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util/libs/WarpSDL_0_4usr.lha |
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please note that WarpSDL does not use any SDL library code at all and is not open source.
last version updated on 2002.10.24
WarpSDL.library is a new shared library for future games/applications.
It has its own custom command set, while at the same time supporting
standard SDL commands, for easy porting. It is written entirely from
The main reason for me writing this in the first place was to port
ScummVM to AmigaOS without having to suffer from the speed-penalty that
the normal SDL gives.
* AmigaOS 3.0+.
* MC68020+ (or compatible).
* Some fast-memory.
* CyberGraphics V41+ (or compatible) required
for 15bit+ displays and window-mode support.
* 040/060 for AGA support.
* AHI v4+ if you want sound.
* psxport.device for psx-pad support.
* AGA support in 8bit mode.
* Window-mode on 15bit+ displays.
* Full-screen support.
* AHI support for sound.
* Thread/subtask support.
* PPC (WarpOS) support.
* Supports joysticks, cd32pads and psxpads.
* Supports CD audio.
* +More.
0.4 (2002-10-24)
* Added support for timed events.
* Added support for audio cd's using direct-scsi. Also added the
env-var(s) DEF_CDX_NAME to control the behaviour.
* Preliminary support for joysticks, cd32pads & psxpads (psxport.device).
* Extended the SDL commands-set and WarpSDL command-set, see @{"Features" link Feat}.
* Smarter subtask-signalling implemented.
* Depth and close gadgets added to wb-window displays.
* Preliminary datatypes support added.
* There was a memory leak when using 15bit+ displays, fixed.
* More misc stuff related to 15bit+ displays fixed.
* Implemented pixel-mapping.
* Double buffering can now be forced on AGA screens, even if the
application uses single-buffering... (As it looks crap
otherwise... ;) Use the @{"DEF_FORCEDBUFFAGA" link Env} env-var to enable this.
* Many more fixes and improvements.
0.3 (2002-02-22)
* Reworked some bits and split up the code into more functions.
* Fixed two OS related issues reported by PatchWorks.
* Fixed a tiny memory leak.
* Subtask signaling tweaked and modified to work better.
* Priotities are now set correctly for WarpOS mirror-subtasks also.
0.2r2 (2002-02-18)
* Added a fixed installation-script, as the one in the previous release
only set the ENV variables in ENV and not ENVARC.
0.2 (2002-02-17)
* Added PPC support. (Still alot of context switches, will be minimized
in the next couple of versions.)
* Added support window-mode.
* Added support for AGA using a custom C2P routine. (o4o/o6o)
* Added the ability to control priorities of the main task and
subtask(s) by using the env variables DEF_MOTHERTASK_PRI and
DEF_SUBTASK_PRI. (Can be overriden by the application, but is used
if it doesnt set a custom priority. And no application should,
unless its an absolute must.)
* The audio sub-task is no longer killed, but signaled before so it
exits on its own.
* Fixed some tiny bugs found in the library.
0.1 (2002-02-09)
* First alpha-beta-alpha-gamma release ;).
Frequently asked questions
Q Heeeeeeelp! Many WarpSDL applications crash!
A This is mostly stack related, as unix applications often use alot of
stack. (I recommend installing StackAttack, or to just raise the
stack before runing a WarpSDL application. If this doesnt solve it,
install a ramlib patch. If it still doesnt work, email me! ;)
Q Why doesn't CD-Audio work!
A See the bugs section.
This is how you contact me! 8)
Adam 'ChaoZer' Waldenberg.
Homepage www.algonet.se/~chaozer
Email(s) chaozer@algonet.se |
Contents of util/libs/WarpSDL_0_4usr.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1480 2301 64.3% -lh5- 866d Feb 18 2002 WarpSDL.info
[generic] 1806 6570 27.5% -lh5- 96f3 Oct 24 2002 WarpSDL/Install
[generic] 1956 3608 54.2% -lh5- 58a5 Feb 18 2002 WarpSDL/Install.info
[generic] 4485 14300 31.4% -lh5- 5c53 Oct 24 2002 WarpSDL/WarpSDL.guide
[generic] 1140 2165 52.7% -lh5- b183 Feb 18 2002 WarpSDL/WarpSDL.guide.info
[generic] 17628 34376 51.3% -lh5- 7d46 Oct 24 2002 WarpSDL/warpsdl.library
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 28495 63320 45.0% Nov 25 09:05
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