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Short:WebP image codec library
Author:Chris Young (library)/Various (see AUTHORS)
Uploader:chris unsatisfactorysoftware co uk (Chris Young)
Download:util/libs/webp_lib.lha - View contents

Port of libwebp as a AmigaOS shared library.
Includes stub link library for libwebp compatibility.
Encoder/decoder tools - see below.

v4.1 (25.09.2012) - libwebp 0.2.0
Version bump due to added functions, see NEWS.
NB: VP8* functions are no longer exposed in libwebp,
  as nobody uses them they have been removed from
  the public interface of this library too.
DEVS: Probably not all new functions are exposed;
  if you miss something please add to vectors.c,
  interfaces/webp.h and the stub and rebuild with
  a new version number.

v3.1 (06.10.2011) - libwebp 0.1.3
Version bump due to added functions, see NEWS.
NB: Threading not enabled in the library, so the -mt option in
    dwebp does nothing!

v2.1 (19.06.2011) - libwebp 0.1.2
Version bump due to added functions, see NEWS.

v1.1 (21.03.2011) - initial release, based on libwebp 0.1

Brief guide to porting new versions

* Copy src/amiga_lib from this archive to the same location in the new one.
* Modify makefile.unix in the root of libwebp archive as necessary
  (disable threading, link cwebp/dwebp against our stub libwebp
  instead of the full one, -use-dynld etc)
* Build libwebp with gmake -f makefile.unix.  cwebp/dwebp should not build
  (if they do the makefile is still looking at the wrong libwebp, correct it
  and try again)
* Copy the includes from src/webp to SDK:local/common/include/webp
* Update amiga_lib/vectors.c and amiga_lib/include/interfaces/webp.h with
  any new functions
* Update amiga_lib/stubs/stubs.c with stubs for the new functions
* If any functions have been changed/removed, rename to Old in the above files
  and put a compatibility version in compat.c
* If there are new functions, update VERSION in makefile.lib and delete
* Bump the version/revision with make -f makefile.lib revision
* Build the library with make -f makefile.lib
* Build the stub link library with make -f makefile.lib libwebp.a
* Copy the library includes from amiga_lib/include to SDK:local/common/include
* Copy the stub library from amiga_lib/libwebp.a to SDK:local/include/newlib/lib
* Try building cwebp/dwebp again with gmake -f makefile.unix
* CD to man and convert the man pages to AmigaGuide format with:
  rman -fAmigaGuide cwebp.1 >
  rman -fAmigaGuide dwebp.1 >
  Open the two files in Notepad and remove any spaces before @database.
  Amigaguide rman:
* Done, LhA and upload!


          __   __  ____  ____  ____
         /  \\/  \/  _ \/  _ )/  _ \
         \       /   __/  _  \   __/
          \__\__/\____/\_____/__/ ____  ___
                / _/ /    \    \ /  _ \/ _/
               /  \_/   / /   \ \   __/  \__


WebP codec: library to encode and decode images in WebP format. This package
contains the library that can be used in other programs to add WebP support,
as well as the command line tools 'cwebp' and 'dwebp'.


Latest sources are available from

It is released under the same license as the WebM project.
See or the
file "COPYING" file for details. An additional intellectual
property rights grant can be found in the file PATENTS.


Windows build:

By running:

  nmake /f CFG=release-static RTLIBCFG=static OBJDIR=output

the directory output\release-static\(x64|x86)\bin will contain the tools
cwebp.exe and dwebp.exe. The directory output\release-static\(x64|x86)\lib will
contain the libwebp static library.
The target architecture (x86/x64) is detected by from the Visual
Studio compiler (cl.exe) available in the system path.

Unix build using makefile.unix:

On platforms with GNU tools installed (gcc and make), running

  make -f makefile.unix

will build the binaries examples/cwebp and examples/dwebp, along
with the static library src/libwebp.a. No system-wide installation
is supplied, as this is a simple alternative to the full installation
system based on the autoconf tools (see below).
Please refer the makefile.unix for additional details and customizations.

Using autoconf tools:
make install

should be all you need to have the following files



Note: The encoding and decoding libraries are compiled separately
(as src/dec/libwebpdecode.* and src/dec/libwebpencode.*). They
can be installed independently using a minor modification in the
corresponding configure files (see comments there).

