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Short:SDL audio and video library for MorphOS
Author: ilkleht at
Uploader:Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht yahoo com)
Download:util/libs/powersdl.lha - View contents

This is the port of 1.2.15 version of SDL for MorphOS. It is based on
Amiga SDL from Gabriele Greco. OpenGL code written by Lajos Nagy.
This archive contains only files needed by users. The SDK and source code
is available in separate archives:

  dev/misc/powersdl_sdk.lha for SDK and
  dev/misc/powersdl_src.lha for source code.

REQUIREMENTS: MorphOS 2 or MorphOS 1 with Update Pack #1.


   - Hardware accelerated alpha blending and AltiVec blitters (MorphOS 2 or newer)
   - GL support
   - Integrated SDL prefs with localization support
   - Joysticks supported
   - CDROM supported
   - Overlay supported
   - Good MorphOS integration. SDL programs can be controlled from
     Exchange or via ARexx port, windows have an iconify button

New in version 16.1:
   - Disabled internal display scaler which was not properly implemented.
     This could cause problems when screen promotion was used.

New in version 16.0b
   - Fixed a bug in smpeg.library initialization routine. It was replacing
     TinyGL context used in parent powersdl.library thus breaking OpenGL
     support if smpeg.library was used.

New in version 16.0
   - Updated powersdl.library to SDL 1.2.15 (powersdl.library 16.0)
   - Sublibrary revisions bumped
   - Fixed endianess bug in SDL headers and libraries

New in version 15.10
   - Fixed broken OpenGL support (broken since 15.0)
   - Fixed regression bug in RW ops
   - Updated powersdl_ttf.library to SDL_ttf 2.0.11
   - powersdl_ttf.library 8.0

New in version 15.9:
   - Fixed fullscreen video mode switching when using 16-bit gfx
   - G5 friendly build
   - Fixed RW ops again

New in version 15.7:
   - Fixed color key and alpha blits
   - Fixed triple buffering

New in version 15.6:
   - Fixed AHI output
   - Fixed *nix path handling in RW ops

New in version 15.4:
   - Fixed SDL_FreeRW() call

New in version 15.3
   - Fixed PowerBook support
   - powersdl_sound.library updated to version 2.0
   - SDL 1.2.14
   - Many many fixed and other stuff
   - Old V14 is included in archive just in case there are still some errors
   - It has been so many years since last update... :)

New in version 14.0
   - Fixed various performance problems with rendering functions
   - New CGX accelerated render calls
   - powersdl.library updated to version 14.0 (added missing SDL_REFromConstMem call)
   - powersdl_gfx updated to version 11.0 (sdl_gfx 2.0.18)
   - powersdl_image.library updated to version 9.5

New in version 13.0
   - added smpeg.library
   - fixed broken AltiVec blitter routine (fixes LGeneral graphics)
   - fixed bug in AltiVec byte swapping routine which could lead into
     corrupted graphics
   - workaround for UAE bug (fixes blank gfx in fullscreen mode)
   - re-enabled AltiVec alignment for SW surfaces
   - enabled gamma setting (MorphOS 2 or newer)
   - powersdl.library updated to version 13.0
   - powersdl_sound.library updated to version 1.2 with AltiVec support
   - powersdl_image.library updated to version 9.3 with AltiVec support and
     uses sdl_image 1.2.7
   - powersdl_mixer.library updated to version 8.7 with Altivec support and
     supports for MP3 via smpeg.library

New in version 12.1
   - fixed HW surface flip bug in fullscreen mode

New in version 12.0
   - reverted some optimizations in cgx video driver since it had negative
     impact on some SDL applications, however it is likely that SDL-UAE no
     longer works (no time to check it out)
   - fixed bug in cgx video driver which prevented SW->HW->SW surface switch
     for SDL display in fullscreen mode (resize is always done in fullscreen
     mode atm, this will change to next version again)
   - added more MorphOS 2.0 support
   - extended SDL_VideoInfo structure to match with the latest official SDL,
     to support this main library was bumped to version 12
   - libSDL.a now asks for powersdl.library V12
   - SDK includes powersdl.library with full debug enabled
   - intermediate release

Thanks goes to Harry Sintonen, Jacek Piszczek, Sigbjørn Skjæret, Mark Olsen and Michal Wozniak
for bugfixes and improvements. French catalog courtesy of Nicolas Ramz. German catalog
courtesy of Michael Garlich. Russian catalog courtesy of Vinnny. Hungarian catalog courtesy of
Karoly Balogh.

