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KGB Archiver console version for all POSIX systems
To compile:
g++ -O3 -o kgb_arch kgb_arch_posix.cpp
©2005-2006 Tomasz Pawlak
based on PAQ6 by Matt Mahoney
mod by Slawek (poczta-sn()gazeta.pl)
compiled to AROS using AmiDevCpp by FOrest (forest()aros.org)
KGB Archiver is the compression tool with an unbelievably high compression
rate. Unfortunately, in spite of its powerful compression rate, it has high
hardware requirements (I recommend processor with 1,5GHz clock and 256MB of
RAM as an essential minimum). One of the advantages of KGB Archiver is also
AES-256 encryption which is used to encrypt the archives. This is one of
the strongest encryptions known for human.
Contents of util/arc/kgb_arch.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//util/arc/kgb_arch.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
18011 Defl:N 6854 62% 03-18-06 01:45 e1383ff1 kgb_arch/gpl.txt
431708 Defl:N 142534 67% 03-05-07 20:13 152792e2 kgb_arch/kgb
91489 Defl:N 28399 69% 10-12-06 12:04 a46f8bf7 kgb_arch/kgb_arch_posix_by_slawek.cpp
267 Defl:N 217 19% 03-05-07 21:21 e7e96732 kgb_arch/README
-------- ------- --- -------
541475 178004 67% 4 files
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