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Short:Highlevel replacement for Setfunction V6.145
Author: snfuchs at
Uploader:snfuchs sokrates franken de
Download:util/libs/PatchLib.lha - View contents

This version is no longer considered beta, as most bugs seem to have been
fixed now and all features planned for V6 are implemented.

This is the V6.145 release of the patch.library programmer's pack.
Its main features are:

- Remove your patches ANY TIME even if another program has installed a patch
- Limit the tasks using the patch by taskname, taskid or a pattern of tasknames
- automatically flushes caches, when required
- priority system lets you decide, which patch to run first
- enable or disable patches
- Remove many patches with one function call (project management)
- automatically extend stacks, if required
- Patches can be completly written in C or any other 3rd generation language
- ...

Support programs offer even more features!

To sum it up:
	It's easy to use, expandable and safe.

News since the V5 release:
- Optimised patch.library for performance and memory usage.
- Patch.library has been almost completely ported from
  Assembler to C.
  (Propably fixing some bugs and introducing new ones along the way)
- Patch.library now requires Kickstart 2.04 (V37) or higher.
- With the new PATT_Original tags, patches can be installed very
  similair to SetFunction().
- With the new dynamic patchcode creation system patches should
  execute faster and require less memory
- Enhanced Stackextension feature.
  Patch.library by default no longer uses AllocMem() to extend stacks.
  Instead it uses preallocated buffers. This should increase speed and
  fix crashes with VMM.
- Included PatchList V2.3, which fixes a deadlock problem
  with this version of patch.library
- patch.library now uses memorypools with all OS versions
- Included inlines for GNU/C
- Included complete source, which can be compiled either with
  SAS/C or GNU/C (see

Also within this archive:
- ShowNeededFiles patches dos.library to print messages whenever Open(),
  LoadSeg() or Lock() is called. Assembler source is included.
- CPUClr patches graphics.library/BltClear() to use the CPU instead of the Blitter
  (saves some time on a faster Amiga). Assembler source is included.
- PatchList displays informations about patches of library functions
	installed with patch.library.