SWIG bindings:

To generate language bindings from swig/libwebp.i swig-1.3
( is required. 2.0 may work, but has not been tested.

Currently the following functions are mapped:

Java bindings:

To build the swig-generated JNI wrapper code at least JDK-1.5 (or equivalent)
is necessary for enum support. The output is intended to be a shared object /
DLL that can be loaded via System.loadLibrary("webp_jni").

Encoding tool:

The examples/ directory contains tools for encoding (cwebp) and
decoding (dwebp) images.

The easiest use should look like:
  cwebp input.png -q 80 -o output.webp
which will convert the input PNG or JPEG file to a WebP file using a
quality factor of 80 on a 0->100 scale (0 being the lowest quality,
100 being the best. Default value is 75).

A longer list of options is available using the -longhelp command line flag:

> cwebp -longhelp
 cwebp [-preset <...>] [options] in_file [-o out_file]

If input size (-s) for an image is not specified, it is assumed to be a either
  PNG or JPEG format file.
  -h / -help  ............ short help
  -H / -longhelp  ........ long help
  -q <float> ............. quality factor (0:small..100:big)
  -preset <string> ....... Preset setting, one of:
                            default, photo, picture,
                            drawing, icon, text
     -preset must come first, as it overwrites other parameters.
  -m <int> ............... compression method (0=fast, 6=slowest)
  -segments <int> ........ number of segments to use (1..4)

  -s <int> <int> ......... Input size (width x height) for YUV
  -sns <int> ............. Spatial Noise Shaping (0:off, 100:max)
  -f <int> ............... filter strength (0=off..100)
  -sharpness <int> ....... filter sharpness (0:most .. 7:least sharp)
  -strong ................ use strong filter instead of simple.
  -partition_limit <int> . limit quality to fit the 512k limit on
                           the first partition (0=no degradation ... 100=full)
  -alpha_comp <int> ...... set the transparency-compression
  -noalpha ............... discard any transparency information.
  -pass <int> ............ analysis pass number (1..10)
  -partitions <int> ...... number of partitions to use (0..3)
  -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> .. crop picture with the given rectangle
  -resize <w> <h> ........ resize picture (after any cropping)
  -map <int> ............. print map of extra info.
  -d <file.pgm> .......... dump the compressed output (PGM file).

  -short ................. condense printed message
  -quiet ................. don't print anything.
  -version ............... print version number and exit.
  -noasm ................. disable all assembly optimizations.
  -v ..................... verbose, e.g. print encoding/decoding times

Experimental Options:
  -size <int> ............ Target size (in bytes)
  -psnr <float> .......... Target PSNR (in dB. typically: 42)
  -af <int> .............. adjust filter strength (0=off, 1=on)
  -pre <int> ............. pre-processing filter

The main options you might want to try in order to further tune the
visual quality are:

  * 'preset' will set up a default encoding configuration targeting a
     particular type of input. It should appear first in the list of options,
     so that subsequent options can take effect on top of this preset.
     Default value is 'default'.
  * 'sns' will progressively turn on (when going from 0 to 100) some additional
     visual optimizations (like: segmentation map re-enforcement). This option
     will balance the bit allocation differently. It tries to take bits from the
     "easy" parts of the picture and use them in the "difficult" ones instead.
     Usually, raising the sns value (at fixed -q value) leads to larger files,
     but with better quality.
     Typical value is around '75'.
  * 'f' option directly links to the filtering strength used by the codec's
     in-loop processing. The higher, the smoother will highly-compressed area
     look. This is particularly useful when aiming at very small files.
     Typical values are around 20-30. Note that using the option -strong will
     change the type of filtering. Use "-f 0" to turn filtering off.
  * 'm' controls the trade-off between encoding speed and quality. Default is 4.
     You can try -m 5 or -m 6 to explore more (time-consuming) encoding
     possibilities. A lower value will result in faster encoding at the expense
     of quality.

