______ __ _____ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _
| \ / | / ____|| | /| | \ | | / ___|| | /|
| O | / || | | | / | | || || |__ | | / |
| |/ O || | | |/ / __ | O || | \__ \ | |/ /
| ___// _ || | | X |__| | || | \ || X
| | / / | || |___ | |\ \ | || | ___/ || |\ \
|__| |__/ |_| \_____||_| \_| |_____/ |_||_____/ |_| \_| V1.1
Made by Edgar M. Vigdal, 5830 LUSTER, Norway
This utility allows one to archive whole disks while preserving the
disk-structure. PackDisk offers varying modes of compression ranging
from very simple to very deep compression. There are 6 different packing
algorithms and the one that manages to compress a sector the most is used.
The difference between PackDisk and DMS is in the simplicity of PackDisk.
You don't need to copy a file to RAM: to unpack a disk. PackDisk will load
as many packed sectors as possible into memory and than unpack those sectors
to a disk, and then read in some more packed sectors if necessary.
And PackDisk is only 5404 bytes long!!!!
PackDisk uses the excellent XPK library for packing and unpacking. The
xpkmaster.library and the 6 sub-libraries are stored in the xpk directory.
You must copy these files to your Libs: directory and to every disk that
are going to use the PackDisk utilitie!
If you need any more info about the xpk library, you can download the
following files from your local BBS or check your public-domain supplier.
Xpk25dev.lha 144516 Compression package, developer's add
Xpk25usr.lha 220144 Compression package, user's edition
Xpkdisk.lha 61099 A compressing disk device
Xpkdisk374.lha 77029 Compressing disk device v37.4 uses XPK
Xpkdisk37_5.lha 93483 A compressing disk device uses XPK
Xpkhfmn.lha 3651 A brand new xpk de/compressor
Xpkrdcn2.lha 30244 Fast XPK compressor with low CF
XpkSMPL.lha 3066 xpk library for packing samples
XpkSQSH.lha 5287 XPK compress lib for sampled sounds
The following people have been involved in the developing of XPK.....
Name EMail Program
Urban Dominik Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch XPK, NUKE
Bryan Ford bryanf@hpmcaa.mcm.hp.com XPK, BLZW
Peter Struijk winfjmf@dutiws.TWI.TUDelft.NL IMPL
Christian von Roques roques@karlsruhe.gmd.de FEAL
Andre Beck beck@freia.inf.tu-dresden.de IDEA
Marc Zimmermann zimmerma@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de HUFF
Kristian Nielsen bombadil@diku.dk XFH
Martin A. Blatter blatter@amiga.physik.unizh.ch xDrop
Matthias Scheler tron@uni-paderborn.de xPack
If you use PackDisk on a regular basis you are required to register the
program. Registering will enable you to receive future updates and
the international version with support for different languages!
If you use PackDisk on a regular basis, please consider a US$10 registration
fee to help support future releases. Please add 1 disk for the update!!
I urge everyone who uses the program to send in their registration fees
so that I can continue to supply users with the latest and best programs.
If you have any suggestions, questions, or complaints, please write to
the above address and remember to include your name, address, and phone
number and computer configuration.
PackDisk is freely distributable provided the following rules:
1. No charge excepting reasonable media costs may be charged.
2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
I will be in no way liable for damages, incidental or consequential,
arising from the use or misuse of PackDisk, or for any claim by any
other party. Use this program at your own risk. No warranty is given
either expressed or implied. Terms of registration are subject to
change without notice.
PackDisk can only be used from the CLI/SHELL. Do NOT start it
from the WorkBench!!!!
PackDisk -p -2 <filename>
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | \___ Name of file to store the packed disk as.
| |
| \______ Packing mode 1 is the fastest and simplest mode.
| Max mode is 6, this is also the slowest.
\_________ Indicates the 'packing of a disk' mode.
The packing modes are as following....
1. RLEN (Fast compression & very fast decompression, low CF)
2. NUKE (Very fast decompression, good CF & fast compression)
3. BLZW (Fast compression & decompression, usable CF)
4. HUFF (Huffman coding, low crunch factor and speed)
5. IMPL (Imploder, good CF, slow compression, fast decompression)
6. SHRI (Excellent crunch factor, but low speed)
PackDisk -u <filename>
^ ^
| |
| \___ Name of file to unpack to an empty disk.
\_________ Indicates the 'unpacking of a disk' mode.
* 1 *
Packdisk -p -3 DH5:GameDisk.1
This will pack a disk to the file 'GameDisk.1' and store it on the
device DH5:. It will use the following modes to pack the disk....
1. RLEN (Sample library for packers)
2. NUKE (Very fast decompression, good CF & fast compression)
3. BLZW (Fast compression & decompression, usable CF)
* 2 *
Suppose you have made a disk with two compressed disk on it. The disk is
named 'Games:', and the packed disk files is named 'GameDisk.1' and
'GameDisk.2'. To unpack the disks you write the following....
PackDisk -u Games:GameDisk.1
This will unpack the file 'GameDisk.1' to a disk. The file will be read from
the disk named 'Games:'. This is VERY important, because then PackDisk will
know where to read the packed data from!!!!
PackDisk -u Games:GameDisk.2
This will unpack file #2 to another empty disk.
When you want to use PackDisk you must copy the following files on to the
PackDisk 5404 bytes
xpkmaster.library 13456 bytes
xpkRLEN.library 1384 bytes
xpkNUKE.library 3296 bytes
xpkBLZW.library 2128 bytes
xpkHUFF.library 2696 bytes
xpkIMPL.library 4048 bytes
xpkSHRI.library 13716 bytes
If you only use -2 as packing mode, you only have to copy the 2 first
libraries, xpkRLEN.library and xpkNUKE.library, but if you use -6 as
the packing mode you must copy all the compressor libraries!
PackDisk have been tested on the following machines....
A1000 512KB CHIPMEM, 1 880KB FD
The following methods are accepted when paying.
- Cash: Preferably by registered mail.
- International Postal Money Order: Send an International P.M.O
in NOK (other currencies are not accepted).
Contact your post office for further information. Please note
that Canadian / US Postal Money Orders are *not* accepted.
These are worthless in Europe.
- EuroCheques: Send a EuroCheque written out in Norwegian kroner.
(other currencies are not accepted). Make the cheque payable to
Edgar M. Vigdal.
- PostGiro: Transfer NOK to the PostGiro account 0826.0658124.
- BankGiro: Transfer NOK to the BankGiro account 3785.10.05774.
Please make sure that your full name, address, postal code, city
and country is included. If you have an Internet email address,
please include that one too, as I will soon be on the internet.
To those that support my hard work, I send my warmest regards to!!