Contents of util/libs/PatchLib.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  183     347  52.7% -lh5- df7b Nov  3  1995 patchlib/source/stubs/CreatePatchProjectA.asm
[generic]                  201     377  53.3% -lh5- 33fe Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/InstallPatchTagsA.asm
[generic]                  190     313  60.7% -lh5- 1243 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/SetPatch.asm
[generic]                  184     331  55.6% -lh5- 0b54 Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/WaitRemovePatch.asm
[generic]                  179     301  59.5% -lh5- a018 Oct 18  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/FindPatch.asm
[generic]                  191     320  59.7% -lh5- dd94 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/FindPatchTags.asm
[generic]                  188     319  58.9% -lh5- 9f74 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/GetPatchA.asm
[generic]                  184     316  58.2% -lh5- aa85 Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/InstallPatch.asm
[generic]                  186     326  57.1% -lh5- 6bd3 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/FindPatchTagsA.asm
[generic]                  190     313  60.7% -lh5- b950 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/GetPatch.asm
[generic]                  196     348  56.3% -lh5- 6e13 Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/RemovePatchTags.asm
[generic]                  192     354  54.2% -lh5- a9d6 Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/RemovePatchTagsA.asm
[generic]                  182     316  57.6% -lh5- 0558 Jan 25  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/PatchFreeVec.asm
[generic]                  178     311  57.2% -lh5- bd1b Oct  9  1993 patchlib/source/stubs/RemovePatch.asm
[generic]                  183     341  53.7% -lh5- e521 Nov  3  1995 patchlib/source/stubs/RemovePatchProject.asm
[generic]                  181     347  52.2% -lh5- 6dd0 Nov  3  1995 patchlib/source/stubs/RemovePatchProjectA.asm
[generic]                  186     341  54.5% -lh5- 0c03 Nov  3  1995 patchlib/source/stubs/CreatePatchProject.asm
[generic]                  344    1643  20.9% -lh5- 1ecc Oct 13  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/patch_lvos.asm
[generic]                  188     319  58.9% -lh5- 46f2 Jan 17  1994 patchlib/source/stubs/SetPatchA.asm
[generic]                  182     317  57.4% -lh5- f871 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/WaitRemovePatchREG.asm
[generic]                  180     329  54.7% -lh5- eb77 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/AddPatchNotifyA.asm
[generic]                  180     329  54.7% -lh5- 5df8 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/RemPatchNotifyA.asm
[generic]                  183     328  55.8% -lh5- fe61 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/SetPatchProject.asm
[generic]                  180     334  53.9% -lh5- f133 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/SetPatchProjectA.asm
[generic]                  185     323  57.3% -lh5- 0e8b Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/AddPatchNotify.asm
[generic]                  245     708  34.6% -lh5- fda0 Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/patch_lvos
[generic]                  167     286  58.4% -lh5- bea6 Oct 13  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/PatchAlloc.asm
[generic]                  184     323  57.0% -lh5- 038a Aug 31  1996 patchlib/source/stubs/RemPatchNotify.asm
[generic]                 1021    2410  42.4% -lh5- fe88 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/AddPatchNotifyA.c
[generic]                 5527   26696  20.7% -lh5- e24b Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/CommonFuncs.c
[generic]                  202     371  54.4% -lh5- 395c Mar 19  1997 patchlib/source/stubs/InstallPatchTags.asm
[generic]                  689    2456  28.1% -lh5- d521 Mar 19  1997 patchlib/source/stubs/smakefile
[generic]                 4982   17907  27.8% -lh5- 292c Jun  6  1997 patchlib/source/InstallPatchTagsA.c
[generic]                 3682   15831  23.3% -lh5- dfc8 Aug 22  1997 patchlib/source/IRFuncs.c
[generic]                  723    1591  45.4% -lh5- c39b May  1  1997 patchlib/source/LibInit.c
[generic]                  664    1558  42.6% -lh5- f394 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/makefile
[generic]                  865    2093  41.3% -lh5- 7d9f Aug 26  1997 patchlib/source/PatchAlloc.c
[generic]                  757    1861  40.7% -lh5- 136f Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/CreatePatchProjectA.c
[generic]                  409    1085  37.7% -lh5- e709 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/patch_includes.h
[generic]                  112     191  58.6% -lh5- 02f2 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/PatchV6_rev.h
[generic]                  124     233  53.2% -lh5- 546b Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/PatchV6_rev.i
[generic]                    4       4 100.0% -lh0- 95d8 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/PatchV6_rev.rev
[generic]                  822    1845  44.6% -lh5- 0851 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/FindPatch.c
[generic]                 1700    6009  28.3% -lh5- 035c May  1  1997 patchlib/source/FindPatchTagsA.c
[generic]                 3369   17231  19.6% -lh5- de9b Aug 26  1997 patchlib/source/Patch_Lowlevel.c
[generic]                  580    1271  45.6% -lh5- 4cfb May  1  1997 patchlib/source/RemovePatch.c
[generic]                  585    1273  46.0% -lh5- a737 May  2  1997 patchlib/source/RemovePatchHandler.c
[generic]                 4248   28630  14.8% -lh5- 12dc Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/Funcs.asm
[generic]                 1559    4374  35.6% -lh5- 8bf4 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/RemovePatchProjectA.c
[generic]                 2357    7459  31.6% -lh5- 9258 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/RemovePatchTagsA.c
[generic]                  699    1660  42.1% -lh5- da35 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/RemPatchNotifyA.c
[generic]                  184     277  66.4% -lh5- 7ee8 Aug 24  1997 patchlib/source/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                 2526    8504  29.7% -lh5- 0a53 Nov 14  1997 patchlib/source/GetPatchA.c
[generic]                 4718   20203  23.4% -lh5- 8e3c Aug 17  1997 patchlib/source/SetPatchA.c
[generic]                  952    2425  39.3% -lh5- 4d5e May  1  1997 patchlib/source/SetPatchProjectA.c
[generic]                  621    2968  20.9% -lh5- 0d3e Aug 17  1997 patchlib/source/smakefile
[generic]                  275     630  43.7% -lh5- 1179 Mar 22  1997 patchlib/source/smakefile.tmp
[generic]                  577    1362  42.4% -lh5- c44a May  1  1997 patchlib/source/GetPatchProjectA.c
[generic]                  704    1821  38.7% -lh5- 5c72 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/InstallPatch.c
