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notifyintuition.library, written by H.-W. Schober
100% asm, needs at least OS : KS 2.x
------ notifyintuition.library ------
Wofür ist diese library ? What is this library good for ?
========================= ===============================
Viele Programmierer vermissen Many programmers feel the lack
eine Moeglichkeit, auf das Oeffnen of not having the possibility
oder Schliessen eines Bildschirmes to wait for the opening or
oder Fensters warten zu können. closing of a screen or window.
Mit dieser library ist es nun moeglich, This library gives you the power
ohne das die Programme selbst die to wait for those actions without
intuition.library patchen muessen, auf your program having to patch
solche Ereignisse warten zu koennen. intuition.library.
Ein paar von den Flags die eingestellt Some of the flags that can be set
werden koennen sind : are
Funktionen der library sind : The library´s functions are:
FastIPrefs benutzt diese neue library FastIPrefs uses this new library
mit der Prioritaet 100/-100 with priority 100/-100
Schickt bitte neue Ideen oder Fehler- Please send new ideas or your
beschreibungen an : bugreports to :
============================ Archive contents ============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
6557 2348 64.1% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyAnsi2Screens.s
6980 2115 69.6% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyCenterWindows.s
6640 1913 71.1% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyFollowYou.s
2173 1010 53.5% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyWaitForWindows.s
7004 2138 69.4% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyWindow2Mouse.s
1922 942 50.9% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/autodoc.info
8510 2237 73.7% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/autodoc/notifyintuition.doc
1739 1265 27.2% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/autodoc/notifyintuition.doc.info
273 172 36.9% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/fd/notifyintution_lib.fd
7060 2430 65.5% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Include/asm/libraries/notifyintuition.i
8407 2659 68.3% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Include/MaxonC/libraries/notifyintuition.h
4928 3150 36.0% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/libs/notifyintuition.library
1922 943 50.9% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools.info
2248 1375 38.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyAnsi2Screens
1347 837 37.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyAnsi2Screens.info
2072 1209 41.6% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyCenterWindows
1347 837 37.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyCenterWindows.info
1820 1073 41.0% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyFollowYou
1347 837 37.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyFollowYou.info
868 596 31.3% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWaitForWindows
1347 837 37.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWaitForWindows.info
2080 1215 41.5% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWindow2Mouse
1347 837 37.8% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWindow2Mouse.info
400 400 0.0% 01-Jun-96 18:59:00 file_id.diz
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
80338 33375 58.4% 03-Jun-96 16:18:38 24 files
Contents of util/libs/NotInt24.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2348 6557 35.8% -lh5- 5c97 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyAnsi2Screens.s
[generic] 2115 6980 30.3% -lh5- c91b Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyCenterWindows.s
[generic] 1913 6640 28.8% -lh5- 67a8 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyFollowYou.s
[generic] 1010 2173 46.5% -lh5- 474c Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyWaitForWindows.s
[generic] 2138 7004 30.5% -lh5- 6477 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/asm_source/NotifyWindow2Mouse.s
[generic] 942 1922 49.0% -lh5- b6dd Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/autodoc.info
[generic] 2237 8510 26.3% -lh5- 0942 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/autodoc/notifyintuition.doc
[generic] 1265 1739 72.7% -lh5- d7ad Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/autodoc/notifyintuition.doc.info
[generic] 172 273 63.0% -lh5- df0a Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/fd/notifyintution_lib.fd
[generic] 2430 7060 34.4% -lh5- c849 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Include/asm/libraries/notifyintuition.i
[generic] 2659 8407 31.6% -lh5- a563 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Include/MaxonC/libraries/notifyintuition.h
[generic] 3150 4928 63.9% -lh5- cf73 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/libs/notifyintuition.library
[generic] 943 1922 49.1% -lh5- fccf Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools.info
[generic] 1375 2248 61.2% -lh5- bf32 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyAnsi2Screens
[generic] 837 1347 62.1% -lh5- 3c95 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyAnsi2Screens.info
[generic] 1209 2072 58.3% -lh5- a1d2 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyCenterWindows
[generic] 837 1347 62.1% -lh5- 3c95 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyCenterWindows.info
[generic] 1073 1820 59.0% -lh5- bbd2 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyFollowYou
[generic] 837 1347 62.1% -lh5- 6dd7 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyFollowYou.info
[generic] 596 868 68.7% -lh5- 0dd8 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWaitForWindows
[generic] 837 1347 62.1% -lh5- 3c95 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWaitForWindows.info
[generic] 1215 2080 58.4% -lh5- cf82 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWindow2Mouse
[generic] 837 1347 62.1% -lh5- 3c95 Jun 1 1996 NotInt24/Tools/NotifyWindow2Mouse.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 23 files 32975 79938 41.3% Jun 11 1996
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