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Short:NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)
Author:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
Version:1.30 Beta
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New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational
is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga.

After 26 years, many Postscript fonts are available through,
with four types of classifications, such as Deco, Sans, Scripts, and
Serif, including the best selection.

These fonts are made into Postscript fonts, converted from Truetype,
and it mades from TypeSmith.

It contains fonts are the original names and full character set.
This archive doesn't have index image inside for more examples.

It is inspired by the year spring 1991.

Version History in Beta:
1.00 = Initial Release with 30 Fonts.
1.10 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       because of the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       into all-new season for this series.
1.22 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       and replacing 19 new fonts.
1.23 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       5 new fonts.
1.24 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       new font.
1.25 = Same as Previous Version 1.24
1.26 = Rearranging all complete volumes with 14 fonts updating glyphs
       and replacing 3 fonts from old to new.
1.27 = Rearranging all complete volumes with new fonts. Several Fonts
       would be selected and revert by reducing glyphs for any

What's New:
1.30 = Rearranging all complete volumes with up to 870 font typefaces

This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of
these Font Typefaces for the following:

PS Font Name = Equivalent

LimehouseScript = Limehouse Script LET
LithosBlack = Lithos Black
London = Laser London
LoopDeLoopSolid = Loop De Loop
LoRes9WideBold = Lo-Res 9 Wide Bold
LosAngeles = Los Angeles Laser
Lucian = Lucian BT
LucidaBright = Lucida Bright
LucidaBrightBd = Lucida Bright Demibold
LucidaBrightBdIt = Lucida Bright Demibold Italic
LucidaBrightIt = Lucida Bright Italic
LucidaCalligraphy = Lucida Calligraphy
LucidaHandwriting = Lucida Handwriting
LucidaSans = Lucida Sans
LucidaSansBd = Lucida Sans Bold
LucidaSansBdIt = Lucida Sans Bold Italic
LucidaSansItalic = Lucida Sans Italic
LucidaSansTypwriter = Lucida Sans Typewriter
LucidaSansTypwritrB = Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold
LucidaSansTypwritrO = Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique
LucidaSansTypwritrZ = Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique
LuckyScript = Filmotype Lucky
LydianCursive = Lydian Cursive
Machine = ITC Machine
Major = Filmotype Major