Decoding tool:

There is a decoding sample in examples/dwebp.c which will take
a .webp file and decode it to a PNG image file (amongst other formats).
This is simply to demonstrate the use of the API. You can verify the
file test.webp decodes to exactly the same as test_ref.ppm by using:

 cd examples
 ./dwebp test.webp -ppm -o test.ppm
 diff test.ppm test_ref.ppm

The full list of options is available using -h:

> dwebp -h
Usage: dwebp in_file [options] [-o out_file]

Decodes the WebP image file to PNG format [Default]
Use following options to convert into alternate image formats:
  -ppm ......... save the raw RGB samples as color PPM
  -pgm ......... save the raw YUV samples as a grayscale PGM
                 file with IMC4 layout.
 Other options are:
  -version  .... print version number and exit.
  -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler.
  -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering.
  -mt .......... use multi-threading
  -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> ... crop output with the given rectangle
  -scale <w> <h> .......... scale the output (*after* any cropping)
  -h     ....... this help message.
  -v     ....... verbose (e.g. print encoding/decoding times)
  -noasm ....... disable all assembly optimizations.

Encoding API:

The main encoding functions are available in the header src/webp/encode.h
The ready-to-use ones are:
size_t WebPEncodeRGB(const uint8_t* rgb, int width, int height, int stride,
                     float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
size_t WebPEncodeBGR(const uint8_t* bgr, int width, int height, int stride,
                     float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
size_t WebPEncodeRGBA(const uint8_t* rgba, int width, int height, int stride,
                      float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
size_t WebPEncodeBGRA(const uint8_t* bgra, int width, int height, int stride,
                      float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);

They will convert raw RGB samples to a WebP data. The only control supplied
is the quality factor.

Advanced encoding API:

A more advanced API is based on the WebPConfig and WebPPicture structures.

WebPConfig contains the encoding settings and is not tied to a particular
WebPPicture contains input data, on which some WebPConfig will be used for
The encoding flow looks like:

-------------------------------------- BEGIN PSEUDO EXAMPLE

#include <webp/encode.h>

  // Setup a config, starting form a preset and tuning some additional
  // parameters
  WebPConfig config;
  if (!WebPConfigPreset(&config, WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO, quality_factor))
    return 0;   // version error
  // ... additional tuning
  config.sns_strength = 90;
  config.filter_sharpness = 6;
  config_error = WebPValidateConfig(&config);  // not mandatory, but useful

  // Setup the input data
  WebPPicture pic;
  if (!WebPPictureInit(&pic)) {
    return 0;  // version error
  pic.width = width;
  pic.height = height;
  // allocated picture of dimension width x height
  if (!WebPPictureAllocate(&pic)) {
    return 0;   // memory error
  // at this point, 'pic' has been initialized as a container,
  // and can receive the Y/U/V samples.
  // Alternatively, one could use ready-made import functions like
  // WebPPictureImportRGB(), which will take care of memory allocation.
  // In any case, past this point, one will have to call
  // WebPPictureFree(&pic) to reclaim memory.

  // Set up a byte-output write method. WebPMemoryWriter, for instance.
  WebPMemoryWriter wrt;
  pic.writer = MyFileWriter;
  pic.custom_ptr = my_opaque_structure_to_make_MyFileWriter_work;
  // initialize 'wrt' here...

  // Compress!
  int ok = WebPEncode(&config, &pic);   // ok = 0 => error occurred!
  WebPPictureFree(&pic);  // must be called independently of the 'ok' result.

  // output data should have been handled by the writer at that point.

-------------------------------------- END PSEUDO EXAMPLE

Decoding API:

This is mainly just one function to call:

#include "webp/decode.h"
uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGB(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t data_size,
                       int *width, int *height);

Please have a look at the file src/webp/decode.h for the details.
There are variants for decoding in BGR/RGBA/ARGB/BGRA order, along with
decoding to raw Y'CbCr samples. One can also decode the image directly into a
pre-allocated buffer.

To detect a WebP file and gather picture's dimensions, the function:
  int WebPGetInfo(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t data_size,
                  int *width, int *height);
is supplied. No decoding is involved when using it.

A lower-level API is available from the header file <webp/decode_vp8.h>

Incremental decoding API:

In the case when data is being progressively transmitted, pictures can still
be incrementally decoded using a slightly more complicated API. Decoder state
is stored into an instance of the WebPIDecoder object. This object can be
created with the purpose of decoding either RGB or Y'CbCr samples.
For instance:

  WebPIDecoder* idec = WebPINew(MODE_BGR);

As data is made progressively available, this incremental-decoder object
can be used to decode the picture further. There are two (mutually exclusive)
ways to pass freshly arrived data:

either by appending the fresh bytes:

  WebPIAppend(idec, fresh_data, size_of_fresh_data);

or by just mentioning the new size of the transmitted data:

  WebPIUpdate(idec, buffer, size_of_transmitted_buffer);

Note that 'buffer' can be modified between each calls to WebPIUpdate, in
particular when the buffer is resized to accommodate larger data.

