
hesis: nick/(sur)name of person or company that created Kickstart, warning that
Kickstart is modified original version ("hack") or has invalid checksum ("bad").
In case of AROS Kickstart after words "for Amiga", information will be displayed
in parenthesis: if it is a main Kickstart ("ROM") or extended with additional
libraries ("EXT").

List of supported Kickstart versions:
0.7, 1.0, 1.1 (31.34) NTSC/PAL, 1.2 (33.166), 1.2 (33.180), 1.2.1 (34.4), 1.3
(34.5), 1.4 alpha 18 (36.2), 1.4 beta (36.3), 1.4 alpha 15 (36.15), 1.4 beta
(36.16), 2.0 beta (36.28), 2.0 beta (36.65), 2.0 beta (36.67), 2.0 beta (36.72),
2.01 (36.141), 2.01 (36.143), 2.02 (36.202), 2.02 (36.207), 2.02 (36.209), 2.03
(37.74), 2.03 (37.92), 2.04 [pre] (37.175), 2.04 [plus] (37.210), 2.05 (37.299),
2.05 (37.300), 2.05 (37.350), 3.0 beta (39.65), 3.0 (39.106), 3.1 beta (40.3),
3.1 beta (40.9), 3.1 (40.16), 3.1 (40.55), 3.1 (40.60), 3.1 [beta] (40.62),
3.1 (40.63), 3.1 [beta] (40.68), 3.1 (40.69), 3.1 [beta] (40.70), 3.1 [beta]
(40.71), 3.1 (40.72), 3.2 beta (43.1), 3.5 (40.71), 3.5 (44.1), 3.x (44.72)
Vampire 600 v2, 3.x (45.57), 3.x (45.61), 3.x (45.62), 3.x (45.64), 3.x (45.66),
3.1.4 (46.143) [v2], 3.2 (47.96), 3.2 (47.102), 3.2 (47.111), CDTV extended 0.1
beta, CDTV extended 0.9 beta/1.0 beta/1.0 (34.1001), CDTV extended 2.7 (37.201),
CDTV/A570 extended 2.30 (37.201), CDTV extended 2.35 (37.201), CDTV extended 3.2
(37.202), CDTV-CR extended 3.32, CDTV-CR extended 3.34, CDTV-CR extended 3.40,
CDTV-CR extended 3.44, CD32 extended 3.1 (40.16), CD32 extended 3.1 (40.60),
AROS ROM/EXT (46.10), AROS ROM/EXT (46.11), AROS ROM (46.12) and custom 1MB

There are two revisions of Kickstart 3.1.4 (46.143): first/older and second/new-
er (marked "v2"), which appeared about month later. Both revisions differ only
in changed copyright notice. Currently the second/newer revision is only part-
ially supported.

Kickstart 3.1 (40.71), 3.1 (40.72), 3.x (45.61), 3.x (45.62), 3.x (45.64), 3.x
(45.66) and 3.1.4 (46.143) marked for "A600", is also working with Amiga 500/
600/2000. Additionally Kickstart 3.1 (40.71) and 3.1.4 (46.143) is available in
separate version for Amiga 2000. Currently Kickstart 3.x (45.62) is only part-
ially supported.

Kickstarts 3.x (45.60), 3.x (45.62) and 3.x (45.63) are internal test versions,
that were not available for users (some may have been sent to testers). There is
no certainty that Kickstart 3.x (45.62) for Amiga 600 was ever made.

Kickstart 3.2 (47.96), 3.2 (47.102) and 3.2 (47.111) marked for "A600", is also
working with Amiga 500/600/1000/2000/CDTV. When using this version of Kickstart
in Amiga CDTV, it is also necessary to install the latest version of Kickstart
CDTV extended 3.2 (37.202).

Only AROS Kickstarts that have version number (46.10, 46.11, 46.12) written
in their header are supported. This applies to Kickstarts: AROS ROM (Operating
System) starting from 2011 year and AROS EXT (Extension Libraries) starting
from end of 2011 year.

Special thanks to: Cloanto company ( ),
Mikeywikey ( - author
of Capitoline Kickstart editor) and several other people who gived me access
to newest or very old and rare Kickstart versions.

Informations |
All source files of this project are in the "source" directory. Im from Poland
so comments in C source file are written in Polish. Latest version of this
program is available on my (Polish) website:

License |
This program is freeware. You can redistribute it only without doing any changes
in original files. You get this program as-is, without any warranty to work pro-
perly. You use it on your own risk. Im not responsible for any possible damages
this program can do.

Version History |
1.14 (19.01.2024) - added support for Kickstart: AROS ROM/EXT (46.10),
                    AROS ROM/EXT (46.11), AROS ROM (46.12).

1.13 (23.07.2023):
 * added support for Kickstart: 1.4 beta (36.3) for A3000, 2.0 beta (36.65) for
   A3000, 2.0 beta (36.72) for A3000, 2.02 (36.202) for A3000, 2.02 (36.209) for
   A3000, 2.03 (37.74) for A3000, 3.1 [beta] (40.71) for A600/1200/2000/3000/
   4000/4000T, 3.1.4 (46.143) v2 for A4000T.

