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Author : Ronny Oretap, Bjorn Reese and Martin Wulffeld
Type : util.virus
Filename: SnapShot 2.3
Replaces: SnapSh22.lha
Filesize: SnapShot 20.568 bytes unpacked
Origin: Safe Hex International main center 39:141/127.17
Released: 09-04-95
Authors: Ronny Oretap, Bjorn Reese. This new update is made by Martin
Wulffeld, Safe Hex International.
___ t___a
e/\ \h n/\ \t * Did you know that today no file is safe anymore?
f//\\ \e i/ \ \i * Did you know there is a lot of trojans today?
a// \\ \x/ \ \o * Do you want to protect your harddisk 100%?
s/ \ \\ \ / \ \n * Do you want to use a simple and effective way?
/ \ /¯¯/ /__ /¯¯/a
\\ \ / / /\ \ /l
\\ // ./ // \ \/!
\\//.:/ \// \ \ If yes, please read the folowing little text.
\/::/®!//\ \ \ Futhermore you will be able to catch >>ALL<<
¯¯¯ // \ //¯¯/ future viruses and -trojans.
\ \// /
\ // ./
\ //.:/
SnapShot is a `startup-utility` aimed at harddisk
users, and is a SUPPLEMENT (NOT a replacement) to a
good virus checker/killer. It can also be used by
floppy users, but is intended to be used on a
harddisk system. SnapShot is not only automatic,
it`s also much, much faster than a conventional virus
Snapshot will automatically check your harddisk for
viruses every day, week, month or whatever intervals
you decide. If the disk structure is not 100%
identical to what SnapShot expects to find you will
get a message telling you that something is wrong,
and you can do a more extensive check of the disk.
The advantage over other virus checker programs is
that SnapShot will do this automatically, say every
week. So if you forget(?) to check your harddisk for
viruses, SnapShot will do it for you!!
Please....... remember SnapShot can't prevent a virus
infection, but SnapShot will reduce the possible
damage in most cases.
ATTENTION: SnapShot is special very excellent for BBS purpose
to avoid hacking by the new very used infiltrator
programs, which enables a hacker to take over your
bulletin board.
IN THIS UPDATE: This version is bug fixed and add "DEVS CHECK" for the
new worldwide spreaden "Circle of Power" trojan family
Required Dos:1.2 and all later versions
Computer:All Amiga types
Ram: Need 1/2 MB
Contents of util/boot/SnapSh23.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 130 160 81.2% -lh5- 626a Apr 8 1995 file_id.diz
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- 3c8e Apr 8 1995 file_id.diz_min
[generic] 291 457 63.7% -lh5- f769 Apr 8 1995 file_id.diz_sce
[generic] 257 667 38.5% -lh5- ccfd Apr 5 1995 SnapSh23_ATTENTION.TXT
[generic] 1575 3779 41.7% -lh5- d82b Apr 4 1995 SnapSh23_IMPORTANT.TXT
[generic] 1366 3142 43.5% -lh5- 7522 Apr 9 1995 SnapSh23_LONG.TXT
[generic] 12048 38230 31.5% -lh5- 282e Apr 9 1995 SnapShot.Guide
[generic] 382 585 65.3% -lh5- 4750 Feb 11 1994 SnapShot.Guide.info
[generic] 11394 20568 55.4% -lh5- dfab Apr 8 1995 SnapShot2.3
[generic] 421 1280 32.9% -lh5- 18c3 Apr 9 1995 -->formula_ii_amiga_bbs<--
[generic] 421 1280 32.9% -lh5- 18c3 Apr 9 1995 676724.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 28326 70189 40.4% Apr 12 1995
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