[generic]                  421     883  47.7% -lh5- 28b1 May  1  1997 patchlib/source/PatchFreeVec.c
[generic]                  206     436  47.2% -lh5- 8f7f May  2  1997 patchlib/source/smakefile.wth
[generic]                 2164    6961  31.1% -lh5- a9b2 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/StartUp.c
[generic]                  601    2271  26.5% -lh5- ad1d May 16  1997 patchlib/source/include/clib/patch_protos.h
[generic]                  819    4315  19.0% -lh5- b66f Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/include/inline/patch.h
[generic]                 2828    8698  32.5% -lh5- cefb Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patchtags.i
[generic]                  662    1562  42.4% -lh5- 060f May  1  1997 patchlib/source/WaitRemovePatch.c
[generic]                  324     783  41.4% -lh5- 3c2d Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/fd/patch_lib.fd
[generic]                 2615    8274  31.6% -lh5- 47c1 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patch.h
[generic]                 3156    8965  35.2% -lh5- 3a5f Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patch.i
[generic]                 3031   10348  29.3% -lh5- efc7 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patchtags.h
[generic]                  607    1434  42.3% -lh5- 7f2e Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patchObsolete.h
[generic]                  578    1140  50.7% -lh5- 4a28 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/patchObsolete.i
[generic]                  615    3239  19.0% -lh5- 6c89 Oct 31  1996 patchlib/source/include/pragma/patch_lib.h
[generic]                  172     291  59.1% -lh5- 69ca Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/include/proto/patch.h
[generic]                  355    1694  21.0% -lh5- 680b Mar 22  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/compiler.h
[generic]                  303     607  49.9% -lh5- 1d93 Jun  5  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/IRFuncs.h
[generic]                 3967   11759  33.7% -lh5- 6eb7 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/patch.i
[generic]                  378    1577  24.0% -lh5- b88b Dec 10  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/PatchFuncs.h
[generic]                  561    1527  36.7% -lh5- 8c9b Aug 27  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/CommonFuncs.h
[generic]                 4127   14445  28.6% -lh5- 8cf5 Aug 20  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/patch.h
[generic]                 1383    3553  38.9% -lh5- 13ce Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/patchbase.h
[generic]                 1283    2924  43.9% -lh5- 0de5 Nov 14  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/patchbase.i
[generic]                  601    2271  26.5% -lh5- ad1d May 16  1997 patchlib/include/clib/patch_protos.h
[generic]                  324     783  41.4% -lh5- 3c2d Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/fd/patch_lib.fd
[generic]                  816    2791  29.2% -lh5- 6d86 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/ASMMacros.i
[generic]                  379     900  42.1% -lh5- 38df Aug 26  1997 patchlib/source/include/private/Patch_Lowlevel.h
[generic]                 2615    8274  31.6% -lh5- 47c1 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patch.h
[generic]                 3156    8965  35.2% -lh5- 3a5f Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patch.i
[generic]                  607    1434  42.3% -lh5- 7f2e Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patchObsolete.h
[generic]                  578    1140  50.7% -lh5- 4a28 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patchObsolete.i
[generic]                 3031   10348  29.3% -lh5- efc7 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patchtags.h
[generic]                10809   43290  25.0% -lh5- 7397 Dec 11  1997 patchlib/autodocs/patch.doc
[generic]                  819    4315  19.0% -lh5- b66f Dec 10  1997 patchlib/include/inline/patch.h
[generic]                 2828    8698  32.5% -lh5- cefb Dec 13  1997 patchlib/include/patchtags.i
[generic]                  615    3239  19.0% -lh5- 6c89 Oct 31  1996 patchlib/include/pragma/patch_lib.h
[generic]                  172     291  59.1% -lh5- 69ca Dec 10  1997 patchlib/include/proto/patch.h
[generic]                 4946   24268  20.4% -lh5- 90a6 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrTEST
[generic]                  642    4432  14.5% -lh5- 6fa8 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/lib/patch.lib
[generic]                 7945   14556  54.6% -lh5- 8031 Dec 10  1997 patchlib/libs/patch.library
[generic]                 5958   15320  38.9% -lh5- 36c2 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/
[generic]                 1235    2466  50.1% -lh5- 9570 Dec 13  1997 patchlib/PatchLib.readme
[generic]                  379     744  50.9% -lh5- 5e08 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrTEST.c
[generic]                  524     720  72.8% -lh5- ffcb Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrV4
[generic]                 2340    6772  34.6% -lh5- 197c Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrV4.asm
[generic]                 1040    2010  51.7% -lh5- 9217 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrV4.doc
[generic]                 1114    2229  50.0% -lh5- ccf3 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/cpuclr/CPUClrV4.dok
[generic]                  116     145  80.0% -lh5- 6e0f Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/longdelay/LongDelay.lnk
[generic]                  811    2783  29.1% -lh5- 81f3 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/snf/ASMMacros.i
[generic]                  710    1156  61.4% -lh5- 53e0 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/snf/snf
[generic]                 1991    6969  28.6% -lh5- 5cc8 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/snf/snf.asm
[generic]                 3313    4904  67.6% -lh5- 6f17 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/longdelay/LongDelay
[generic]                 1258    2920  43.1% -lh5- 6a88 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/longdelay/LongDelay.c
[generic]                  682    1076  63.4% -lh5- 64e1 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/longdelay/LongDelay.o
[generic]                  100     126  79.4% -lh5- 4362 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/examples/longdelay/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                  546    1192  45.8% -lh5- 3fd0 Oct 17  1996
[generic]                 1170    3531  33.1% -lh5- 00d7 Feb  3  1997 patchlib/Developer.doc
[generic]                  666    1807  36.9% -lh5- 8924 Oct 17  1996 patchlib/
[generic]                 7961   12900  61.7% -lh5- a485 Nov 14  1997 patchlib/patchlist/PatchList
[generic]                 2120    4751  44.6% -lh5- 46cd Nov 14  1997 patchlib/patchlist/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       119 files  157702  505291  31.2%            Dec 20  1997
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