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    8401  Defl:N     2777  67% 2023-09-06 21:06 a2f62fff  LimehouseScript.afm
   56275  Defl:N    52298   7% 2023-09-06 21:06 a0c8ba6c  LimehouseScript.pfb
    8312  Defl:N     2848  66% 2023-09-09 20:38 50945f8c  Linocut.afm
  125452  Defl:N   121540   3% 2023-09-09 20:37 8f1def3b  Linocut.pfb
    9486  Defl:N     2735  71% 2023-09-09 20:38 828c81dc  LithosBlack.afm
   42388  Defl:N    38411   9% 2023-09-09 20:38 dde1d768  LithosBlack.pfb
   11491  Defl:N     2744  76% 2022-03-22 16:23 df664a66  London.afm
   65573  Defl:N    61646   6% 2022-03-22 16:23 9f872451  London.pfb
    3204  Defl:N     1074  67% 2022-03-24 12:36 2015a5de  LoopDeLoopSolid.afm
   26806  Defl:N    22814  15% 2022-03-24 12:36 66e410d8  LoopDeLoopSolid.pfb
   11647  Defl:N     2432  79% 2024-02-21 15:59 86fe2bb8  LoRes9WideBold.afm
   40176  Defl:N    36187  10% 2024-02-21 15:59 91d04f57  LoRes9WideBold.pfb
   11899  Defl:N     3554  70% 2022-03-19 19:30 7541ef4e  LosAngeles.afm
  106160  Defl:N   102219   4% 2022-03-19 19:30 f2fae2aa  LosAngeles.pfb
   11579  Defl:N     3551  69% 2023-07-20 21:18 c4ef891f  Lucian.afm
   73385  Defl:N    69453   5% 2023-07-20 21:18 8a31251c  Lucian.pfb
   11437  Defl:N     3348  71% 2022-03-24 12:39 6bba460f  LucidaBright.afm
   53273  Defl:N    49298   8% 2022-03-24 12:39 3af579df  LucidaBright.pfb
   11415  Defl:N     3343  71% 2022-03-24 12:42 066b22c1  LucidaBrightBd.afm
   53361  Defl:N    49372   8% 2022-03-24 12:42 375a52b3  LucidaBrightBd.pfb
   11584  Defl:N     3533  70% 2022-03-24 12:44 252bbe32  LucidaBrightBdIt.afm
   53653  Defl:N    49662   7% 2022-03-24 12:44 01002f33  LucidaBrightBdIt.pfb
   11577  Defl:N     3509  70% 2022-03-24 12:46 76481583  LucidaBrightIt.afm
   53655  Defl:N    49667   7% 2022-03-24 12:45 432b32d7  LucidaBrightIt.pfb
   11755  Defl:N     3604  69% 2022-03-24 12:48 0f018f60  LucidaCalligraphy.afm
   54602  Defl:N    50580   7% 2022-03-24 12:48 4f4b22e8  LucidaCalligraphy.pfb
   11842  Defl:N     3783  68% 2022-03-24 12:52 4e70a231  LucidaHandwriting.afm
   66947  Defl:N    62937   6% 2022-03-24 12:52 5c1005b4  LucidaHandwriting.pfb
   11525  Defl:N     3349  71% 2022-03-24 12:56 6ec5b798  LucidaSans.afm
   47461  Defl:N    43482   8% 2022-03-24 12:55 81117ec3  LucidaSans.pfb
   11473  Defl:N     3321  71% 2022-03-24 12:58 47cac444  LucidaSansBd.afm
   47339  Defl:N    43344   8% 2022-03-24 12:57 ea8cfb20  LucidaSansBd.pfb
   11603  Defl:N     3487  70% 2022-03-24 13:02 850fcaa8  LucidaSansBdIt.afm
   47714  Defl:N    43714   8% 2022-03-24 13:00 6ab3ddca  LucidaSansBdIt.pfb
   11588  Defl:N     3448  70% 2022-08-11 15:03 fe3b9b45  LucidaSansItalic.afm
   47653  Defl:N    43641   8% 2022-08-11 15:02 c25cb0db  LucidaSansItalic.pfb
   11613  Defl:N     3017  74% 2022-03-24 13:07 bcc12851  LucidaSansTypwriter.afm
   48351  Defl:N    44325   8% 2022-03-24 13:07 30520e48  LucidaSansTypwriter.pfb
   10767  Defl:N     2830  74% 2022-04-22 16:09 321d6a72  LucidaSansTypwritrB.afm
   46242  Defl:N    42220   9% 2022-04-22 16:08 11c3b2a6  LucidaSansTypwritrB.pfb
   10882  Defl:N     2954  73% 2022-04-22 16:10 6c00ea15  LucidaSansTypwritrO.afm
   47119  Defl:N    43092   9% 2022-04-22 16:10 fae93ba4  LucidaSansTypwritrO.pfb
   10879  Defl:N     2951  73% 2022-04-22 16:11 9119db53  LucidaSansTypwritrZ.afm
   47192  Defl:N    43164   9% 2022-04-22 16:11 c59ae30b  LucidaSansTypwritrZ.pfb
    8629  Defl:N     2847  67% 2023-09-06 21:07 fe6c6f21  LuckyScript.afm
   69523  Defl:N    65554   6% 2023-09-06 21:07 9b67a142  LuckyScript.pfb
    5372  Defl:N     1954  64% 2022-04-13 09:58 0e92a33c  Lumparsky.afm
   74863  Defl:N    70934   5% 2022-04-13 09:58 e375dc20  Lumparsky.pfb
    4963  Defl:N     1597  68% 2022-07-18 11:04 46d76db2  Luxembourg.afm
   22988  Defl:N    19000  17% 2022-07-18 11:04 55d661a0  Luxembourg.pfb
   11537  Defl:N     3536  69% 2022-03-19 19:32 a8a10c45  Lydian.afm
   47789  Defl:N    43838   8% 2022-03-19 19:32 37834117  Lydian.pfb
    7663  Defl:N     2538  67% 2022-03-19 19:33 497aab7c  LydianCursive.afm
   55860  Defl:N    51893   7% 2022-03-19 19:33 20e8b3fa  LydianCursive.pfb
   10462  Defl:N     2841  73% 2023-09-06 21:08 2f51539a  Machine.afm
   33231  Defl:N    29244  12% 2023-09-06 21:08 be454c8d  Machine.pfb
    9576  Defl:N     2837  70% 2023-09-09 20:39 f9bd52ef  Madrone.afm
   73421  Defl:N    69482   5% 2023-09-09 20:39 8b8ae489  Madrone.pfb
    4048  Defl:N     1621  60% 2024-05-10 10:51 e7912f93  Major.afm
   24492  Defl:N    20514  16% 2024-05-10 10:51 1ceb53bb  Major.pfb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 1951153          1621488  17%                            60 files

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