These functions will return the decoding status: either VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED if
decoding is not finished yet, or VP8_STATUS_OK when decoding is done.
Any other status is an error condition.

The idec object must always be released (even upon an error condition)
by calling: WebPDelete(idec).

To retrieve partially decoded picture samples, one must use the corresponding
method: WebPIDecGetRGB or WebPIDecGetYUV.
It will return the last displayable pixel row.

Lastly, note that decoding can also be performed into a pre-allocated pixel
buffer. This buffer must be passed when creating a WebPIDecoder, calling
WebPINewRGB() or WebPINewYUV().

Please have a look at the src/webp/decode.h header for further details.

Advanced Decoding API:

WebP decoding supports an advanced API which provides on-the-fly cropping and
rescaling, something of great usefulness on memory-constrained environments like
mobile phones. Basically, the memory usage will scale with the output's size,
not the input's, when one only needs a quick preview or a zoomed in portion of
an otherwise too-large picture. Some CPU can be saved too, incidentally.

-------------------------------------- BEGIN PSEUDO EXAMPLE
     // A) Init a configuration object
     WebPDecoderConfig config;

     // B) optional: retrieve the bitstream's features.
     CHECK(WebPGetFeatures(data, data_size, &config.input) == VP8_STATUS_OK);

     // C) Adjust 'config' options, if needed
     config.options.no_fancy_upsampling = 1;
     config.options.use_scaling = 1;
     config.options.scaled_width = scaledWidth();
     config.options.scaled_height = scaledHeight();
     // etc.

     // D) Specify 'config' output options for specifying output colorspace.
     // Optionally the external image decode buffer can also be specified.
     config.output.colorspace = MODE_BGRA;
     // Optionally, the config.output can be pointed to an external buffer as
     // well for decoding the image. This externally supplied memory buffer
     // should be big enough to store the decoded picture.
     config.output.u.RGBA.rgba = (uint8_t*) memory_buffer;
     config.output.u.RGBA.stride = scanline_stride;
     config.output.u.RGBA.size = total_size_of_the_memory_buffer;
     config.output.is_external_memory = 1;

     // E) Decode the WebP image. There are two variants w.r.t decoding image.
     // The first one (E.1) decodes the full image and the second one (E.2) is
     // used to incrementally decode the image using small input buffers.
     // Any one of these steps can be used to decode the WebP image.

     // E.1) Decode full image.
     CHECK(WebPDecode(data, data_size, &config) == VP8_STATUS_OK);

     // E.2) Decode image incrementally.
     WebPIDecoder* const idec = WebPIDecode(NULL, NULL, &config);
     CHECK(idec != NULL);
     while (bytes_remaining > 0) {
       VP8StatusCode status = WebPIAppend(idec, input, bytes_read);
       if (status == VP8_STATUS_OK || status == VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
         bytes_remaining -= bytes_read;
       } else {

     // F) Decoded image is now in config.output (and config.output.u.RGBA).
     // It can be saved, displayed or otherwise processed.

     // G) Reclaim memory allocated in config's object. It's safe to call
     // this function even if the memory is external and wasn't allocated
     // by WebPDecode().

-------------------------------------- END PSEUDO EXAMPLE


Please report all bugs to our issue tracker:
Patches welcome! See this page to get started:



