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Short:Patches Translator42.4, 43.0 to Translator43.1
Author: mbarlow at
Uploader:mbarlow pacific telebyte net
Requires:Translator version 42.4 or 43.0 installed; Installer
Replaces:Tran43pch.lha 43.0
Download:util/libs/Tran43pch.lha - View contents

    This version of the Translator Library was developed from the source
code posted to the Aminet by Francesco Devitt.  As such it remains largely
his work.  Version 43.0 added new accent file rules to facilitate number
expression and fixes three problems I have encountered with the original
Translator42.  Version 43.1 adds the placement of the Narrator escape code
sequence after the end of the translated text output string to achieve
compatibility with those programs that give the whole translation buffer to
the Narrator.

  The basic Translator43 changes from version 42.4 are as follows:

1.  Added Empty Match Feature.

  Extra text may be inserted into the output string based on the text
pattern defined by the prefix and suffix rules alone.  This facilitates
the process of expanding numbers as text.

2.  Added Suffix Text Induction Feature.

  Some or all of the matching suffix pattern text characters may be pulled
into a bracket delimited text-replacement string.  This text may be pulled in
ahead or behind the replacement text.  This facilitates number expansion
and enables re-sequencing of text ("$51" to "fifty one dollars" or "51" to
"ein und fünfzig")

3.  Added Zero or One Match Condition.

    This allows the specification of optional prefixes or suffixes that
only occur once.

4.  Fixed Word Separator Problem.

    Translator42 does not recognize the same set of word separators as the
original Translator37.  This causes unusual pronunciation, in some cases,
when punctuation marks or numbers are combined with text.  By default,
Translator 43 recognizes only the standard Latin alphabet and the
ISO-8859-1 international characters as members of the alphabet.  All
characters not in this "alphabet set" are treated as word-separators.

5.  Fixed Buffer Overrun Problem.

    Translator42 may crash your system if the buffer that is provided by the
program using this library is not large enough to handle the resulting
text. Translator42 can fail to notice the end of the buffer and continue on
writing into unauthorized memory space.  This problem is now fixed.

6.  Reduced The False Text Command Problem.

    Translator42 allows accent and scope changes to be made by in-line text
commands delimited by simple braces and backslashes.  This can be a problem
when reading general text (EMAIL or BBS) that may contain these characters
or ASCII art.  Translator43 reduces the severity of this problem by
requiring that a rubout character, 7F hex, precede in-line text commands.
This change was added to make the translator useful as a reader of raw
ASCII text files in addition to files creatively pre-processed for special

7.  Added Assembly Code Modules.

    Several simple repetitive routines, including the built-in unsigned
byte strchr() routine, have been replaced by hand optimized assembly
modules for increased processing speed.

8.  Dropped External Language Reference Rule Capability.

This feature was dropped because the performance impact and complexity of
the extra code required to make it independent of user preference
selections and complications with the other modifications. Only the
Italiano.accent used this function and this patch will also try to fix that
reference if upgrading from version 42.4.


  A complete installation of Translator42 version 42.4 or an is required.  See
the section 3 of supplied with Translator42. The Installer
utility is required to run the patch script.


    Translator43 as of June 97 must be considered as in Beta Test state.
It has been developed and checked out on an A4000/040 with KS3.0/WB3.1 and
sporadically tested on an A1000 with KS1.2/WB1.3.  If no major problems
are reported in the next 6 months, then this will stand as the finished

Installation:  See for more details.

1.  (Optional Precaution) Back-up your SYS: partition, or Libs: directory.

2.  Install Translator42.4 if this has not been done.  This step is _NOT_
    required if you have already upgraded to Translator43.0.

3.  Unpack the Tran43pch archive to a convenient directory you have
    created (e.g. ram:unpack).

4.  Stop and close out (exit/quit) all programs that might be using the
    translator.library.  If possible, don't start any such programs
    before the installation.

5.  Run the Installer Script by clicking on the Install icon in the
    unpacking directory.  This patches the installed sub-type  (v.33, v37,
    or 020) of Translator42.4 or Translator43.0 to the equivalent
    Translator43.1 sub-type and patches the v42.4 italiano.accent.

6.  If the old translator.library was resident in ram: do to prior use, it
    may be necessary to use "avail flush" or "flushlib translator.library
    remove" or reboot the system before the upgrade takes effect.

7.  (Optional) copy the file to a directory of your choice for
    future reference.

8.  (Optional) Download and Unpack the Specialized Translator43 Accent
    files and copy them to Locale:accents.


    This software has not been tested in other systems or with all
possible settings and combinations as commercial software is normally
tested during the beta test stage.  As with most software of this type, the
user must assume FULL responsibility for backing up important files etc.
should this software malfunction or expose an unknown weakness in other
software.  It may be wise to backup the LIBS: (sys:libs) Locale:accents
directories before installing.  I have not observed any unexplained
problems on my system since version 43.0 of this library was last compiled
in March 97.

Reference Files.  The following files are (or will be) Translator43 specific:

1. Ax_1Berlin.lha (Berlin.Accent).  Experimental German accent.

2. Ax_0Chaucer.lha (Chaucer.Accent)  Experimental Middle English accent

3. Ax_0Paris.lha (Paris.Accent)  Stopgap Experimental French accent

4  Ax_2USA.lha (!USA.Accent)    Huge (150K) USA accent. May be slow on
   68000 based systems.

5. SWread.lha   Simplified version of Wreadfiles 5.1 (no internal USA
   English translation enhancement) vocal text reader; !USA.accent
   required for Wreadfiles equivalent USA English functionality.
   See AMINET/utils/misc for SWread.lha, SWread_020.lha, or
   SWread_040.lha.  Amiga native HIRES display capability is required.

Contents of util/libs/Tran43pch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4695    6660  70.5% -lh5- 1284 Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/020_translator.pch
[generic]                  615     736  83.6% -lh5- ede2 Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/020_translator1.pch
[generic]                 1388    6557  21.2% -lh5- 6eda Jul  3  1997 _Patch43/install
[generic]                  491    1226  40.0% -lh5- e7be May 20  1997 _Patch43/
[generic]                  197     224  87.9% -lh5- bacc Mar 10  1997 _Patch43/italiano.pch
[generic]                 9285   14636  63.4% -lh5- e89d May 16  1994 _Patch43/spatch
[generic]                 3039    6664  45.6% -lh5- 7953 Jul  3  1997 _Patch43/Tran43pch.readme
[generic]                  171     380  45.0% -lh5- e822 May 20  1997 _Patch43/
[generic]                10576   27336  38.7% -lh5- 8a50 Jul  3  1997 _Patch43/
[generic]                  164     380  43.2% -lh5- 88d5 May 20  1997 _Patch43/
[generic]                 4431    6212  71.3% -lh5- de7a Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/v33_translator.pch
[generic]                  582     688  84.6% -lh5- 31e8 Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/v33_translator1.pch
[generic]                 4664    6648  70.2% -lh5- 777c Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/v37_translator.pch
[generic]                  612     728  84.1% -lh5- 2411 Jun 30  1997 _Patch43/v37_translator1.pch
[generic]                  276     632  43.7% -lh5- 552c Jun  8  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        15 files   41186   79707  51.7%            Jul  4  1997
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