Uploader: D.Michels@dia.eur.nl (Pressman)
Author: D.Michels@dia.eur.nl (Pressman)
Type: /pix/art/
Distribution: Aminet
Long: Troll.iff Aga picture of a troll face
Daffy.iff 4 Colour picture of Daffy Duck
Trike.iff Imagine2.0 Rendered
Schotel.iff Imagine2.0 Rendered flying saucer
07-04-95.iff Unfinished aga picture
Scary.iff Partly Imagine2.0 picture
King.iff EHB picture of a king on his trone
Bar.iff 32color picture of a bar with dragon
Demon'93 AGA picture of some demons
Dempa.ecs 32Color picture
Dempa.aga 256Color picture
Cool.brs Skull brush
Baneblade.anm A twocolor tank animation
Flatboy.anm Animation
Biohazard.gif The band
Chaos.gif A mage on a flying disk
bat.gif unfinished picture
Slaanesh.gif Some weird looking dude