Version: 2.6.3in


Contents of util/libs/webp_lib.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                   92     105  87.6% -lh6- 5587 Oct  9  2011 AutoInstall
[unknown]                  516    1566  33.0% -lh6- 1bfc Sep 25 20:47 Install_WebP
[unknown]                 4832    5580  86.6% -lh6- ab28 Sep 25 20:46
[unknown]                11732   36968  31.7% -lh6- 0593 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/aclocal.m4
[unknown]                  702    1836  38.2% -lh6- 16bd Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                  309     662  46.7% -lh6- 71c2 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/AUTHORS
[unknown]                   34      34 100.0% -lh0- c6b1 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                18702   45856  40.8% -lh6- 0409 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/ChangeLog
[unknown]                 1864    3769  49.5% -lh6- 9b8c Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/compile
[unknown]                13900   45612  30.5% -lh6- 1c24 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/config.guess
[unknown]                  764    2567  29.8% -lh6- 6bcd Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                 9992   34069  29.3% -lh6- eb93 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/config.sub
[unknown]                93497  413040  22.6% -lh6- 6bb1 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/configure
[unknown]                 2280    7146  31.9% -lh6- e9a9 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                  774    1496  51.7% -lh6- c35d Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/COPYING
[unknown]                 5942   18615  31.9% -lh6- 0b46 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/depcomp
[unknown]                  492    1022  48.1% -lh6- 9281 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/doc/README
[unknown]                  734    1929  38.1% -lh6- 4142 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/doc/template.html
[unknown]                 5038   16778  30.0% -lh6- 28e2 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/doc/webp-container-spec.txt
[unknown]                12245   39442  31.0% -lh6- a4ab Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/doc/webp-lossless-bitstream-spec.txt
[unknown]                18639   84533  22.0% -lh6- ec6c Sep 25 20:19 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/cwebp
[unknown]                10832   40697  26.6% -lh6- b6e8 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/cwebp.c
[unknown]               159847  389334  41.1% -lh6- 2e52 Sep 25 20:18 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/dwebp
[unknown]                 4823   16138  29.9% -lh6- 1137 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/dwebp.c
[unknown]                  656    1565  41.9% -lh6- 92c6 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/example_util.c
[unknown]                  483     991  48.7% -lh6- 0e76 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/example_util.h
[unknown]                  845    1852  45.6% -lh6- ebba Sep 25 18:26 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/libexample_util.a
[unknown]                  324     882  36.7% -lh6- 7ee4 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/
[unknown]                 6463   27538  23.5% -lh6- 6173 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/
[unknown]                  607    1369  44.3% -lh6- 486b Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/stopwatch.h
[unknown]                 4880    4880 100.0% -lh0- 2325 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/test.webp
[unknown]                24875   49167  50.6% -lh6- 5139 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/test_ref.ppm
[unknown]                 3580   10209  35.1% -lh6- 405f Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/vwebp.c
[unknown]                 6078   31101  19.5% -lh6- 3a1a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/examples/webpmux.c
[unknown]                 5375   13663  39.3% -lh6- e9c7 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/install-sh
[unknown]                62000  243469  25.5% -lh6- a041 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                 4339   12534  34.6% -lh6- 99fd Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/ax_pthread.m4
[unknown]                60367  260519  23.2% -lh6- 3131 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/libtool.m4
[unknown]                 3019   11938  25.3% -lh6- 0b00 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/ltoptions.m4
[unknown]                 1637    4372  37.4% -lh6- 2544 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/ltsugar.m4
[unknown]                  412     703  58.6% -lh6- 1f87 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/ltversion.m4
[unknown]                 1653    5707  29.0% -lh6- 7456 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/m4/lt~obsolete.m4
[unknown]                   83      83 100.0% -lh0- 4847 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                 6618   23259  28.5% -lh6- 862e Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                 2386    6740  35.4% -lh6- c1c6 Sep 25 18:20 libwebp-0.2.0/makefile.unix
[unknown]                 2691    8918  30.2% -lh6- 6578 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/
[unknown]                 3486    8325  41.9% -lh6- 5196 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/man/cwebp.1
[unknown]                 3695   10028  36.8% -lh6- b55d Sep 25 20:48 libwebp-0.2.0/man/
[unknown]                 1465    3090  47.4% -lh6- 5db7 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/man/dwebp.1
[unknown]                 1667    4084  40.8% -lh6- 9405 Sep 25 20:49 libwebp-0.2.0/man/
[unknown]                   85      94  90.4% -lh6- e031 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/man/
[unknown]                 4541   13874  32.7% -lh6- a5a6 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/man/
[unknown]                 1090    2699  40.4% -lh6- 9ad9 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/man/webpmux.1
[unknown]                 3863   11419  33.8% -lh6- 1574 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/missing