1.12 (05.03.2023):
 * added support for Kickstart: 1.2.1 (34.4) for A500/1000/2000, 3.1 (40.16)
   for Amiga CD32, 3.1 (40.55) for A3000 (hack), 3.1 (40.63) for A500/600/2000
   (hack), 3.1 (40.68) for A1200/4000 (hack), 3.2 (47.111) for A600/1200/3000/
   4000/4000T, CD32 extended 3.1 (40.16), CDTV extended 0.1/0.9/1.0 beta,
   CDTV extended 2.30 (37.201) (hack), CDTV-CR extended 3.32/3.34/3.40/3.44.

1.11 (09.01.2023):
 * added support for Kickstart: 1.2 (33.180) for A500/1000/2000 (hack), 1.3
   (34.5) for A500/1000/2000 (hack), 2.04 pre (37.175) for A500/2000, 3.1 beta
   (40.3) for A600/4000, 3.1 beta (40.9) for A4000, 3.1 beta (40.62) for A600,
   3.1 [beta] (40.68) for A600/3000/4000 [hack], 3.1 (40.69) for A1200 (hack),
   3.1 [beta] (40.70) for A600/3000/4000 (hack).
 * added recognizing of original and modified (hack) version of Kickstart 3.1
   (40.70) for Amiga 4000.
 * added recognizing of correct and invalid (bad) version of Kickstart 2.01
 * added recognizing versions of Kickstart extended 2.30 (37.201) for Amiga CDTV
   and A570 CD-ROM drive separately.
 * marked some Kickstart versions as modified (hack), according to website:
 * changed production year of some Kickstart versions.
 * minor corrections in code.

1.10 (21.12.2022):
 * added support for Kickstart 3.x (45.66).
 * added support for Kickstart 3.1.4 (46.143) v2 for Amiga 600/1200/3000/4000.
 * added support for Kickstart 3.2 (47.102).

1.09 (16.12.2022):
 * added support for Kickstart 3.2 (47.96).
 * added support for Kickstart CDTV extended 2.35 (37.201).
 * added support for Kickstart CDTV extended 3.2 (37.202).
 * minor changes in displaying informations.

1.08 (26.04.2022) - added support for Kickstart 3.1.4 (46.143)
                    for Amiga 2000/4000/4000T.

1.07 (18.05.2019):
 * added support for Kickstart 2.04 (37.175) for Amiga 3000.
 * added support for Kickstart 3.0 (39.106) for Amiga 4000.
 * added support for Kickstart 3.1 (40.68) for Amiga 4000.
 * added support for Kickstart 3.1 (40.70) for Amiga 4000.
 * added recognizing versions of Kickstart 1.3 (34.5)
   for Amiga 500/1000/2000/CDTV and 3000 models separately.
 * added recognizing versions of Kickstart 3.1 (40.55)
   for Amiga 3000 and 4000 models separately.

1.06 (20.10.2018) - added support for Kickstart 3.1.4 (46.143)
                    for Amiga 600/1200/3000.

1.05 (22.07.2017):
 * added support for Kickstart 3.x (45.62) for Amiga 1200/3000/4000.
 * added support for Kickstart 3.x (45.64).
 * added support for Kickstart 3.x (44.72) from Vampire 600 v2 card.
 * added displaying type of selected resident module.

1.04 (01.12.2016):
 * added support for Kickstart 3.1 (40.72).
 * improved support for custom 1MB Kickstarts.
 * added recognizing versions of Kickstart 3.x (45.61)
   for every Amiga model separately.

1.03 (13.10.2016) - added support for custom 1MB Kickstarts (made by Remus).

1.02 (28.03.2016) - added recognizing versions of Kickstart 3.x (45.61)
                    for Amiga 600/1200 and 3000/4000/4000T models.

1.01 (04.12.2015) - added drag&drop file open mechanism.

1.0 (25.10.2015) - first public version.

Contents of util/misc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//util/misc/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2024-01-19 20:57 00000000  AmiKick 1.14/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2024-01-19 20:57 00000000  AmiKick 1.14/source/
     242  Defl:N      146  40% 2015-09-18 16:12 5eee05c3  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.wpj
    1751  Defl:N      591  66% 2015-09-18 16:12 376a90f8  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.tgt
     684  Defl:N      357  48% 2024-01-19 14:25 4aa6a62a  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.rc
    3262  Defl:N      866  74% 2015-09-18 15:17 f69cf234  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.ico
     156  Defl:N       82  47% 2015-10-15 18:46 7d53700e  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.h
   59868  Defl:N    15270  75% 2024-01-19 19:42 d0da04de  AmiKick 1.14/source/AmiKick.c
   11158  Defl:N     3839  66% 2024-01-19 20:44 ea31e434  AmiKick 1.14/readme.txt
   10952  Defl:N     3771  66% 2024-01-19 20:44 6c1db431  AmiKick 1.14/readme
   61952  Defl:N    28337  54% 2024-01-19 19:47 b5efc929  AmiKick 1.14/AmiKick.exe
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  150025            53259  65%                            11 files
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