TOOLTYPES! Read on...
v0.1 January 17th 2000 Initial public release
v0.2 January 19th 2000 Fixed the pause before loop bug.
Should also solve many enforcer hits -
were any being caused???
January 19th 2000
Why this? It's actually an OK idea, but the only other program I know
of that does this was coded by a very bad person. He's known infamously
throughout the Amiga coding world for his blatant
ripping/copying/HEXEDITING of other peoples code and then releasing it as
his own, as if he deserves credit. And anything he has actually coded
by himself, is very poorly implemented indeed.
So what does it do? Quite simply it plays an animbrush on your WorkBench
screen. It can look quite nice if you have the right backdrop and
anim to play. Actually now that I think about it, it has great potential
for not only having a little anim playing but if you position everything
right you could animate the actual backdrop picture. Nice. =]
Usage? Well, plonk the WBAnimitor exe and info file in your WBStartUp
directory and edit it's tooltype information:
X = X and Y co-ords to display picture at. Any value is excepted altho the
Y = program will not boot if the anim won't fit on the screen... You
can use minus values as well. IE X=-1 will position the anim one
pixel from the RIGHT of the screen. Nifty, no? Defaults to X=-2
and Y=-1.
LOCATION = Place on your harddrive where the animfile is. Animfiles must
be IFF animbrushes of any size and any depth provided it
all fits into your chipmem. Defaults to
LOCATION=WbLogo.anim (A full path can be accepted too!)
PRECISION = This tells the rendering routine how picky it should be over
the pen allocations. EXACT is spot on, IMAGE is... well,
I don't know how it works exactly, but there's EXACT, IMAGE,
ICON and GUI, GUI being the worst. =]
FEATURES!!! Yes, it has a couple, despite it being an early early release ;]
Key = · Pretty nice feature
* Feature that the competition doesn't have ;]
· Y2K compliant <hehe>
* Position can be relative to ANY edge of the screen
* ANIMBRUSH is -REMAPPED- to suit the WorkBench's colours!!!
No STUPID mucking around with the anims! PLUG AND PLAY BABY!
* No really bodgy double buffering FUCK UPS (it's a BUG, damnit!) if the
animation plays "too fast"
* Does not overwrite the WorkBench's bitmap, creates a backdrop window,
99% OS friendly, MIGHT work on a gfx card? Can anyone tell me?
· CPU unintensive. I don't know what WbLogo was like but this won't
hog much time at all.
· This one is less likely to crash if you run out of mem or a file can't
be found ;]
My competition? WbLogo.lha in util/boot. Grab it. Keep the anims. But
use WBAnimitor instead ;]
This program is orGAZmWARE (Only Reject Gaz's Merchandise)!
Please note : This file is NOT hexeditable, I think you'll find the
important strings are kept in safe places. I just DARE you to disasm it
tho Gaz ;] You'd get lost. Easy... It's too much for you... In fact, if
you're reading this, go away. Nobody likes you. Except maybe 5 or 6 other
bums that don't deserve the status of still being associated with Amiga
these days... You guys give this community a bad name, and that's just
down, man. That's just down.
· About requestor :)
· Transperancy
· Window border optional
· Support via datatypes as well as direct animbrush loading
· Playback speed (it just goes as fast as possible atm, and if you'll
kindly notice - NO -SHIT- IS DRAWN AT ALL! I havn't even run
WbLogo once, cuz I couldn't be fudged remapping anims to suit my
WorkBench colours, cuz I have a random selection, so I don't know
how bad that bug is, but it's stupid, it shouldn't even be there
and Gaz should burn in hell for releasing it like that! It was bad
enough releasing it when it didn't remap the anims automatically...)
There might be a bug or two. It's very likely. I just whipped this thing
up in about 8 hours. That isn't much time. There's a chance the program
doesn't like Apollo's 060 boards. In which case it'll crash nicely =]
Yes, I love to hear feedback. Good or bad, so long as it's kept
constructive. is my email address, go yer hardest.
I need to know if anybody else would like stuff added, or found bugs,
or just uses it and loves it the way it is, cuz if I don't get any mails
I won't continue support. And it'd be pretty sad if it doesn't reach v1 ;]
I will not be held responsible for the damage resulting from the use of
this program, whether direct or indirect. Simple as that.
Here's the part everybody enjoys. Go grab WbLogo.lha (util/boot) and take
a looksee at it. Then send an email to the author of each program (WbLogo
and WBAnimitor) and rate each out of 10. Include comments and suggestions
for improvement to the one you rated highest and FLAME THE FFUUCCKK OUT THE
I can take it. =]]]
If I can see you've done the above successfully, (I want both our email
addys in the same To: field!) you'll become a registered member, which
entitles you to automatic receipt of updates and your name in the about
requestor =] And anything better I can think of to chuck in later ;]
Oh I'd also like to see who can successfully hexedit or reasm the code in
such a way that it credits it to them, not me. I allready know Gaz can't
do it, but there are some clever peeps out there who might just like to
waste an hour or two =]
Then I can compile a 'People who are smarter than Gaz' list ;]
Have a good day and happy Working!