[unknown]                  763    1550  49.2% -lh6- cc12 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/NEWS
[unknown]                  633    1295  48.9% -lh6- 653c Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/PATENTS
[unknown]                 7036   18987  37.1% -lh6- 8154 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/README
[unknown]                 1395    3704  37.7% -lh6- 515c Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/README.mux
[unknown]                  551    1479  37.3% -lh6- 0302 Sep 25 19:39 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/compat.c
[unknown]                  492    1187  41.4% -lh6- 118f Sep 25 19:39 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/compat.h
[unknown]                 1728    8434  20.5% -lh6- 2a8b Sep 25 20:14 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/include/interfaces/webp.h
[unknown]                  468    1411  33.2% -lh6- f68c Mar 21  2011 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/include/proto/webp.h
[unknown]                 2388    7043  33.9% -lh6- ab04 Sep 25 19:13 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/init.c
[unknown]                 2172    9366  23.2% -lh6- 0b63 Sep 25 20:16 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/libwebp.a
[unknown]                 2270    9630  23.6% -lh6- 8774 Sep 25 20:16 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/libwebp.a.debug
[unknown]                  658    1275  51.6% -lh6- 74db Sep 25 18:19 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/Makefile.lib
[unknown]                  327     792  41.3% -lh6- 16a9 Oct  6  2011 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/stubs/auto.c
[unknown]                 1781   10929  16.3% -lh6- 5d5b Sep 25 20:16 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/stubs/funcs.c
[unknown]                  592    1573  37.6% -lh6- e8bd Sep 25 20:15 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/vectors.c
[unknown]               158083  374952  42.2% -lh6- 0968 Sep 25 20:17 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/webp.library
[unknown]                  118     205  57.6% -lh6- b71a Sep 25 19:52 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/webp.library_rev.h
[unknown]                  132     251  52.6% -lh6- 5c83 Sep 25 19:52 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/webp.library_rev.i
[unknown]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 9795 Sep 25 19:52 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/webp.library_rev.rev
[unknown]                  135     264  51.1% -lh6- 80bd Sep 25 19:52 libwebp-0.2.0/src/amiga_lib/webp.library_rev.s
[unknown]                 1607    4606  34.9% -lh6- b435 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/alpha.c
[unknown]                 2087    6994  29.8% -lh6- 79e1 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/buffer.c
[unknown]                 2609    6875  37.9% -lh6- c765 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/decode_vp8.h
[unknown]                 6889   24164  28.5% -lh6- 87c4 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/frame.c
[unknown]                 6109   24896  24.5% -lh6- f009 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/idec.c
[unknown]                 4593   21951  20.9% -lh6- f51c Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/io.c
[unknown]                  424     893  47.5% -lh6- ac8c Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/layer.c
[unknown]                  268     926  28.9% -lh6- 128a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/
[unknown]                 6175   31335  19.7% -lh6- ceaf Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/
[unknown]                 1454    3786  38.4% -lh6- fd19 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/quant.c
[unknown]                 5233   23890  21.9% -lh6- 34d5 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/tree.c
[unknown]                 6925   23403  29.6% -lh6- 677b Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/vp8.c
[unknown]                 4119   11254  36.6% -lh6- a804 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/vp8i.h
[unknown]                10092   40018  25.2% -lh6- 789a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/vp8l.c
[unknown]                 1466    3894  37.6% -lh6- dc63 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/vp8li.h
[unknown]                 6288   26742  23.5% -lh6- 6899 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/webp.c
[unknown]                 1927    5076  38.0% -lh6- 5b90 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dec/webpi.h
[unknown]                  912    2527  36.1% -lh6- 9d08 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/cpu.c
[unknown]                 4772   22339  21.4% -lh6- afe3 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/dec.c
[unknown]                 3412   13557  25.2% -lh6- 5b62 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/dec_neon.c
[unknown]                 7031   35777  19.7% -lh6- b9c4 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/dec_sse2.c
[unknown]                 2349    7795  30.1% -lh6- 8a46 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/dsp.h
[unknown]                 5481   21980  24.9% -lh6- 9bbb Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/enc.c
[unknown]                 7383   34471  21.4% -lh6- 3089 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/enc_sse2.c
[unknown]                 9423   40211  23.4% -lh6- 71d9 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/lossless.c
[unknown]                 1207    3262  37.0% -lh6- 105b Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/lossless.h
[unknown]                  263     797  33.0% -lh6- 59ef Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/
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[unknown]                 3110   16253  19.1% -lh6- cd9a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/upsampling.c
[unknown]                 2607   11737  22.2% -lh6- d6b4 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/upsampling_sse2.c
[unknown]                  673    1498  44.9% -lh6- cbce Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/yuv.c
