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Here's three pictures of Dave Haynie working feverishly on the PIOS ONE
prototype. I took these some 20 minutes before my flight back to London.
Many thanks to the guys at PIOS for driving me out to their headquarters in
Hildesheim from the CeBIT show at much in excess of the German speed limit.
:-) Sorry for the picture quality, I'd run out of film for my SLR camera
right after I took a photo of the motherboard, so this is taken with a
backup 'happy snappy'.
As for the PIOS ONE machine itself...
Actually it worked before (CeBIT) but Stefan Domeyer, boss of PIOS Computer AG,
informed me that Apple pointed out adding so-called CHRP compliancy was
easy. Unfortunately adding Apple's 'Hydra' CHRP componant broke the design
days before the CeBIT show in Hannover.
So here's Dave Haynie working late trying to get it working to get up and
running at the show. Ta da! No specs here, check out their web site or our
fine publication for the full monty. (http://www.pios.de)
Naturally the full story is in CU Amiga Magazine, sorry for the adverts
on the pictures but it's a condition of the company allowing me to use
them. Probably not a bad idea since our A\BOX concept render did the rounds
though the Universe with no-one knowing where it actually came from. :-/
I'll just take time to mention here that our Web site, long been neglected
due to the company moving office, staff changes and my hollidays, is due for
a complete redesign. The URL is http://www.cu-amiga.co.uk, hope you drop in
and give us some comments. Please don't hound for updates though, we're all
too painfully aware when we don't have time to work on it.
Finally, the CU Amiga mailing list is still not operation (again) after the
massive HD failure of 'Bitch'. The author of the listserver (MatSERV was
lost forever) did reply once but not again since I've urgently requested
the registered version (yes we did offer to pay). It will be back on soon
even if I have to write MatSERV again (sigh), please keep an eye on
the web site for more information.
Keep the faith,
Mat Bettinson - Technical Editor of CU Amiga Magazine (mat@mats.net)
Contents of pix/misc/haynie_pios.lha
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[generic] 1227 2267 54.1% -lh5- b661 Mar 26 1997 haynie_pios.readme
[generic] 85695 85695 100.0% -lh0- 843c Mar 26 1997 haynie_pios_1.jpg
[generic] 67316 67316 100.0% -lh0- 130f Mar 26 1997 haynie_pios_2.jpg
[generic] 77322 77322 100.0% -lh0- fa5b Mar 26 1997 haynie_pios_3.jpg
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Total 4 files 231560 232600 99.6% Mar 26 1997
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