TurboMathTrans FPU Library V43.6
(c) 1997 Jess Sosnoski
We like the freeware, the freeware is good.
I like it, you like it!!!
That's right, some support for the Amiga for *FREE*
Inspired by fmath406 from aminet, here's an even faster FFP mathtrans.library
for you all to enjoy :)
It's not ultra-faster or anything, but it IS faster :)
Just install it in libs over your old one.
If you want to speedtest-compare this against the fmath406 version, download
fmath406 from aminet (use their www search to find it), and the author
has included a speedtester program for speedtesting various math libs.
Use this program at your own risk!
I assume no responsibility or liability for problem(s) and/or damage(s)
that occur by the use, modification, and/or existence of this product,
and/or its parts in any form.
040/060 Notes:
The 040/060 FPU doesn't have trig functions, therefore, will really slow
down 040/060's. I'd recommend downloading fmath406.lha from
Aminet and using the specifically designed 040/060 libraries in that archive.
Copy it over your existing mathtrans.library in LIBS:
It might also be a good idea to back-up your old mathtrans.library
*just in case* ;)
The only function I'm not sure of is the SPPow function--someone test
it and make sure it's giving the right results for:
Raising real #'s to a power, raising negative #'s to an odd power.
(let me know too :) )
(also why I'm still calling it beta ;) )
43.0 Internal test release, works pretty good, got almost 1/2 second faster
results with the testprogram on some tests...I like it, you like it!
(internal testers got to have fun with it too)
43.1 First Public Release.
43.2 OOPS! didn't rename the file to mathtrans.library, and didn't
have the correct version in the versionstring--FIXED :)
Added some stuff I forgot to this .readme
43.3 Jumptable changed, some code changed a bit by Dave Jones.
43.4-43.5 Couple small changes here & there.
43.6 Couple TEEENY optims done. Added a TenToX function for completeness
and compatibility with quicktrans (offset -132).
Iain "Ook" Barclay-optimization ideas, opatch, etc
Adam "Dc1" Polkosnik-for library-ifying my code, without which, this
library would not exist. AND ADpatch
Dave "Termy" Jones-for his modifications to this library, and StreamlineOS!
Xtra thanks to the above for the NitrOS project. (coming "relatively" soon)
Martin Berndt-for the fmath406 libraries :)
Martin F. Combs - for quicktrans
Tom Gralinski-for the "I like it, you Like it" thing :)
Updates will appear on my webpage before they appear in aminet's RECENT list.
If you feel the insatiable need to send cigarettes, money. praise, complaints,
comments, ideas, A4060T's, etc.... I will be very happy :)
Jess Sosnoski
651 Hillside Drive
Mount Carmel, PA 17851-2463