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Short:Powerful AmigaGuide creator. WB2+
Author: edd at
Uploader:Richard Lane - richard amiga prestel co uk
Requires:GUIFront library (dev/gui/gfront12.lha)
Download:text/hyper/Heddley120beta.lha - View contents

 ============= Heddley V1.20ß. Copyright © 1994-5 Ed Dumbill. =============

 Over the past few years many Amiga software authors including myself have
used Heddley to create AmigaGuide files. When I registered Heddley way back
in July 1995 Edd sent me the latest version (V1.20ß) that he had completed.
Though there are a few minor imperfections in the program, considering that
it was a beta release it has proved extremely stable in everyday use. This
version also includes new features such as error checking.

 Many years have now elapsed since its last release on Aminet. Having been
delighted with Heddley I wondered what had become of the program and its
author. I knew that the details in the documentation were completely out of
date, but after a few minutes searching with Alta-Vista I found his current
web site which included a current email address.

 I wrote to him to find out what the current situation with Heddley was.
Sadly it is no longer being developed as Edd has moved onto other things
(see his web site for details). However, he did generously agree that I
could upload this newer version to Aminet that has a number of new features
that make it worthy of inclusion.

     There are some important points to note about this distribution.

 All the address's mentioned in the documentation are now out of date. His
current email and web site address's are at the top of this readme.

 The GUIFront library (V38.1), and GUIFront preferences Editor by Michael
Berg are also required. These can be found on Aminet dev/gui/gfront12.lha.

 I have not taken over the development of Heddley, I am merely acting as a
go-between to get this new version on to Aminet. Unfortunately, I do not
have the necessary programming ability either.

 Any further details that become available can be found on my web site at

 The copyright status of Heddley has not changed and the shareware fee is
still the same as mentioned in the documentation. Though I doubt there will
ever be a new version of Heddley, in my opinion it is well worth this small
amount. Please contact Edd directly by email should you want to send him a
shareware payment.


 Installation. Simplicity itself, Make sure you install GUIFront which comes
with its own installer script, then just drag the entire Heddley drawer to
your hard drive.

 Best Regards, Richard Lane -

 Author: AmiNET- biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
 Magnum_Opus support page -
                      Powered by AMIGA

Contents of text/hyper/Heddley120beta.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  564    2913  19.4% -lh5- 24fc Feb 15  1999
[generic]                33113   33113 100.0% -lh0- bbf8 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/edd.gif
[generic]                89695  188980  47.5% -lh5- f403 Feb 16  1995 Heddley/Heddley
[generic]                35003  102307  34.2% -lh5- 1f1d Feb  9  1995 Heddley/
[generic]                 1689    2952  57.2% -lh5- 49b3 Feb 15  1999 Heddley/
[generic]                 1777    5315  33.4% -lh5- 35de Feb 15  1999 Heddley/
[generic]                  635    1307  48.6% -lh5- fb94 Nov  8  1995 Heddley/
[generic]                 1016    4025  25.2% -lh5- 8308 Feb 15  1999 Heddley/
[generic]                 1112    2158  51.5% -lh5- 3da0 Nov  8  1995 Heddley/Heddley.readme
[generic]                  905    1567  57.8% -lh5- 26b4 Feb 15  1999 Heddley/
[generic]                 1066    4094  26.0% -lh5- c945 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/attribwin.ilbm
[generic]                 1536    5180  29.7% -lh5- c336 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/butteditwin.ilbm
[generic]                 2294    6852  33.5% -lh5- aa5b Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/doceditwin.ilbm
[generic]                 1182    4410  26.8% -lh5- cd09 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/docpick.ilbm
[generic]                 1854    6978  26.6% -lh5- 3141 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/frontpanel.ilbm
[generic]                 1616    5518  29.3% -lh5- f666 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/infowindow.ilbm
[generic]                 1475    5776  25.5% -lh5- 7810 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/prefswin.ilbm
[generic]                 1031    3884  26.5% -lh5- 6aac Aug 29  1994 Heddley/Pictures/styleeditwin.ilbm
[generic]                 1396    2894  48.2% -lh5- 1e53 Feb 15  1999 Heddley/ReadMe.First
[generic]                  408    6635   6.1% -lh5- 323d Feb 15  1999 Heddley/
[generic]                  875    2725  32.1% -lh5- 507a Aug 29  1994 Heddley/REXX/databaseinfo.rexx
[generic]                  679    2208  30.8% -lh5- 11bc Aug 29  1994 Heddley/REXX/editnode.rexx
[generic]                  311     974  31.9% -lh5- fab1 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/REXX/hedd_empty.rexx
[generic]                  466    1448  32.2% -lh5- c279 Aug 29  1994 Heddley/REXX/hedd_golded_temp.rexx
[generic]                  670    2206  30.4% -lh5- caac Aug 29  1994 Heddley/REXX/savenode.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        25 files  182368  406419  44.9%            Feb 16  1999
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