[unknown]                 1383    4681  29.5% -lh6- c2b3 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/dsp/yuv.h
[unknown]                 3511   11064  31.7% -lh6- c25f Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/alpha.c
[unknown]                 3751   11899  31.5% -lh6- b59f Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/analysis.c
[unknown]                 6658   28454  23.4% -lh6- ef15 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/backward_references.c
[unknown]                 2171    6657  32.6% -lh6- 5f78 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/backward_references.h
[unknown]                 1094    4118  26.6% -lh6- defb Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/config.c
[unknown]                 8485   25410  33.4% -lh6- 958a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/cost.c
[unknown]                  687    1617  42.5% -lh6- b83b Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/cost.h
[unknown]                 3581   13389  26.7% -lh6- 7237 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/filter.c
[unknown]                 7412   28406  26.1% -lh6- 6d43 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/frame.c
[unknown]                 3923   13378  29.3% -lh6- b6ec Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/histogram.c
[unknown]                 1501    4055  37.0% -lh6- e3ba Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/histogram.h
[unknown]                 3612   13096  27.6% -lh6- 47a3 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/iterator.c
[unknown]                  563    1325  42.5% -lh6- d5ee Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/layer.c
[unknown]                  314    1098  28.6% -lh6- 33bb Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/
[unknown]                 6641   38183  17.4% -lh6- e8ec Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/
[unknown]                 7848   34278  22.9% -lh6- 43b3 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/picture.c
[unknown]                 9697   31823  30.5% -lh6- 4621 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/quant.c
[unknown]                 3734   13793  27.1% -lh6- d771 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/syntax.c
[unknown]                 4777   22050  21.7% -lh6- 90b9 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/tree.c
[unknown]                 6563   20062  32.7% -lh6- 8b68 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/vp8enci.h
[unknown]                 8995   37814  23.8% -lh6- d8d3 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/vp8l.c
[unknown]                  905    2334  38.8% -lh6- 7f19 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/vp8li.h
[unknown]                 3850   12916  29.8% -lh6- 8406 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/enc/webpenc.c
[unknown]                  172     244  70.5% -lh6- b8b2 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/
[unknown]                  315     698  45.1% -lh6- cec5 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/
[unknown]                 6644   24515  27.1% -lh6- bfb6 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/src/
[unknown]                 6728   29246  23.0% -lh6- e61b Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/mux/demux.c
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[unknown]                 4361   17809  24.5% -lh6- d8f5 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/mux/muxinternal.c
[unknown]                 3877   13717  28.3% -lh6- 4521 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/mux/muxread.c
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[unknown]                  779    2238  34.8% -lh6- 130e Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/color_cache.h
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[unknown]                 4109   13751  29.9% -lh6- b16e Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/huffman_encode.c
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[unknown]                 5433   19151  28.4% -lh6- 4245 Aug 16 23:24 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/
[unknown]                 1648    4317  38.2% -lh6- f0df Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/quant_levels.c
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[unknown]                 2074    7508  27.6% -lh6- f5d6 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/thread.c
[unknown]                 1145    2846  40.2% -lh6- 4b0a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/thread.h
[unknown]                  531    1373  38.7% -lh6- 12f9 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/utils.c
[unknown]                  776    1674  46.4% -lh6- 6197 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/utils/utils.h
[unknown]                 6066   20727  29.3% -lh6- 166e Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/webp/decode.h
[unknown]                 7090   22460  31.6% -lh6- 681e Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/webp/encode.h
[unknown]                 1548    4099  37.8% -lh6- adca Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/webp/format_constants.h
[unknown]                 5232   25255  20.7% -lh6- 8b5a Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/webp/mux.h
[unknown]                  618    1340  46.1% -lh6- 5be2 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/src/webp/types.h
[unknown]                 2289   10729  21.3% -lh6- 45c6 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/swig/libwebp.i
[unknown]                 1609    2143  75.1% -lh6- 4cf7 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/swig/libwebp.jar
[unknown]                 5445   51514  10.6% -lh6- 0259 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/swig/libwebp_java_wrap.c
[unknown]                  494    1078  45.8% -lh6- 18b2 Aug 16 05:49 libwebp-0.2.0/swig/README
[unknown]                 7654   19747  38.8% -lh6- 1862 Sep 25 20:55 webp_lib.readme
[unknown]                 5632    6238  90.3% -lh6- 2ad5 Sep 25 20:47
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 Total       172 files 1119575 3739586  29.9%            Sep 25 19:37
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