84782 packages online
util/arc/ViewDiz-extras.lha |
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This package contain software used by ViewDiz's external modules and wizards.
This may be CLI-commands, libraries, fonts etc. The reason for this separate
package is that these things are seldom subject to changes. No need to
download it with each new ViewDiz version.
DoubleClick on the install-icon.
v1.0 (8.10.98)
Copy2Clip v1.0
DMSdescript v1.1
EXEdescript v1.0
MagicDiz v2.06
MODULEDescript v1.0
PlayTune v1.0
Textract v1.0
UnArj_FID v1.02
xDiz v1.5
rexxdossupport.library v3.4
DirectoryOpus v5+ buttons/small-image
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1532 1049 31.5% 04-Dec-95 00:52:06 ViewDiz-extras/C/Copy2Clip
16152 9578 40.7% 03-Jan-80 04:17:42 ViewDiz-extras/C/DMSDescript
15680 9167 41.5% 05-Sep-98 20:17:46 ViewDiz-extras/C/ExeDescript
9724 7202 25.9% 17-Feb-97 11:52:02 ViewDiz-extras/C/MagicDiz
1812 1766 2.5% 04-Oct-97 12:13:06 ViewDiz-extras/C/ModuleDescript
15416 9143 40.6% 01-Feb-96 23:29:36 ViewDiz-extras/C/Textract
16168 9812 39.3% 25-Apr-97 22:19:04 ViewDiz-extras/C/UnArj_FID
3956 2109 46.6% 26-Sep-97 17:34:52 ViewDiz-extras/C/xDiz
1617 881 45.5% 17-Sep-98 15:44:28 ViewDiz-extras/Developer/.template
3230 976 69.7% 24-Sep-98 16:14:56 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/MagicDiz.doc
2441 1098 55.0% 23-Sep-98 13:59:44 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/PlayTune.readme
7771 3251 58.1% 24-Sep-98 16:15:34 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/Textract.doc
12422 4931 60.3% 26-Sep-97 17:34:58 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/xDiz.guide
1094 413 62.2% 01-Oct-98 18:27:30 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Buttons/ViewDiz_Button
2248 665 70.4% 08-Oct-98 17:25:00 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Buttons/ViewDiz_StartMenu
338 305 9.7% 30-May-97 14:48:40 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Images/ViewDiz.small
264 31 88.2% 10-Mar-96 16:02:04 ViewDiz-extras/Fonts/JetTerm.font
2584 1328 48.6% 10-Mar-96 16:02:04 ViewDiz-extras/Fonts/Jetterm/8
4389 1617 63.1% 01-Oct-98 16:38:06 ViewDiz-extras/Install
1280 499 61.0% 08-Oct-98 18:04:32 ViewDiz-extras/Install.info
9656 5277 45.3% 20-Mar-96 12:31:02 ViewDiz-extras/Libs/rexxdossupport.library
2424 862 64.4% 23-Sep-98 14:00:08 ViewDiz-extras/S/PlayTune
3010 920 69.4% 23-Sep-98 13:22:58 ViewDiz-extras/S/PlayTune.rexx
899 527 41.3% 01-Oct-98 17:59:44 ViewDiz-extras/ViewDiz-extras.readme
1872 1360 27.3% 08-Oct-98 18:04:32 ViewDiz-extras/ViewDiz-extras.readme.info
1233 603 51.0% 08-Oct-98 18:04:34 ViewDiz-extras.info
261 150 42.5% 08-Oct-98 18:12:18 File_id.diz
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
139473 75520 45.8% 08-Oct-98 18:12:44 27 files
Contents of util/arc/ViewDiz-extras.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1049 1532 68.5% -lh5- 00a4 Dec 4 1995 ViewDiz-extras/C/Copy2Clip
[generic] 9578 16152 59.3% -lh5- 2e4c Jan 3 1980 ViewDiz-extras/C/DMSDescript
[generic] 9167 15680 58.5% -lh5- ab7e Sep 5 1998 ViewDiz-extras/C/ExeDescript
[generic] 7202 9724 74.1% -lh5- cc21 Feb 17 1997 ViewDiz-extras/C/MagicDiz
[generic] 1766 1812 97.5% -lh5- 07d9 Oct 4 1997 ViewDiz-extras/C/ModuleDescript
[generic] 9143 15416 59.3% -lh5- c8e2 Feb 1 1996 ViewDiz-extras/C/Textract
[generic] 9812 16168 60.7% -lh5- e675 Apr 25 1997 ViewDiz-extras/C/UnArj_FID
[generic] 2109 3956 53.3% -lh5- 0d2e Sep 26 1997 ViewDiz-extras/C/xDiz
[generic] 881 1617 54.5% -lh5- 97ca Sep 17 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Developer/.template
[generic] 976 3230 30.2% -lh5- 7747 Sep 24 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/MagicDiz.doc
[generic] 1098 2441 45.0% -lh5- e083 Sep 23 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/PlayTune.readme
[generic] 3251 7771 41.8% -lh5- ed62 Sep 24 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/Textract.doc
[generic] 4931 12422 39.7% -lh5- 61bb Sep 26 1997 ViewDiz-extras/Docs/xDiz.guide
[generic] 413 1094 37.8% -lh5- 51ff Oct 1 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Buttons/ViewDiz_Button
[generic] 665 2248 29.6% -lh5- 8d20 Oct 8 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Buttons/ViewDiz_StartMenu
[generic] 305 338 90.2% -lh5- a6ee May 30 1997 ViewDiz-extras/Dopus5/Images/ViewDiz.small
[generic] 31 264 11.7% -lh5- fde7 Mar 10 1996 ViewDiz-extras/Fonts/JetTerm.font
[generic] 1328 2584 51.4% -lh5- 0bc8 Mar 10 1996 ViewDiz-extras/Fonts/Jetterm/8
[generic] 1617 4389 36.8% -lh5- 47c1 Oct 1 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Install
[generic] 499 1280 39.0% -lh5- e2ef Oct 8 1998 ViewDiz-extras/Install.info
[generic] 5277 9656 54.6% -lh5- df6c Mar 20 1996 ViewDiz-extras/Libs/rexxdossupport.library
[generic] 862 2424 35.6% -lh5- 4557 Sep 23 1998 ViewDiz-extras/S/PlayTune
[generic] 920 3010 30.6% -lh5- ad3f Sep 23 1998 ViewDiz-extras/S/PlayTune.rexx
[generic] 527 899 58.6% -lh5- 921d Oct 1 1998 ViewDiz-extras/ViewDiz-extras.readme
[generic] 1360 1872 72.6% -lh5- 7eac Oct 8 1998 ViewDiz-extras/ViewDiz-extras.readme.info
[generic] 603 1233 48.9% -lh5- 44bf Oct 8 1998 ViewDiz-extras.info
[generic] 150 261 57.5% -lh5- 046d Oct 8 1998 File_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 75520 139473 54.1% Oct 25 1998
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