Source code for powersdl.library is available at

  Ilkka Lehtoranta,

Contents of util/libs/powersdl.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 5017    5041  99.5% -lh5- b0e4 Jul 25  2007
[generic]                  547    1068  51.2% -lh5- d189 May 30  2005 powersdl/Catalogs/deutsch/PowerSDL.catalog
[generic]                 1514    3758  40.3% -lh5- 271d May 30  2005 powersdl/Catalogs/franíÂis/FraníÂis.ct
[generic]                  977    1946  50.2% -lh5- ab6b May 30  2005 powersdl/Catalogs/franíÂis/PowerSDL.catalog
[generic]                  919    1736  52.9% -lh5- 3696 Nov  5  2006 powersdl/Catalogs/magyar/PowerSDL.catalog
[generic]                  968    2639  36.7% -lh5- c3ec Feb  3  2008 powersdl/Catalogs/
[generic]                 1214    2160  56.2% -lh5- 45bc Mar  8  2008 powersdl/Catalogs/russian/powersdl.catalog
[generic]                 2063    4582  45.0% -lh5- 9e79 Mar  8  2008 powersdl/Catalogs/russian/powersdl.ct
[generic]                 8818   24390  36.2% -lh5- a625 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/COPYING
[generic]                 7180    7320  98.1% -lh5- b0b0 Jul 25  2007 powersdl/
[generic]                 1103    2080  53.0% -lh5- ba9b Dec 29  2004 powersdl/CREDITS
[generic]                 5162    5162 100.0% -lh0- acca Dec 28  2004 powersdl/env-archive/Sys/
[generic]                 2411    6580  36.6% -lh5- 55fe Jan 26  2013 powersdl/History
[generic]                 7180    7320  98.1% -lh5- b0b0 Jul 25  2007 powersdl/
[generic]                  283    1650  17.2% -lh5- 9c4b Feb 20  2009 powersdl/Install
[generic]                50890   51047  99.7% -lh5- 7667 Jul 25  2007 powersdl/
[generic]               155942  354840  43.9% -lh5- 8a66 Dec 22 12:38 powersdl/Libs/powersdl.library
[generic]                40873  101280  40.4% -lh5- dcd9 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_gfx.library
[generic]                29518   65272  45.2% -lh5- 5f0d Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_image.library
[generic]                87760  197588  44.4% -lh5- 5ed1 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_mixer.library
[generic]                 6233   14100  44.2% -lh5- f1b1 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_net.library
[generic]                83522  192264  43.4% -lh5- 1ac1 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_sound.library
[generic]                11779   29012  40.6% -lh5- b236 Jan 26  2013 powersdl/Libs/powersdl_ttf.library
[generic]               127416  326552  39.0% -lh5- 339c Dec  4 22:28 powersdl/Libs/smpeg.library
[generic]                 4564    4700  97.1% -lh5- 4c58 Aug 12  2012 powersdl/PowerSDL
[generic]               631180  631180 100.0% -lh0- 443c Aug  1  2012 powersdl/PowerSDL V14/powersdl.lha
[generic]                  150     193  77.7% -lh5- e97e Aug 12  2012 powersdl/PowerSDL V14/README
[generic]                 7181    7320  98.1% -lh5- 85b7 Aug 12  2012 powersdl/PowerSDL V14/
[generic]                 1971    4688  42.0% -lh5- a4e2 Dec 22 12:40 powersdl/powersdl.readme
[generic]                 7180    7320  98.1% -lh5- b0b0 Jul 25  2007 powersdl/
[generic]                  649    1588  40.9% -lh5- c09d Feb 14  2006 powersdl/Prefs/SDL
[generic]                 5162    5162 100.0% -lh0- acca May 30  2005 powersdl/Prefs/
[generic]                 1001    1864  53.7% -lh5- eb0e Jan 26  2013 powersdl/README
[generic]                  258     425  60.7% -lh5- 91ca Jan 26  2013 powersdl/README-SDL.txt
[generic]                 7180    7320  98.1% -lh5- b0b0 Feb 20  2009 powersdl/
[generic]                 7180    7320  98.1% -lh5- b0b0 Feb 20  2009 powersdl/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        36 files 1312945 2088467  62.9%            Dec 22 19:57
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