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= TheChoice V2.23 =
Release: 08.10.1997
Copyright 1993-97
Carsten Wich
Hagebuttenweg 34
D-44289 Dortmund
E-Mail: c_wich@river.prima.ruhr.de
Bank Account No. 315 1048 400
BLZ 441 600 14
Volksbank Dortmund
The Choice is a small Program Selector especially useful for Game Partitions
on Harddisks, SyQuests or even CD-ROMs.
I first wrote it in Modula2 (M2Amiga) because I just found no simple program
selector that fully suits my needs. Although the first version of it worked
good enought for me, some of my friends liked the program very much and made
some proposals for future versions. I switched to SAS-C because the support
for M2Amiga is not that good anymore. Especially the lack of actual includes
for OS3.1 really bothered me. I have completly rewritten the code in the C
programming language and made a lot of improvements.
TheChoice runs on every possible screenmode, even on graphic cards !
TheChoice Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Carsten Wich can be freely distributed,
as long as the whole archive 'TheChoice2.lha' is copied and all of the
files are in their original form without any changes.
Upload to BBS's and includions on any cover disks or CD's is WELCOMED.
This software is published without any warranties. The author does NOT take
any responsibilities for any defects on soft- or hardware, that may result
by this program or by using this program.
I have tried to write the program code according to the AMIGA User Interface
Style Guide and the AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference Manuals V2.04 so that the
program should run correctly on any future operating systems. It is also
tested with Enforcer.
Although this program may be freely distibuted and used it would be very nice
of the people who permanently use it to send me a small fee (I would say at
15,- DM or $10,- US) as a little acknowledgement for my work. You can send
it cash, as a EuroCheque or via a Bank Transfer on my Bank Account.
This would increase my motivation to develop the program even further.
Listing of archive 'TMP:_Up/TheChoice2.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
14024 8458 39.6% 08-Oct-97 14:34:40 TheChoice
411 198 51.8% 14-Oct-95 10:28:04 TheChoice.config
904 603 33.2% 09-Sep-96 13:25:20 TheChoice.info
12748 5087 60.0% 08-Oct-97 15:23:14 TheChoice.ReadMe
1432 538 62.4% 14-Oct-95 10:29:22 TheChoice.ReadMe.info
13960 8420 39.6% 08-Oct-97 14:33:00 TheChoice_020
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
43479 23304 46.4% 08-Oct-97 15:23:56 6 files
The program only needs a minimal Amiga System :
- Any Amiga with at least 512 KB RAM
- OS >= 2.04 (V37)
- diskfont.library min. V36 when you want to select another font than the
default one
- OS >= 3.0 (V39) for CLOSEQUIET option (optional)
- lowlevel.library >= V40 for Joystick support (optional)
2.23 - 08.10.1997 - Seventh AmiNet Release
- Changed Script to ENV:TC
- The border drawn around the active gadget is now 2 points thick
- Compiled with SAS-C V6.58 using optimization
2.22 - 27.02.1997 - Sixth AmiNet Release
- Bugfix: TheChoice tried to call AllocMem with a length of 0 if the
gadgets would be larger than the screen
- Bugfix: Memory management was faulty
- Special 68020 Version included
2.21 - 25.12.1996
- Changed Window Refresh to Smart
- Changed Script to ENV:TC.script
2.20 - 09.09.1996 - Fifth AmiNet Release
- Added Joystick and Keyboard control (Joystick control requires
'lowlevel.library' >= V40)
- Added the CLOSEQUIET option
2.13 - 21.01.1996 - Fourth AmiNet Release
- Bugfix: TheChoice crashed if a new configfile could not be read in for
some reason
2.12 - 20.01.1996 - Third AmiNet Release
- Renamed the RAMSCRIPT Tooltype and shell argument to SCRIPT
- Some more code optimization resulting in the executable beeing about
7K (!) smaller
- TheChoice now returns errorcodes to the calling environment
2.11 - 16.01.1996 - internal beta version
- Some code optimization resulting in the executable being 150 bytes
2.10 - 16.01.1996 - internal beta version
- Compiled with SAS-C V6.56
- Some code cleanup
- Added the possibility to read in a new config file
2.00 - 14.10.1995 - Second AmiNet Release
- Completly rewritten in SAS-C V6.55
- Runs on any screenmode using any font.
- The maximum number of programs / gadgets now depends on the chosen screen
mode and font.
- Can be configured using shell arguments or tooltypes.
- Supports borderless windows and onebitplane screens.
- No source code made publically available anymore.
Contents of util/boot/TheChoice2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 8458 14024 60.3% -lh5- 0124 Oct 8 1997 TheChoice
[generic] 198 411 48.2% -lh5- c763 Oct 14 1995 TheChoice.config
[generic] 603 904 66.7% -lh5- ad76 Sep 9 1996 TheChoice.info
[generic] 5087 12748 39.9% -lh5- dda3 Oct 8 1997 TheChoice.ReadMe
[generic] 538 1432 37.6% -lh5- 462b Oct 14 1995 TheChoice.ReadMe.info
[generic] 8420 13960 60.3% -lh5- 4670 Oct 8 1997 TheChoice_020
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 23304 43479 53.6% Oct 9 1997
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