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util/boot/SiliconMenus.lha |
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Silicon Menus V1.0 (30-Aug-92) by Greg Cunningham
(Remember: CTRL-ALT-S)
Silicon menus is another "pop up" or "tear off" type menu system for all
programs which use standard system menus.
This program was designed to enhance the looks of AmigaOS 2.0 in an area which
CBM seemed to blow off. There were no changes since 1.0!
The menus will hopefully look good with any 2.0 aware program, but will
probably look reversed with any of the older software. It somehow makes
Imagine more readable, in my opinion. :-/ (No, I used LightWave for SM)
The features are about the same as all of the other PopMenu type programs:
Standard pull-down menues will appear if the pointer is in the screen's
You may select if the menus should pop-up when you are holding a qualifier
key down. (SHIFT, ALT, CTRL, AMIGA)
The "Iris menus" option is a stay-up-without-holding-the-menu-button like
"Click menus" in the others, but more like the Silicon Graphics OS where it
acts like you are holding it down. (Or like Windows, if you're more familiar
with that)
The subitem arrow option shows an arrow so you can see which menus have
The center menus option centers menus vertically.
Hot-key options window when CTRL-ALT-S is pressed.
Running the program from the shell:
> Run SiliconMenus [-option] [-option] ....
-H Help text
-I Enable Iris (tm) Menus.
-A Turn off sub-item arrows.
-C Center item windows.
-Q pop-up menus only with qualifier pressed.
-W No initial window.
-Kx Set hot-key [A-Z]. (default is 'S')
-X Exit Silicon Menus.
-D Turn off double border. Double: Like the borders around windows
Running the program from the Workbench: (The best way)
First set the ToolTpyes. These are your options.
IRISMENUS=ON/OFF Enable/Disable Iris menus mode.
SUBARROW=ON/OFF Enable/Disable display of subitem arrows.
CENTER=ON/OFF Display menus vertically centered.
QUAL=ON/OFF Standard menus if ALT, SHIFT, AMIGA, or CTRL are
not pressed.
WINDOW=ON/OFF Enable/Disable options window when first run.
HOTKEY=A-Z Set the hot-key key. Only 'A' thru 'Z' permitted.
DOUBLEBORDER=ON/OFF Enable/Disable doubled menu borders.
Now just click on the icon. If the WINDOW option is set to ON, you will see
a strange looking user interface flying towards you. (Sorry 68000 users,
I know this looks really slow. It's nice on an 040) This is a rip-off of
ButtonFly from the new Silicon Graphics OS upgrade. It looks alot better in
24 bit!
If you don't understand what the icons mean, here's a little ASCII drawing...
| ------------- ----------- |
| |Iris menus | |Centered | |
| ------------- ----------- |
| |
| ------------- ----------- |
| |Sub Arrows | |Qualifier| |
| ------------- ----------- |
| |
| ------------- ----------- |
| | Kill pgm | |Use opts | |
| ------------- ----------- |
I'm sorry if this window does not follow the Commodore user interface style
guide. If you don't like it don't use it!
Greg Cunningham, author of BaudBandit (II) & Disk Master (II) from
Porgressive Peripherals Inc.
Internet: BaudMan@cup.portal.com
Watch out for Jelloette coming RSN...
This program is public domain. It may be freely distributed as long as
no charge is made other than to cover time and copying costs. If you want
to include the program as part of a commercial package then contact the
author listed above. Fred Fish is specifically given permission to include
the program in his fine disk collection.
Contents of util/boot/SiliconMenus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10063 16028 62.8% -lh5- 96cc Aug 30 1992 sm
[generic] 1773 3735 47.5% -lh5- 3494 Aug 30 1992 SM.doc
[generic] 166 362 45.9% -lh5- 97f1 Aug 30 1992 SM.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 12002 20125 59.6% Sep 3 1992
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